More than T31 million received unreasonably Scat from the Civil Aviation Committee of Kazakhstan


More than T31 million received unreasonably Scat from the Civil Aviation Committee of Kazakhstan

More than T31 million received unreasonably Scat from the Civil Aviation Committee of Kazakhstan

Astana. 26 March. KazTAG - More than T31 million received unreasonably JSC "SCAT" from the Civil Aviation Committee (CGA) of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan, reported in the submission of the General Prosecutor's Office, a copy of which is at the disposal of Mia Kaztag.

"The pre-trial investigation establishes that in the period 2017-2018 and 11 months of 2019 KGA Miir in the airline on the basis of budget subsidies of regular air markets paid T4 628 630 433. According to the sentences of SS-Audit LLP from March 9, 2021 from the above T31 132 712,999 is obtained by the airline, and accordingly KGA is allocated unreasonable, "the circumstances that contributed to the commission of criminal offenses and other violations of the law addressed to MIR.

As noted by the rules of subsidies, the payment of budget subsidies is carried out monthly.

"According to the results of the financial year, the airline and CGA are reconciled by mutual settlements with the compilation of acts of reconciliation of work performed. At the same time, during the reconciliation of mutual settlements with the airline for 2018-2019, the facts of the unreasonable payment of public funds remained not in the attention of the senior State Aviation Inspector KGA Nagaybaeva A. and the Chief Expert of Finance and Accounting Department of the CGA Shyakhina R., who carried out the reconciliation of mutual settlements, "is specified in the document on the results of a pre-trial investigation conducted by the Special Prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office.

It also notes that, contrary to the requirements of paragraph 13 of the rules for subsidizing airmarshrutes for 2017, KGA has not conducted reconciliation with the airline at all, "as evidenced by the absence of a reconciliation of work performed."

"Failure to comply with the above requirements of the responsible staff of the CGA and the lack of departmental control by the KGA leadership for the effective use of budgetary funds to a certain extent allowed to conceal the airline from reporting on income subsidies and increase expenses," it was stated in the presentation.

The supervisory authority also points to a lack of personnel in KGA, as one of the reasons for the impossibility of checking the accuracy of SCAT reporting, as well as the fact that in the current regulations for subsidizing airmachrs from the Committee, the obligation to check primary and confirming reports of documents was made.

"The absence of the duty of the CGA to verify the facts of performing air transportation with the preparation of the conclusion about the target appointment and confirmation of the amounts of budget subsidies, as well as the obligations of the Contractor (airline) on the provision of documentedly confirmed work and air carriage, creates the risk of manipulation of accounting reporting by concealing income and The expenditures of the artist, and ultimately the assignment and inefficient use of budgetary funds, "the Prosecutor General's Office added.

Also, prosecutors have any questions and on the application of the instructions for calculating the cost of the flight hour when flying on subsidized routes.

"The airline in determining the cost of the flight hour on subsidized aircrafts reflects all expenses, including expenses for advertising, emissions on the environment, depreciation of aircraft and training of specialists. Paragraph 7 of the Instruction provides a specific list of expenses to be included in the cost of the flight hour. In this case, the inclusion in the reports of the above expenditures is not provided. Whereas, the above costs refer to production costs and costs for them are formed in the implementation of subsidized flights, "the supervisory authority noted.

In addition, it was noted that all parties in production and financial and economic activities are included in the cost of the flight hour: the degree of use of material, labor and financial resources. The same rules, indicated in the Prosecutor General's Office, are also prescribed in paragraph 2 of the rules for subsidizing airmashruts (the subsidy is subject to the difference between the income and the amount of operating costs formed during air transportation).

"Thereby, paragraph 7 of the instructions contradicts clause 3 of the instructions and paragraph 2 of the Rules for subsidizing aircraft. Each of the above violations and disadvantages from the responsible officials and leaders of the CGG, became the basis for maintaining a pre-trial investigation, and to a certain extent influenced and contributed to excessive spending of public resources, forces and funds. Such a state of affairs requires the adoption of effective measures to prevent these facts to continue, "is indicated in the presentation.

The Prosecutor General's Office proposed to take measures to return from the airline to the state budget of an overlooking amount in the amount of T31 132 712.99, to consider the disciplinary responsibility of officials of the Office of Finance and Accounting CGG, change the rules for subsidizing airmarshruts and the instructions for calculating the cost of the flight hour, and also revise CGA.

According to the document, the investigation was started on February 13, 2020, and the very idea of ​​MIR was dated March 25, 2021. The Prosecutor General's Office repulsed the Ministry of One month to providing a notice of consideration of the presentation.

At the same time, a complaint against President Kasym-Zhomart Tokaeva was also at the disposal of Mia Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev from the SCAT airline, aimed through a private lawyard. It expresses the opinion that the verification from the Prosecutor General's Office is unreasonable and allegedly could be initiated by Air Astana airline.

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