Show pedagogy per billion rubles


Show pedagogy per billion rubles 14903_1
Schoolboy with textbooks

The results of the tender announced by the Ministry of Education, for the purchase of interactive training materials for Russian schools. Almost 1 billion rubles. From the Reserve Fund aims to develop tutorials of a new format, where special attention is paid to gaming practices. Unlike officials, parents and teachers relate to this with very moderate optimism.

The government wants to captivate schoolchildren

Adrenaline, rivalry and phased promotions - that's what makes a computer game so tall. Until now, the development of courses with the use of game elements was carried out mainly online platforms selling supplement by subscription. For schools, individual projects were performed on grants or sponsored by funds (as, for example, a tiller textbook on the basics of energy saving and environmental safety, where, after studying the next topic, children are invited to check the knowledge, passing the game level) and included in the curriculum optionally.

This year, multimedia cards, virtual laboratories, quests and simulators, game simulators - urban planning, cosmic, military, biological - should appear in Russian schools for all general educational subjects, from the 1st to the 11th grade. "It will help to make training interesting and fascinating, and most importantly - will meet the demands of modern schoolchildren," the government's website says.

The initiative proceeded from the Ministry of Press, which last summer suggested a "experiment on the modernization and development of the education system", introducing "game species of digital educational resources", including computer games and mobile applications, on objects "Mathematics", "Informatics" and "Technology " The agency did not even ask for additional funds - they will be exquisied at the expense of the allocations already provided for in 2021 under the federal project "Frames for a digital economy" - 2 397 949,800 rubles. As a result, the government added another billion - according to the federal project "Digital Education Environment".

Generation Z shines rich digital heritage. But does it need him?


The game allows you to show and polish congenital inclinations, experiment in safe space and apply the experience gained in practice.

Head of the laboratory of innovation in the formation of the Higher School of Economics Diana Queen:

- The game is a sample of life, simulation. It allows you to quickly try yourself in something - to be a pilot of an airplane or a doctor, live a role and understand how close it is for you. All this coincides with the teenage request to study, which should be as interesting as possible, involving and efficient.

If earlier, when collecting the waste paper and scrap metal, the competition was going between classes, and there were teams were collective, then a modern student is increasingly competing for the fives of themselves. In the trend, an individual educational trajectory and acquisition of key competencies of the XXI century: critical thinking, creativity, communications and cooperation. Is it possible to get through the game?

Executive Director of the Foundation "Noon" Olga Miracova:

- In the lessons, children will not be afraid to be wrong - the game does not give marks, like adults, in the game there is an opportunity to start life again. Children will grow more erudite, especially if the school will finally begin to create solutions in an interdisciplinary approach, as in Finland. Under educational needs, you can use existing games that are not conceived as purely educational. Even ordinary computer games teach strategic planning, cooperation and communication. Abroad teach applied things - designing, creating systems, the analysis of parts - on the example of minecraft. Our colleagues from Sweden for 25 years have been used in the formation of the plot-playing games of the living action (LARP).

Tribe of motivated gamers

Gamification is quite in the spirit of Generation Z. Clip thinking does not contribute to focus on a long lesson. When the red diploma is not particularly motivated, and the games from the courtyard are moved into the computer, the child perfectly perceives the system of fractional and instantaneous promotions for each step.

However, psychologists warn that as a result, the effect may be reverse, since studying and entertainment have different nature.

"Games blooped to master the budget"

Director of the Institute of Psychology, RGGU Tatyana Martzinkovskaya:

- Interactive or not, games kill motivation to study. The game is a completely different type of activity. In any form of activity there are three parts: orientation, execution and control. In the game, the main thing - orientation: how we played how the stages went. And you get instant pleasure from the process itself, and not from the result. It is very corresponding with creativity, which is also called search behavior. The training activities are aimed at the result. Motivation of the game and study can be close, but sometimes the opposite. In school work, it usually does not match at all.

There are basic logic things that children must understand, otherwise the entire cognitive part of thinking will become a white stain. Children today even correctly ask the "Yandex" question, they can not even write off. Educational games will not replace learning programs. Complex training computer programs should be based on elementary knowledge of cognitive psychology. And integrative games - they are easy to pour them, and they, unfortunately, are often blurred to master the budget.

Game designers have one of the important factors - game dynamics: density of solutions taken by a player per unit of time. It is obviously higher than the density of the solutions taken by the schoolboy during the lesson. Are these criteria important to develop training algorithms?

Founder of the Educational Online Platform Core Anton Sazhin:

- In classic games there are a tight framework of restrictions on time and physical fatigue. In computer games, the body bypasses this barrier, dopamine and serotonin cycles are the main success driver in the field of holding and player involvement, but we get huge problems with addiction.

In the mass of their such games parasitize at the work of teachers. The developers have no task to teach a child with basic things like a multiplication table, there is a task to drop it into the app and hold on the subscription as long as possible until it goes all levels. Most startups are limited to PBL (glasses, badges and ratings) and call it gamefice. Such techniques are considered unethical now, but they act, therefore are used.

There are always risks when introducing a new one. Do not parents have to pay extra for the passage of "new levels of the game"?

Scientific Head of the Institute of Development Strategy of RAO Svetlana Ivanova:

"Judging by the fact that manufacturers of electronic" developing "games raised children from 9-monthly age on them (and many parents believe the word" developing ", it is convenient for them), there is such a danger. It is important that the gaming practices, the new content that specialists create specialists on the basis of scientific developments, taking into account the age and psychology of children, so that the state controls this issue, otherwise the same processes will begin as in the thoughtless variability of textbooks in the 1990s. For the sake of profit of publishing business.

Calligraphy, not artificial intelligence

Classical education in pursuit of the performance of "digital" national projects is capable of losing their basic function - the transfer of basic knowledge. This warns teachers. Interest in interactive game techniques, they are associated with the spread of artificial intelligence, but the last word is left behind.

Teacher Geography Lyceum "Second School", Honorary Worker of General Education of Russia Leonid Perlov:

- By itself, the idea of ​​gaming learning is good, it uses the imperture of the century, and not this, but by last, and in many cases is useful. Another thing is what kind of games. We have not yet seen high quality game content, but the one that is, does not particularly contribute to the development. Recently, the Ministry of Press announced the economic game, which was supposed to replace the old Good "monopoly." Never replaced. Because - boring, it is not interesting, it is hard to use.

In the pedagogical environment, the term has already appeared, just concerning the transition to gaming forms, shows show pedagogy. And not only in electronic form, but also in full-time, too: teacher-artist. But the school is not the theater! Everything is determined by the qualification of the teacher. A competent, qualified, unbelled teacher orienses children where it deems it is necessary in terms of pedagogy, and they will deal with him to deal with calligraphy, write from hand and, of course, work with a computer. Such expected artificial intelligence will not be able to replace basic fundamental things.

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