Alkaline diet: What is to look for 30 years younger


A diet that is based on the predominance of alkaline products, is gaining more and more popularity every year.

Books write about it, they say bloggers and nutritionists, and world celebrities show your example alkaline diet for health and beauty.

We offer you to learn about this magical way to reset up to 30 years, simply changing the diet. What is a diet, which products can not be there, as well as successful examples of celebrities you will find in this article.

Scientific explanation of the use of alkaline diet

Alkaline medium prevails in a healthy human body. Acidity is responsible for the process of digestion of food and, accordingly, exchange processes.

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If the acidity level becomes above the norm, then the exchange processes begin to break. For example, food is worse than digested or a tangible lack of vitamins appears.

Therefore, alkaline food is a more natural diet that is even difficult to call the usual diet.

Alkaline power base

How can I understand from the very name of the diet, in the diet should prevail products with high alkali content. It prevents the accumulation of acid in the body.

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If we generalize, then refuse, as far as possible, you need from eating an animal origin (meat, dairy products, most of the fish), and the number of plant foods, on the contrary, increase.

See also: 7 simple products that can not eat every day.

Main principles

The perfect diet involves 80% of alkaline food and only 20% acid.

In addition to animal products, the acid food includes various fast foods, sweets, carbonated drinks, black tea, alcohol. Fitness classes, by the way, also raise the overall acidity of the body.

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If animal products do not fail completely, it is necessary to at least reduce the amount of such food. The choice should be done in favor of turkey or chicken fillets.

But it is not necessary to scare, because alkaline products on store shelves are more than enough. It is almost all vegetables, fruits and berries that are not amenable to thermal processing. Also, dried fruits, ginger, nuts, cereals, algae, vegetable milk and much more are included in the list.

By and large, an alkaline diet is a vegan diet. And, of course, no frankly harmful things like chips or soda.

Three stages "nutrition of youth"

If you want to check if the diet is suitable for you, it will be necessary to pass 3 stages.

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Each stage lasts a week, and the list of allowed products is very strict.

  • For the first week you can use only plant food without heat treatment. Occasionally, food can be baked or stew.
  • In the second week, it is allowed to enrich the menu by natural juices and vegetable smoothies.
  • Last week, cereals (porridge) or whole grain bread are added to the diet. The day is allowed to eat only one portion.

The effect will be noticeable immediately. But in order to preserve youth and beauty, such principles need to be used in everyday life.

See also: Slimming without harm and forever: 7 Verified Lifehakov

Starry examples

There are many women among celebrities for which an alkaline diet has become a permanent companion of life. A difficult nutrition system gives its results - at the age of 40+ these famous women look just great.

Victoria Beckham is considered a real maniac in food issues. The woman strictly adheres to the 80/20 ratio and does not allow itself dangerous to the beauty and youth of frills. It must be paid, it tries not in vain, because at 46 years old wiki looks very fresh and tightened.

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Gwyneth Paltrow is seriously enjoys various beauty-novelties, as well as folk methods for maintaining youth. The 48-year-old actress even founded GOOP's own Lifestyle, which manufactures goods for beauty and health.

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Popular actress Jennifer Aniston has long been famous for the fact that he knows how to look like a couple of dozen years younger than his real age. A 52-year-old celebrity admits that this is the merit of care, physical exertion and alkaline diet.

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The Australian Top Model El Macherson does not look at 56 years old. A woman is carefully monitored and literally prays an alkaline diet. Celebrity loves raw spinach, goat cheese, wild salmon fillet. Coffee it allows you to drink no more than one cup per day.

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And what diet or power system do you like most? Tell us about it in the comments!

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