Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport

Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport 9605_1
Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport 9605_2
Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport 9605_3
Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport 9605_4
Someone terrorizes Drivers Yandex Go at the airport 9605_5

When was the last time you were at the airport? The 2020th closed the borders, and for many they still did not open: to fly on vacation, nor somewhere in cases. However, some directions open, aircraft fly, the main air gates of the country live their lives. We got from there the news: at the airport again questions from a taxi.

There and back again

A trip to the airport for a taxi driver would certainly be a good route if it were not for one thing: from there still need to return, and very desirable - not empty.

- The order to the airport is on average costs about 30 rubles. The trip back - back is about 100 km of way and two hours of time spent, "the driver who collaborates with Yandex Go told the Onliner correspondent. - About 23-28% of this amount will take the aggregator. Turn the fuel (gas / gasoline) - 10-15 rubles. So consider the rest even without depreciation.

But this story is not about rates. Just so clearer why the taxi driver is very important, arriving at the airport with one client, find there another, to travel back.

Only twice for free

- As you know, taxi cars can enter the airport area (with stay there until 20 minutes) no more than two times a day. After that, every entrance / hour costs 10 rubles, "our reader continues.

The car brings the client, and from the driver, of course, there is a hypothetical chance for the marked 20 minutes waiting for the order to the city. But this is already a pure luck. Much more often leave the airport and wait for the order somewhere nearby, for example on the nearest gas station. Special places for a taxi near the air-bottle complex are, but this is for the official transport of the airport.

When an order is received, the driver enters the barriers again, implementing the right of the second free entry. He has 20 minutes to pick up his client and leave back.

- So that we came up with local "bombing" (yes, they still exist there, in a smaller number, but exist). They establish SIM cards with a foreign number, cause "Yandex" (Calls can be 10-20, depending on the number of cars behind the territory of the airport and termination of "customers"), - is divided by our reader.

The driver travels to the airport area, waiting for the client's laid time, holding in mind what you need to have time to leave. There is no client. Nothing remains except to go empty in Minsk, losing the opportunity for free entry to the airport on this day.

- At the same time, the GAI machines appear on the territory of the airport at the very moment when Drivers "Yandex Go" for the "Fakes" client are driven. Further follows the verification of documents, the ruling, and it is always to be fined for what, "says the interlocutor.

Place of waiting

The driver also noted that usually customers cause cars to the exit place (arrival) - 1-2, 3-4, 5-6.

- But here is not enough: there is forbidden to stop and parking. Explain to people that they need to go with suitcases in specially designated landing sites, it does not work. Many hurt, do not understand, and foreigners are generally lost, time dripping ... Well, you understood. This is used by traffic police. As a result, Drivers "Yandex GO" are leaving empty in Minsk (good, if without a protocol). Airport clients are forced to go to other cars at a different cost. Here is such a scheme. With me, such a situation happened for the first time, but I have already heard about such cases from my colleagues, "the reader added.

Comment by press service "Yandex GO"

"Such cases are single. We have a special technology that defines fake orders and block phone numbers in the system. Several numbers associated with the situation described are already blocked. If such cases arise, the drivers recommend contacting our support through the driver's application, "the" Yandex GO press service "told ONLINER correspondent.

Complemented. Similar History

A very similar story told another our reader, also the driver Yandex GO.

- I waited for the order at the airport, he followed, I drove into the territory. I call the client, and he begins to yell on me and sends into three letters with the words that he did not cause anyone. So, the essence of the problem is that the entrance to the airport is paid, the check is present, and it turns out that I lost time, money and activity in the appendix because of an inadequate client, "the interlocutor said.

He turned into technical support, and there they promised to return the written off points of activity, as well as provide promotion in compensation. In addition, it was followed by a conversation that the client will be held a conversation, recalling the rules for using the service. By the way, in the same way, the driver can be disabled for a serious violation of the rules, and the client can be disabled from the service.

The drivers note that at the current state of affairs (restrictions on entering the airport for taxi cars, difficulties with the search for landing sites, the activity of "customers" who are not going to go anywhere) work at the airport becomes a troublesome trick with specific risks and without any Guarantees.

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