8 signs that you are trying to sell the fish that is dangerous


The fish contains a large number of nutrients: vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3, iodine, iron, nicotinic acid and others. But not all fish is equally useful. Sometimes on store shelves, you can find copies that will not only spoil dinner, but will also lead to health problems.

We in adme.ru decided to figure out how to choose the right fish to eat it with pleasure and benefit.

Fish with caviar does not always happen safe

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We will try to figure out why caviar in red fish is an unpleasant bonus. Salmon is a big family. Some of them live in fresh water, and others migrate. Pacific salmon reaches puberty and from the seas and oceans go to the last path so that in fresh water to postpone the caviar. As soon as the fish enters the river, all the systems of its organism begin to degrade. The hormonal system is rebuilt, and digestive dies at all. Meat with such fish loose and watery. Color it becomes paler. This is because salmon ceases to eat. Red shade muscles give carotenoids - red substances, which are contained in the main food of salmon: crustaceans and algae. As soon as the fish ceases to eat them, the muscles lose color. There is all this possible without harm to health, but the quality leaves much to be desired. Dangerous fish becomes when spawning changes are manifested too clearly. Huge teeth grow in fish, the nose is transformed into a large beak, the color of the scales changes. Kiwhean, she becomes raspberry, and Keta has black and yellow. Horbi has a humpback. Bacteria begin to develop in such fish.

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Beware of red fish with spots on the skin: This is a sign that spawning changes occur in its body. The skin of high-quality fish should be homogeneous gray without red, purple, yellow spots. If any, then the beneficial properties of the product leave much to be desired. In order not to run into the fish with spawning changes, choose carcasses with a skin.

Freated fish under the type of chilled

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Under the type of chilled fish, it is often selling frozen. It can be distinguished by a diablable and water structure. Very often frozen carcasses are deformed and in defrostation retain the form, which was taken during freezing. In incorrectly frosthed fish, bacteria multiplied with lightning times. Unfair manufacturers can sell frozen fish. She has a thick uneven glaze, which can be covered with snow or in anem. Such fish becomes tasteless and loses nutritional value. Microorganisms from the surface of the store, the glaze and hand of the store staff can join the stew. If the ice crust on the carcass cracked or the blood is visible under it, this suggests that the fish was not properly stored and was clearly frozen. This is also evidenced by an unnatural calender of fish. It is better not to take a curved carcass with broken fins and tail.

How not to buy fillets with polyphosphates

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Unscrew producers have 2 ways to sell a piece of fish several times more expensive: to cover the fish with a thick layer of ice or pump polyphosphates. And if with the first option everything is clear, then with polyphosphates things are a little more difficult. These are substances that hold moisture in fish or meat. Carcass or fillets are soaked in a bath with a solution, they swell, and frozen them. In small quantities, polyphosphates are harmless to humans, but they beat the wallet very much. You can give them too glossy gloss on the surface of fillet. After defrosting the meat becomes loose, milk-colored juice is released from it. Well, the last way to determine the presence of substances is to fry fish. During frying oil foams, the fish bakes and becomes gray. You can eat it.

Fish from the aquarium is not always quality indicator

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The freshest fish is a living fish. You can buy it in the supermarket aquarium. But here there are subtleties. Purchase animals usually in farms, where they are grown for sale. Look at the aquarium. It must necessarily have a compressor, and the water is always clean. Fish should not be too much. A healthy animal swims uniformly, without sharp movements. It does not fall over the message, it is not standing on the spot and does not float up the belly. Any damage on the body of fish - abrasions, strange spots, loss of scales and so on - they say that the age of her short. The aquarium should not be dead, folding fish. It starts putrid processes that infect neighbors begin.

Birth place matters

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Approximately half of the fish on the counters of shops is grown on farms. Contrary to popular belief, the farm fish is less useful than wild. She lives boring in small pens. To prevent the lightning dissemination of diseases, animals feed with a large number of antibiotics and pesticides. Over time, due to antibiotics in food, fish is also developed to them. This leads to flashes of infection on farms. If possible, try to choose a fish that has grown naturally. The packaging should be information about where the fish has grown. If not, then you can clarify this information from the seller.

What should pay attention to the purchase

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Before buying fish, experts advise her to touch and carefully inspect. The high-quality chilled fish has convex light eyes without bruising. She is dense and elastic. Put a finger on the carcass. After pressing should not be dents. If any, the fish or stupid, or was dropped. Another way to check the quality of fresh and chilled fish is to put it on the palm. If the fish holds straight and does not save, then you can take it.

Bright fillet is not always good

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Red fish is often tinted in stores, on fish-processing factories or feed on farms with special feeds with food dyes. Farm "color" fish can be determined by an unnaturally bright pulp and a short tail. In individuals grown on high-quality feed, a normal solid tail and meat of natural color. The color of natural fish is heterogeneous, and on the muscles there are bright bodies. If there are no such, the carcass was painted.

Scales - Freshness Indicator

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Dry and falling off scales - a sign that the product is spoiled or an old fish. Brilliant and smooth, like lacquered, scales is another indicator of freshness. Sea fish should not be covered with plenty of mucus unlike river. The mucus supports the immunity of fish. It lies damage and protects against bacteria, parasites and fungi. The mucus should be bright, transparent, without unpleasant odor.

What do you pay attention to when choosing fish?

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