12 unexpected facts about food that can be shine for dinner


Chef Ivan Shishkin launched a thread, in which he told the most interesting Lifehaks and facts about food without exaggeration. We wrote about Lifehaki here, but the facts:

12 unexpected facts about food that can be shine for dinner 724_1

It is impossible to get used to Khrenu and mustard. It will always be acute. To tears. The burning of mustard, Vasabi and Khrena has a different nature than in the case of Chile.

Avocado - Berry. Botanically. Another fact to uncertainty around this fetus. And fruit, and vegetable, ripe avocado delicious raw, it can be failed in a frying pan, and you can turn into ice cream. Tree leaves fragrant and used as a laurel sheet replacement.

Steam meat is not sold on the market. Pair it remains no longer 3-4 hours after slaughter. Next, it is inevitably occurring the stuffing, and the meat becomes hard and tasteless. Beef is suitable only after a day.

Meat and chicken wash useless and harmful. The meat fabric swells from moisture, and this prevents the formation of a delicious grill crust. Dirty meat is better not to buy. And when washing chicken, splashes, which may contain dangerous bacteria fly around. But the bananas are necessary. They arrived very much from afar.

The semolina porridge is tastier when not from the mankey. Semal cereals - an intermediate product of flour-made production that is not suitable for baking bread. And the most delicious and cream porridge is obtained from a noble semioline - polished flour of wheat fool.

Couscous is a pasta. Despite the fact that it resembles a barbell, the couscous is obtained from the flour of solid wheat breeds. The flour is wetted with a small amount of water and shake before the formation of crumbs. Cookus is not necessary. It is enough just to fervent hot water and wait.

Vanilla is the only genus of orchids, giving edible fruits. Other orchids can be edible flowers. The rhizomes of some fry as potatoes or even make it from them ice cream.

It is possible to get used to the acute taste of red and black pepper. Capsaicin and piperin activate the TRPV1 receptor, which signals the brain of pain and burn. With constant use of acute reaction weakens. And then you can distinguish the nuances of taste and fragrances of peppers.

Birds do not feel the sharpness of chili pepper. This can be used for the benefit of cooking. For example, Chef Dan Barber in its Blue Hill At Stone Barns estate restaurant feeds the chili paprika and gets eggs from them with a red yolk. Yolk has pronounced sharpness.

Little portions are tastier. We lose interest in monotonous food, and even within one lunch, and new dishes are still hunger. This is customary called sensory-specific saturation. Small portions allow you to keep your appetite during a long tasting.

A person distinguishes 5 major tastes and at least 6 extra. Usually talk about sweet, sour, bitter and salty tastes. The so-called edible taste, minds become familiar with the usual. And also - burning, tart, fat, soap, iron and mint. Well, in terms of "Ma", numbness.

Sweet must be salted. Sweet taste dominates in the mixtures, even if they add salt, acid or bitterness to the syrup. 0.3% of salt in the pastry cream will not change the taste of the dessert, but will make it richer.

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