"In a dead end": half of Russians burned out at work


Half of working Russians are in a state of emotional burnout after the events of 2020, showed a survey over 2.5 thousand workers, conducted in early March, Digital Medical Company "Dr. Next", which is part of the VEB Ventures portfolio, and the largest Russian online recruiting platform HH. RU. Each second performs the tasks on the machine, each fourth think about changing the work or profession. Journalists, workers of the creative industry and doctors, as well as employees of the insurance and tourist industries are subject to the highest level of stress.

The survey was carried out with the help of Chat Bot, developed by the "Doctor Near". Several methods were legally in its framework, including the doctor of psychological sciences, Professor Viktor Boyko. According to Boyko, emotional burnout is manifested in the three phases. The first is "tension" (excessive fatigue from work, discontent with their activities and by itself as a professional). The second is "resistance" (a strong emotional decline that provokes the occurrence of protective reactions that make a person emotionally closed, detached and indifferent to its activities; reluctance is emotionally involved in work and communicate with colleagues and clients; the desire to pay work as little time as possible). The third is "depletion" (psychophysical overwork, deterioration of physical well-being, carrying out work on the machine, with a zero emotional contribution and feeling of devastation, impairment of their professional achievements, violation of professional communications and the development of a cynical attitude to those with whom it has to communicate).

Permanent tension is experiencing every second working respondent (50%), emotional closure (resistance) - almost two thirds (62%), exhaustion - 47%.

  • In particular, almost two thirds of the respondents (61%) seek to spend as little time as possible. Each second (50%) is experiencing anxiety.
  • Almost half (48%) under overwork conditions have become emotionally insensitive, they work on the machine and felt devastation when performing tasks.
  • 45% of respondents are experiencing personal alienation towards colleagues.
  • A third of respondents (31%) complained about deterioration of physical well-being, such as headache, sleep disorder and pressure problems.
  • A quarter of respondents (25%) feel "drunk in a dead end" - feel hopelessness of the situation and want to change the work or profession.
  • At the same time, the overwhelming majority of respondents (80%) are satisfied with themselves as professionals. Each second noted that rather does not feel "drunk in a dead end." The relative majority of respondents (40%) are not experiencing psychosomatic violations.

Over half of respondents (58%) rated the level of stress at work as an average, 37% - as low, 5% - as high.

On the medium or high level of stress, more often than others were indicated by the employees of the creative industry (81%), the insurance industry (76%), health and medicine (74%), bank employees (74%), media industry (71%) and the hotel industry (68% ). The low level of stress indicated mainly employees of the industrial segment (48%), the construction industry (46%) and mechanical engineering (43%). (see table below)

The IT industry took the tenth place in the share of respondents experiencing an average and high level of stress at work (61%). Women engaged in IT industries are experiencing such a stress level more than men (71% of women against 51% of men). Men, in turn, more often women were responsible for experiencing a low level of stress (49% of men against 29% of women).

A similar situation is observed in media industry, where there are 72% of respondents in the media or high level of stress. 73% of men employed in the industry and 57% of men also indicated on the medium and high level of stress.

In general, men estimated the level of stress as an average or high less often of women (48% of men against 73% of women).

Men are less likely to experience voltage at work (44% against 53%), emotional closure (resistance - 60% vs. 63%) and exhaustion (44% versus 48%). Anxiety and depression at work are experiencing less than half of men, whereas among women there are 52%. 19% of men against 27% of women spoke about the feeling of "trafficking in a dead end" against 27% of women. The presence of psychosomatic disorders - 19% of men against 38% of women.

Commented on a psychologist - a consultant of the digital medical service Dr. Near Marina Reshetnikova:

The survey results do not cause surprise. When the business in the conditions of restrictive measures reduced costs and part of people remained without work, there were additional tasks on the remaining employees, their load increased significantly - both in terms of tasks and emotional. Fearing loss of work and income, people began to associate themselves with the participants of the competition - they put more efforts, forgetting to rest, and continued to work even with a shortage of forces. The same who moved to the remotely, was also encountered with the disappearance of the borders between the work and the house: with the lack of a comfortable working space, an increase in working time and the need to constantly be in touch with the employer, as well as with the advent of distracting factors in the form of households that interfere with work. In conditions comparable to combat, people spent almost a year.

The main problem of burnout is that the staff is often not able to stop and relax and relax, whereas without high-quality rest it is impossible to maintain high productivity and good mood. Both the employee and the employer must be aware that increased demands and increased investments in the work should be accompanied by an increase in the time to restore physical and emotional forces. If an employee processes and can not stop himself, the employer should help him in this - to organize the order of work and rest and ensure that people rested.

Employees, in turn, should closely monitor their emotional state. Burning is usually unnoticed and enhanced gradually. Stopping and reflection allow you to notice the problem in time and to deal with it.

Not always a medicine from burnout can be a change of work. Much more important to change your attitude to it: learn to make small breaks during the working day; finishing work in the allotted hour, even if there are not fulfilled tasks; Do not work at night; Contribute to the redistribution of tasks and the adjustment of the deeds and generally discuss the problem points with leadership and colleagues. If work is associated with a high level of stress - doctors, teachers, social workers, and so on, it makes sense to contact the support group.

* The following techniques were based on the survey: the PSM 25 scale (Lemura Phillion Tape), designed to measure the structure of the experimental stress, the questionnaire "fatigue - monotonia - suggestion - stress", which is an adapted A. B. Leon version of the German questionnaire BMS II, and A comprehensive methodology for estimating the levels of emotional burnout and analysis of the system of factors affecting the formation of this state (Victor Boyko method).

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