How to get enough sleep: 7 tips for parents

How to get enough sleep: 7 tips for parents 16259_1

Strong sleep of the whole family

Lack of sleep is a problem, familiar to almost all parents. A little baby has not yet lined up the regime, he sleeps at all at a time that is convenient for you, but also does not know how to fall asleep.

Even if the child sleeps calmly, parents themselves can spoil their sleep. For example, terribly worried about the baby and wake up several times in the night to run to the bed and make sure that everything is fine with him.

But due to the lack of sleep, cope with the parental (and other) duties will be more complicated. Irritability, inhibition and other unpleasant symptoms are waiting for you with outstretched hugs. Gathered several tips to help establish sleep.

Create suitable conditions in the room

Do you think that for a good sleep you will only have enough pillows and a soft bed? That's not. The surrounding environment seriously affects the quality of sleep.

Your room should be an island of calm, where there is no place to be sump.

So in the evenings, check the room, turn on the humidifier, fill the windows, turn off the TV and smartphone and turn on calm music or nature sounds. It is still relaxing to help pleasant smells, you will use aromatic candles.

And if the child sleeps in your room, then all this will help calm down and stronger to sleep him too.

Go to bed at the same time

Everyone knows how important it is to follow sleep mode. But the parents of young children do not do it so simple.

So you laid a baby to sleep in the evening and realized that you did not have time to wash, wash the dishes and make a bunch of other important affairs. The temptation is great in the evening. But by the time you finish, the child can wake up, so you will sleep even later.

Make a list of cases that the truth is important to do every night before bedtime.

When it will pop up some new thing not from the list, calmly delay it for tomorrow. Here you will need the skills of healthy pofigism, which will develop with time. Just try to score on the perfect order at least for the experiment, and you will see that no one will suffer from this.

Go to bed without alarming

If you are an alarming parent, then you probably wake up several times during the night, to check whether everything is fine with it. Convince yourself that you worry you in vain, not so simple.

Special devices will be delivered from extra alarms. First of all it is a video in. Install the chamber by the baby's bed, and the monitor or the phone to which the broadcast is passed next to your bed. When you wake up in the middle of the night, you do not have to get up to check the baby. You can quickly look at the monitor, make sure that the child sleeps calmly, and follow his example.

Take assistance from other

Parents should immediately agree and decide who will wake up at night to reassure the child. Or make a schedule, then will be able to utilize everyone.

And certainly do not attempt to heroge if you are offered help relatives and friends. Ask someone from them to sit with a child in the afternoon a couple of hours while you take up. It will not be possible to fill the entire lack of sleeping sleep, but you will have a little less like a zombie (externally in your feelings).

Properly feel and engage in sports

It is necessary to eat correctly, of course, everything. Only parents usually do not have time to understand what is right and seek recipes for every day.

You can not spend strength and download the application in which only useful recipes are already collected. For example, "Proper nutrition" for Android and iOS. In it, recipes are divided into many categories, including there is a selection of dishes for different diets.

It is better to abandon coffee, at least in the afternoon.

Caffeine is not brown, but only masks fatigue. But short fitness training or yoga will help to cheer up.

Control circadian rhythms

Circadic rhythms are biological clock. They regulate all the processes in the human body, your sleep and wake time depends on them. You can customize this watch with light.

To the day for the day clone to sleep, try to spend more time in the light.

Sunny, of course, is best, but in cloudy days try at least a little compensate for its lack of lighting in the house.

But to fall asleep, you need less light. So no phones and even reading paper books under the lamp at the later time. The light will also help to establish a child sleep mode. Watch it to sleep in the dark. During wakefulness, go out to take a walk.

Contact your doctor

Snow problems are inevitable for many parents, but if because of them you are tired too quickly and constantly feel weakness, then you should consult a doctor.

He will not necessarily write to you sleeping pills. Enough and vitamins, melatonin, herbal teas or breathing exercises. But do not try to assign medicines yourself - only the doctor must pick them up and count the dosage.

Healthy sleep is very important for people. Non-shows is often called one of the causes of different diseases. Even diabetes and obesity. So do not ignore the problem and try these tips. And good night!

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