Bread may rise in Kazakhstan because of the actions of the Russian monopolist - media


Bread may rise in Kazakhstan because of the actions of the Russian monopolist - media

Bread may rise in Kazakhstan because of the actions of the Russian monopolist - media

Almaty. January 18. KazTAG - Bread can rise in price in Kazakhstan because of the actions of the Russian operator of grain trucks - the company "Rusagrotrans", reports the sectoral edition of

"Bread in Kazakhstan will rise in price due to the actions of the Russian operator of grain trucks. The milling industry in the south of Kazakhstan was on the verge of stopping due to the next increase in transport tariffs. The 15 largest mills of the Turkestan region and Shymkent prepare appeal to the administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to the Antimonopoly Committee in order to pay attention to the problem, "the report says.

Mukomola believe that the emerging situation "will lead to the rise in price of raw materials, and in the future - the increase in prices for socially significant goods, flour and bread."

"Traditionally, it is the southern regions of Kazakhstan that are the main consumers of flour in the domestic market. They are thickly populated, besides, the flour products occupy a greater share in the diet. It is not surprising that grain processing here is actively developing. At the same time, wheat is grown in the north of Kazakhstan, from where her milbs come from and carrying south. Almost the entire Park of Country Grain Countries (6.5 thousand wagons) controls the Astk Trans company, which from January 2017 is 100% owned by JSC Rusagrotrans - the Russian operator of a specialized rolling stock. Exceptional position on the market allows the company to dictate their conditions to traders and manufacturers of Kazakhstan, "the publication notes.

The Director General of the Dani-Nan Holding, Gaybill Yersmetov, said that in four months, from September to December, Astk Trans had raised tariffs for the use of grains three times. As a result, as noted, the rates rose by about 10%. January came, and the company prepared another increase - immediately by 11%.

"Every time brought a new reason. For example, the growth of costs for repair and maintenance of wagons. Well, okay, we were silent, although they understood that they could do it from their profits. But in January we received an additional agreement, according to which the tariff will grow by another 11%. We did not agree with this and wrote a collective refusal. However, we are now afraid that now we will not be approved by applications for grain trucks for January, "Ertmetov shared.

The media explains that when an entrepreneur orders the grains, he must take them on his impasse. In the north, this is an elevator or granary, where wheat loading is located, in the south - a flour combine, where the grain is unloaded. Mukomolas make it all very quickly, because the simple penalties are provided.

But the fact is that there are also railway workers between the company "Astk Trans" and the entrepreneur who carry out the movement of grain carriers. And here the delays often arise. The grain can be standing at the station, when the "Astyk Trans" already gave him, but Mukomol had not yet received.

"All this is supervising the company" KTZH ". It is she who serves emptying cars with its locomotives. Often these locomotives are not enough, which is why there are delays in the feed. This was especially noticeable since September, when traffic increased. The duration of downtime at the station can range from day to week. There is no guilt in this - we cannot influence this, "said the head of the holding.

In the current agreement of entrepreneurs with the Astk Trans group, a period of day, for which he must return a car filed to a dead end. During this time they are stacked with loading, and with unloading. However, as noted, "downtime at stations also suddenly became a problem of mucomols."

"We were put out fines for delays in October, November and December. For our company, taking into account the number of cars used, penalties per month were poured into sums on T1.5-2 million. We considered them illegal, and refused to pay. But nevertheless, from our accounts, this money was filmed. We were categorically opposed to what they were written about. "KTZH" and "Astka Trans" have contractual relations - and they must resolve all these questions. Where do we? In this case, we are the third side, "explained Ermetov.

As a result, adds the publication, Astka Trans and suggested "Exit" entrepreneurs.

"As it turned out - in their own account. He was stipulated in the further agreement that fleets received on January 5. In paper, it is noted that now entrepreneurs are given to the loading and unloading of the wagons of the three days, and not a day, as now. This period should cover including delays at stations. All would be good if at the same time the tariff for the use of each carriage did not grow on average for T60 thousand, "clarifies the publication.

According to the head of "Dani-Nan", "this proposal to Astk Trans presented as relief" for customers.

"Like, now there will be no fines. But at the same time, for an increase in the loading period, they raise the tariff from T57 to T67 thousand from each carriage. This is 11% of the total tariff size. That is, if there was approximately T450 thousand from Nur-Sultan to Shymkent, then the T520 thousand began. We per month of 200 cars loaded. Consider, we will now overpay T12 million tenge! " - Posted by the speaker.

Here is such a "relief", indicates in quotes of the publication, for Pockets of Mukomolov.

"It is clear that entrepreneurs will have all these costs to lay in the price of their products. As a result, the growth of raw materials delivery tariffs will deprive the southern mucomols of competitiveness in the domestic market. After all, the Northern Mukomols there are no current expenditures, and now it becomes more profitable to lead to the south of the finished flour, "the publication is noted.

As Ermetov noted, only one thing remains for the transportation of flutzos - close.

"The work loses its meaning. Because from the northern areas of flour can be carried in ordinary covered wagons, and not in grains. And the tariff is much lower on them, because they are submitted several companies, there is competition, and the tariff has not been raised lately. They are the opposite, they still make a discount. A Astk-Trans, which operates by all the grains of the country, enjoys its position in the market, "the company's representative stressed.

According to media information, the 15 largest mills of the Turkestan region and Shymkent, on which about 5 thousand people work, refused to sign an additional agreement with the Astk Trans Trans.

Mukomolas prepare appeal to the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Antimonopoly Committee.

"Mukomolas pay attention to the authorities at such a moment: Astk Trans command controls almost the entire Park of Grain Countries in the country. That is, in fact, dominates the market. So, the company's activities should be controlled by antimonopolyers. Including, under control there should be tariff formation. And every increase, the company must be clearly justified, "the material says.

At the same time, the head of the "Dani-Nan" holding, no real reason for increasing the Astk-Trans tariff increases.

"We are confident that while Astk-Trans will not be included in the register of the Antimonopoly Committee, the situation will not change for the better. They will still create what they want. We specifically recognized in the "KTZH", how much "Astk Tranau" costs the maintenance of their wagons - feeding, using paths and so on. Their profitability even before the price increase was at the level of 100%. That is why we consider it necessary that the state takes control of their tariff formation and protects us from the unreasonable growth of rates, "Ermetov emphasized.

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