I do not believe that Apple will release a car in 2 years, and you?


Almost every one day, articles about the same thing appeared in independent editions from each other. The Taiwanese edition of Economic Daily News, not excessive reputation, reported that in the fall of 2021, along with the iPhone 13, Apple will present the public an electric vehicle of its own development. Speech about Apple Car? In respectable and cautious Reuters reported on the exit of the apple electric vehicle in 2024, referring to the source "owning the issue." It seems that these electric cars, with super-batteries of a special design, also designed by Apple, are about to appear on our streets. But, alas.

I do not believe that Apple will release a car in 2 years, and you? 3578_1
This is not Apple Car, it is Polestar from Volvo. But it would be cool, not?

What is Apple Car

Since 2014 (and according to some data, with even earlier time), Apple employs hard on the project with the code names "Titan" and "Apple Car", it is not reliably known about the objectives of this project. The project has some attitude towards cars and to artificial intelligence, they work on it in the conditions of absolute secrecy in the rented Apple rooms in the city of Sannywale, which can be reached from Apple Park in a few minutes.

On the purpose of the Titan project, you can only guess: it may have to create a smart electric vehicle for ordinary consumers, the development of an automatic car control system, or this is a false goal and embarrel for spies - anything.

The obvious, as always, has escaped from attention.

Apple develops a car?

If Apple had planned to enter the light of their own car, dozens of its prototypes would appear on the streets of California cities. The closer to the launch of production, the more they would become. Otherwise, they would simply be not allowed to certification, and without her there any serial car in the United States (and almost in all countries of the world) would not be sold.

The car is a source of increased danger. Details of the design on prototypes are masked by camouflage, so as not to disclose their secrets ahead of time, but their last hundred thousand miles are obliged to pass. On the streets of the city, in Highways, in conditions where the vehicle will be used. Even if this did not require bureaucrats, Apple itself, as a law-abiding and conscientious developer of the new technology, would intensively check their product, detecting and correcting problems. Nobody saw prototypes on the streets of California. They are not visible now. If Apple Car's exit was scheduled for autumn 2021, dozens would be experienced, or even hundreds of prototypes. Hurry up by 2024 - it is not forces even Apple.

In January 2018, Apple registered in California Automotive Transport Department of 27 cars with an automatic control system. This system was installed on the most ordinary parquet SUVs, in the department of road transport there were reports on the mileage of these cars per day, routes of movement and time.

I do not believe that Apple will release a car in 2 years, and you? 3578_2
Apple really tested self-governed cars, but they already exist

Apple tried to agree on cooperation with Mercedez, BMW, Nissan and other companies - to agree on the Volkswagen.

The same automatic control system was mounted on the Commercial Minibus Volkswagen T6 Transporter - and these minibuses, offline, took Apple employees from one campus to another. In September, Apple ranked third in California by the number of cars used in it with automatic control - she had 70. These cars were seen on the streets. For the year they drove 80 thousand miles. In 2019 - only 19 thousand, in 2020, the tests stopped, most likely due to COVID.

I do not believe that Apple will release a car in 2 years, and you? 3578_3
At such minibuses, Apple drove employees

In June 2019, Apple acquired Drive.Ai, who was at that time on the verge of bankruptcy - in a day or two to them already "had to come." Acquisition cost Apple in 200 million dollars, Drive.Ai became the "daughter" Apple. But small engineering companies engaged in cars and their nodes, which in 2020 bankrupt dozens, Apple did not save from bankruptcy. I can be wrong, but the acquisition of DRIVE.AI once again made the goals of Apple obvious.

If Apple and will release a car, you will learn about this first if you are signed on our channel in Yandex.Dzen.

Can Apple invade the automotive industry?

In 2015 - 2016, Ilon Mask seriously feared the appearance of a competitor in Tesla Motors in the face of Apple: he had "sources" in a team who worked on an electric car. Mask had a complete picture of how things are: with the creation of an electric vehicle, Apple would have no serious problems. Organize the mass production of an electric vehicle (at plants owned by Taiwanese companies), not easy - but Apple in the outsourcing virtuoso. If someone succeeds, then only Apple is just to create reliable and stable chains of suppliers even need a lot of time.

After the sale of the electronic device's need is negligible, if you compare them with the needs of a personal vehicle. The car requires examination, spare parts, charging stations around the world, tires - and much more. Reloing your electric car from at least part of these needs Apple would have tried, but it is a long and difficult way. Until 2025, especially if on the go to change plans, Apple will not have time. And will this electric car be on your pocket? And will he need anyone?

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