As the famous pop group A-HA played a decisive role in the electromobilization of Norway

As the famous pop group A-HA played a decisive role in the electromobilization of Norway 959_1

What do you think, where did the electromobilization of Norway begins? As many people will seem strange, but a significant role was played by the famous group.


. There are few people who do not know the songs of famous Norwegians. But besides the fact that Morten Harket (the leader of the group) and his team are amazingly talented, they were also innovators in the automotive sphere of Norway, and they had to get through the bureaucratic barriers to them. And in the end, Norway is now one of the most electromotive countries in the world.

Back to the future - year 1989

This story tells this Robbie Andrew, the Senior Researcher of the Norwegian Center for International Climate Studies CICERO. The direct member of these events was the founder of the Norwegian independent non-profit environmental fund Bellona (Bellona) Frederic Haug.

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Morten Harket

In 1989, Morten Harket and Magne Furukholmen, were in Switzerland along with Ecologic Frederick Haug, where they stumbled upon the Fiat Panda converted to the electric vehicle. His declared range for the time was completely tiny, only 45 km. And the fronts a-ha bought it, and took the electrician home, to Norway. And here it begins the most interesting, and the protest-revolutionary places.

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Magne Furukolmen

The owners of the almost first electric vehicle in Norway in modern history did not allow the first time to put an electric vehicle electric vehicle. And without registration it was impossible to ride on the roads of general use. I had to look for loopholes. And she was found. Since the protein heater was installed in the electrical Fiat Panda, as it is in Avtomot, they registered a micro electric vehicle, an almost "relative" of Oka, as an autode. But this is not the funny thing.

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Founder of the Norwegian Independent Non-Profit Environment Facility Bellona (Bellona) Frederic Haug

So it was definitely not a gasoline car, but according to the laws of Norway of that time, diesel cars paid the registration fee, depending on their run, our heroes thought it should also refer to an electric vehicle. Thus, the gasoline double Fiat Panda, converted to Switzerland into electric vehicles, was registered in 1989 in Norway as a diesel home on wheels.

There can be exactly this smaller, and absurd in essence, the situation forced the authorities of Norway to cancel a one-time registration fee from 1990.

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1989 - Morten Harket, Magne Furukolmen, Frederic Hauga, and the same electric Fiat Panda But on this struggle for electric leadership did not limit itself.

It was necessary to pay more and road fees, including on paid roads. But A-HA musicians have repeatedly drove on its electric vehicle through payment stations without payment. Each time they received a fine, which they naturally did not pay. As a result, by local laws, the car was confiscated, and was put up for sale on the auction. But, since no one else wanted to buy such a car, there were only our heroes on this auction, where they again bought it. So lasted many times. They went, not paying for a passage, the car was confiscated again, then the car again put up the auction again, and the team of Morten Harket again redeemed him ... In all, the "carousel" took part and Frederic Haug, who helped the A-HA team to seek the relationship to electric vehicles .

And the economy here also turns out to be funny. The penalty for unpaid passage was 300 Norwegian crowns (for each unpaid passage), and they redeemed their electric car every time for 200 Norwegian crowns (that is, less than a fine). Naturally, all this was accompanied by an appropriate media background, where it was possible to laugh at this system.

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Infographics changes in the structure of the fleet of Norway from Robbie Andrew (Robbie Andrew)

As a result, in 1996, A-HA achieved his own, and electric vehicles were released from fare fees. Presumably, the government simply gave up, since the exemption from the payment of the road collection of one car would not go bankrupt the state. But Ilon Mask came, and said that the electric car was good, and there was a lot of electric vehicles! And Norway has become one of the most electric vehicles of the world. And this did not go bankrupt the state, but on the contrary, created new sectors of the economy.

So, the famous A-HA group contributed to the electromotive revolution in Europe, and in the world. Frederic Hauga was also marked by the honorable award from the Norwegian Association of Electric Cobrels.

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Says the Secretary General of the Norwegian Association of Electric Crafts of Christina Boo, "Frederick Hauga made a great contribution to the fact that Norway becomes a pioneer of electric vehicles in the world. And for this he deserves the honorary award of the Association of Electric Cobrels "

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