What is Catering

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What is Catering

Any event, wherever it is carried out, you need to organize. A particularly important stage becomes the design of a table outside of a specialized institution.

Today, in order to carry out an event in nature or in a private area, you can agree with the Catering service, which will make the design of holiday tables and premises, removing all concerns from the Customer's shoulders, giving him the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday.

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History of Caitering Service

Initially, the catering service originated during the times of the French king Louis XIV, more known as the king-sun. It was at his time that the reign in the courtyards began to order dishes often, making custom-made pions.

Thirty years ago, Catering became more reminding that service that was familiar with the majority of Muscovites, since it was at that time he started on the territory of our country.

Now Catering in Moscow is considered a fairly popular service with a wide range of opportunities. Just placing an order, anyone can carry out an event outside the specialized establishment.

Catering - what is this service

Catering in a modern understanding is a phenomenon relative to the freshest. The Word itself, which is interesting, translates from English as "Supply Support" or "Dinner Service". Indeed, catering services work as ordinary food supplies from restaurants or cafes, but these services have one important difference - geographical attachment. Catering services are usually tied to the venue of the event (food is often preparing in place), and not to the original place of preparation of dishes, which can cool in the process of transportation to the desired event.

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In general, Catering is considered an ideal way out when you need to have various events, such as conferences and corporate parties, secular receptions and picnics, as well as simple evenings in the customer's house or at the hotel.

Main types and directions

There are a number of catering classifications, each of which is based on one of the specific criteria for this service:

  • venue of the event;
  • Method of service;
  • Customer status.

By set of services, catering is divided into three types:

  • cooking food + exit services;
  • cooking outside the specialist and departure with further service;
  • Supply of finished dishes.

There are three types of catering in matters of cooking and methods of organization:

  1. In the room (in the professional sphere, this species is called "on-premise"). In this case, food is preparing cooks on a specialized kitchen, which is equipped with the necessary dishes and appliances for the preparation of various dishes. After the food is pack and delivered to the object. There they receive specialists from a catering company and make out holiday tables.
  2. Outdoor (professionals in the field of catering encounters the definition of "off-premise"). Caters, including professional cooks, go to the territory specified by the Customer, unfold their mobile equipment there and have been prepared for the future events. The perfect option for relaxing on the nature of the bonfire and kebab.
  3. Delivery of finished dishes. As a rule, such a service is popular, for example, among factories, where you need to quickly order food and bring it to the factor's territory.

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By type of activity, Catering is taken to divide into four main types:

  1. Event. Book a buffet can be at an event dedicated to the wedding, anniversary, corporate party, conference or exhibition.
  2. Corporate. It is the daily delivery of lunches on a long-term basis for a small in size, an enterprise devoid of dining room.
  3. Transport. Catering in this case concerns a certain type of transport. Its passengers and employees are provided with food.
  4. Culinary. For greater understanding, this type of service under consideration is the delivery of dishes "for removal." Most often, culinary catering is ordered at mass events, where you need to sell freshly baked sandwiches, soft drinks, confectionery.

On the social status of clients can be divided into two types:

  1. Mass-catering. Large groups of people and mass events are the main clients of this type of service.
  2. VIP-Catering is one person or a small group of people. All of them are from the highest class or will be ready to pay expensive services. Maximum fresh dishes are prepared right in front of the guests. Summit, inaccessible to other things.

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Now - about the main thing. Catering services appeared in Russia only thirty years ago, but so much time has passed that food delivery has acquired individual species:

  1. Children's This type of catering service can often be found on matinee. Products are chosen taking into account the age of children.
  2. Industrial. Food is delivered by the work on the enterprises, which have its own dining room. The reason for this choice is the cost savings leading to the disappearance of employees in the kitchen.
  3. Social. This type of type is a non-profit organization, which is not able to prepare food itself. Such can be called, for example, any medical and educational institution, as well as shelters and correctional organizations. Separately it is worth highlighting the army.
  4. Eco-catering. Only environmental dishes for those who adhere to healthy nutrition.
  5. Vegetarian is only a vegetarian menu, no meat. Suitable for a certain circle of persons.

Catering companies, since it is necessary to earn good, taken not only for the organization of the holidays unique in the atmosphere, but also for those that are also called "turnkey". Transfer guests, decoration hall, scenario, hiring toamada, artists and musicians, as well as fireworks and more - with all this, if the customer himself does not want to mess around, the catering service will understand.

New Year is an event that everyone is looking forward to. And this is especially felt for a few weeks before the holiday.

Everyone begins to carefully develop ideas and plans of how this celebration will pass. Surely many wants to have fun, singing funny New Year's songs and drinking champagne glasses one by one.

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New Year's corporate - it's very serious, and it needs to be prepared very carefully. You never know what can happen during it, isn't it? Therefore, in order to get rid of possible problems with the holiday, you can simply order the catering service in Moscow and take advantage of a number of councils and ready-made ideas.

How to create a festive mood: Working Tips

  • Sophisticated teamwork. Alone, the organization of holidays is almost never conducted. You always need at least two, and the whole group of employees who will be ready to prepare for the event will always be. The script, the venue, the decor, is to understand with a huge number of questions with which one person will definitely manage.
  • An individual approach is always in everything. Each company tries to adhere to this principle, building up its relationship with potential customers. Here are the staff working in the same team, must try to issue as unique ideas as possible, be able to find quick and effective solutions to emerging problems.

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  • Initiate social ties. Corporate - the ideal opportunity for the boss to make the team more cohesive, and for employees - to spend time together. Joint games, both physical and intellectual, filed in the form of fascinating teams, will help people from different departments to unite and become a single team. A couple of successful jokes told to the right time and the place, a light unobtrusive conversation "About everything and anything immediately" with a glass of champagne in hand will help to relax as much as possible. And remember: during the holiday - no word about work!

If the ideas of how to conduct a corporate party, there is no, then you can just trust professionals. Muscat Catering specialists, taking into account all the wishes of the client, will try to choose everything that it will accurately interest it - and at the same time will be put in the specified budget. If you have trusted to our specialists, you can not worry about anything - they will make the best holiday!

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