How to lose weight in kefir and is it worth doing this?


Many people are looking for quick and effective ways to lose weight, which are based on special diets and food restrictions. Drinking diets are particularly popular, in particular, kefir. Many claim that it cleans the intestines, deriving slags and toxins from it, resulting in a process of weight loss.

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In this case, kefir has a light laxative effect. But is it so effective a kefir diet and it is worth using it? Each sensible person must understand that weight loss is due to fat burning, and not due to the deliverance from the excess fluid in the body.

At first, weight loss will occur due to the emptying of the intestine, then the body will begin to burn muscles or fat, getting rid of excess weight. But with a constant use of one liquid food, a person has a feeling of hunger, because it is completely saturated, because the liquid instantly leaves the stomach.

In low fat kefir, there is a low proportion of a protein that needs a human body. Energy in this case will not be enough. In order to replenish the energy reserves, the body will begin to burn muscle mass. And the smaller the muscles will remain, the more difficult the body will spend calories. And on the restoration of muscular mass takes a long time.

It turns out a kefir diet can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Many believe that the result received from a kefir diet is easy to securely fed. But to believe this myth is too difficult if a person feeds right, he does not need to sit on diets. It is not necessary to get involved in kefir and people having a gastrointestinal disease.

In small doses, the dairy drink will certainly be useful to them, but too large quantity can provoke recurrence of diseases. In this situation, the alcohol contained in kefir will irritate the gastric mucosa. Specialists advise not to include in their daily diet no more than 500 ml of kefir, only in this case it will benefit the body.

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Variations of a kefir diet

In addition to the use of kefir solo, there is a mass of diets that complement it with other useful products. With their help, you can not only get rid of extra kilograms, but also maintain the body in a healthy state. Approximate menu for losing weight in kefir:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat, poured at night kefir (100-150 g), 1 boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Fresh vegetable salad, 100 g of brown rice, 1 cup of kefir, 150 g of boiled chicken fillet.
  • Dinner. Non-fat cottage cheese 100 g, cup of kefir.

Such a menu allows you to stick a diet for a longer time, while not affects health. For 2-3 weeks, such a diet will help to get rid of several unnecessary kilograms, while carrying such a diet will be much simpler than one "naked" kefir. You can get rid of excess weight, correctly combining healthy nutrition and physical exertion, only in this case the result will be noticeable and will continue for a long time.

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