How useful fitness training for children


Parents are often very worried due to the fact that their children lead a low-wear lifestyle.

"The school sits all day," one mother's one is complaining. - To come home - and to the computer. Then it sits again - the lessons do. And before going to bed, we look at the other family, too, without movement. Can a dog start, let him walk?

- Are you doing sports yourself? - asked her girlfriend.

- Sometimes I ride on the exercise bike. The child also wants, but I forbid him - the same simulator for adults.

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- Maybe allow him to play sports with you together, instead of forceing to move on his own initiative? It is easier to take an example from parents.

The first mother thought. It stops only the established stereotype - will the child hurt her "sport for weight loss"? Let's try dispel this myth.

Dear moms, children are very useful to any exercises. In general, only excessive training in muscle mass expects should be avoided in children and adolescence. But during charging, it must be fun to be fun - this is the key to love for sports that a small person will retain for life.

Why physical activity is important for children

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Many sports options are often criticized. The main argument is based on the fact that excessive strength training can damage the joints and adversely affect growth.

In fact, there is little evidence confirming this point of view. In addition, exercises for children, regardless of whether they include strength training in the gym or on a football field, a volleyball court or tennis court, should never be extreme.

The main problem with which youth faces in the 21st century is not too high learning load, but a lack of exercise. Even small children in elementary school are sometimes overweight and sit too much. This leads to incorrect posture, poor muscle development and, by the way, self-esteem suffers because of unnecessary kilograms. Therefore, it is very important to encourage children to play sports. If the child takes an example from Mom, which makes charging on a bike, is also good.

The main thing is to have fun

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The muscles of children are restored very quickly compared to adults, so it is almost impossible to overrene. However, it should be remembered that there are load limits on the joints that cannot be exceeded.

Not all fitness options are the same. The usual visit to the studio when adults are engaged in equipment, it is less useful, since only individual muscle groups are purposefully trains, and the interaction of the whole musculature does not matter here.

A good training on the simulator can at best be used as a supplement, but should not be the basis of fitness training. Especially if children take an example from parents and connect. But fitness for children should be directed to a comprehensive strengthening of the body so that it remains flexible and all the muscles have been agreed.

Training should be diverse

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Anyone who considers fitness training solely as a way to build muscle should understand that it is not necessary for children. Of course, a healthy child can only raise a few kilograms in the form of dumbbells, but he should not have any problems with a short sprint or more long-running endurance. And be able to press, pull up, squat. This adult needs to overcome themselves to learn so things, the children have a lot easier in children when the sport is part of their lives.

The following aspects are the focus of good sports training.

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Children better overcome short distances to protect their joints. However, the faster they will, the sooner you can try to pass longer distances, as the time factor plays a decisive role.


Children still do not need to work in the field of maximum strength. The focus should be to improve the average intensity of training (power stamina), as well as speed.

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Children must learn to respond quickly. This can be practiced in martial arts.


Especially when children develop a relatively large number of muscles. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect stretching exercises and special training on flexibility.


When it comes to children's fitness, complex coordination exercises often forget. Therefore, it should be specifically practicing complex sequences of movements, for example, those required in children's gymnastics, jumps or in many sports with a ball and a racket.

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Depending on how serious about training, endurance increases. By the way, with improved skills, its own self-confidence is growing, which is the advantage not only in the sports field.

Sport for different age groups

From 3 years. At this age, children must know movement through the game. Therefore, groups with other children are ideally suited, where kids can take care. The focus should be given the ability to move and coordinate your actions. They are best complemented by strengthening exercises.

5-6 years. Now children can be much longer and better concentrated, so they can get their first experience in team sports, rock climbing or in the classic fitness area.

At this age, the main emphasis should be done for the general strengthening of the muscles. This can be done, for example, using planks, pushups, burst or similar combined exercises.

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From 10 years. Many hours of school at school is becoming an increasingly serious problem, so it is important to target abdominal muscles and backs.

If these exercises are supplemented with exercises on flexibility, problems with posture, pain in the neck or shoulder can be significantly reduced.

From the point of view of motility, children should be in such a form so that you can do any sport. If there are still problems in the same area, work on them purposefully.

From 16 years. Only at this age, young people can start intensive training for building muscle mass. The growth is mainly completed, the muscles and the skeleton are ready to withstand heavier loads. However, this in no way means that from now on all attention will inevitably be aimed at building muscles on equipment. This can also be achieved with the help of many other exercises at home.

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Therefore, you can not be afraid to attract children to your own charging and allow them to use their simulators. Movement only for the benefit of the growing organism.

If there are still concerns, you can come up with load options that will be useful and children and adults. It can be:

  1. Joint hiking. Let not 10,000 steps, but just half an hour walk before bedtime. This will help reduce the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Dancing. You can turn on in the morning music and 10-15 minutes to dance everything together. It will definitely not harm the child's health, and the mood will increase.
  3. Yoga. The easiest option is to make the "Greeting Sun" together. This set of exercises has no contraindications and does not take much time. Only ten minutes on the day of classes together with mom will give a good mood.

In general, you can safely experiment and look for your daily simple training options for children and parents.

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