Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian "boomerangs"


In 2026, the Russian BTR "Boomerang" can already serially deliver into the troops of the Russian Federation, and to confront him if they do nothing, there will be Ukrainian BTR-4.

Ukrainian media decided to compare Russian armored personnel carriers who are created on the basis of the prospective Wheel Platform "Boomerang" and Ukrainian BTR-4. An overview of this material of the foreign press represents the "military case" edition.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

The authors write that when creating "boomerangs" in the Russian Federation, we went to the Western way to increase weight and book the wheel combat vehicles. Ukraine still has only one serial development, which for the first time appeared 13 years ago - this is BTR-4. However, according to the media, its more modern and promising modernization - BTR-4 MV1, while "put under the Sukno". Earlier, Ukrainian journalists have already written that a program to create a modern multifunctional wheeled platform is laid in the program development program, which is conditionally named BTR-5. But waiting for it, given the timing of similar developments in the world, will have to 2026-2030.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

The Russian "Boomerang" is a platform for BTR K-16 and Wheel BMP K-17, which in the Russian Federation for the first time publicly demonstrated at the parade in 2015, promising to begin mass production in 2019.

"But, as in the case of the" Armatha ", the plans began traditionally for the Russian" defense "" shift to the right. " Recently, the "military-industrial company", which leads this development, said that the car will be released on government tests in 2021, "

The authors indicate that the K-16 and K-17 have already passed preliminary tests and were finalized in accordance with the requirements of the Russian military. The media indicate that the exact characteristics of both armored vehicles are not yet known. The estimated mass of armored cars - 32-34 tons, due to dimensions, V-shaped metal bottom and reservation with multi-layer use of steel and ceramics. The EMZ-780 engine is selected as the power plant, which is located in front, has a power of 750 hp. and provides the maximum speed of 100 km / h along the roads and up to 50 km / h on the soil.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

"But, apparently, this engine is problematic",

Armament of the Wheel BMP K-17 - a combat module with a 30-mm automatic cannon and the FIGR "Cornet". BTR K-16 in this regard is weaker - only a large-caliber machine gun. The media noted that the Russian Wheeled Platform "Boomerang" allows you to place a combat module with a 57-mm automatic gun on it, as well as according to Russian developers, even a tank caliber gun.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

"We must admit that the Boomerang platform is created with the copying and copying of permanent Western trends. If in the Russian Federation, they were looking for their "not having analog in the world" way, it is possible that this platform would be similar to the LASK armored car 4-P

Next, they explain to their readers that the Russian Federation is simply trying to copy the technologies of the North Atlantic Alliance. Increased weight and emphasis on strengthening protection - quite consistent with NATO approaches, especially considering the change in the threats faced by armored vehicles in modern conflicts. Actual trends are already embodied in Turkish Pars III, in the latest version of Finnish Patria AMV XP and Piranha V from MowaG. All these cars received weight within 30-33 tons. Even earlier, these trends were already noticeable in French VBCI from Nexter and the German-Dutch Boxer, which still remains the leader by weight.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

Requirements of mineral protection led to an increase in the dimensions of modern machines. The BTR and BMP of the new generation must have a V-shaped bottom and withstand the undermining of 8-10 kg of fugas. And the dimensions of the landing office are now calculated on the fighters who are dressed in body armor and transport a large amount of weapons and ammunition, the weight of which rose to at least 30 kg. For Russia, the Ukrainian media, "Boomerang" write - this is the transition to a new level compared to the concept of Soviet BTR, which was laid in BTR-60 and "nomad" to BTR-82a.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

Even considering the existing problems of Russia with sanctions, unreliability of engines, constant transfer of the deadlines for the completion of developments and mass production problems, the BMERANG platform can more or less massively appear in the Russian army since 2025-2027, writes the Ukrainian publication. That is why for Ukraine the issue of equipping the Armed Forces of Europe, the modern BTR is of great importance. But everything that can now offer a domestic OPK is BTR-3, BTR-4 and initiative development of the type "Ataman". Because of the Soviet "approach in booking", the journalists refused to consider BTR-3.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

It turns out that the only option that could be opposed to Russian "boomerangs", is called BTR-4. This machine was developed in 2000 and was completely fitted in the then requirements. Then the anti-mining protection was at the minimum level and was provided only due to the suspension seats of the landing. The media indicate that, taking into account the experience of hostilities in the Donbass, the bottom of the corps was subsequently enhanced by an additional armored personnel.

"This, of course, is not the perfect option, but meets the necessary protection requirements and allows you to save the fighters. At the same time, put on the BTR-4 V-shaped bottom, actually equal to the development of a new car ",

Certain steps in the direction of modern trends appeared in the BTR-4 MV1, which lost the archaic front windows, side doors and received a rational slope of the solid upper frontal part. It increased protection in the frontal projection and opened the possibility of strengthening it with additional ceramic elements. At the same time, the mass of the machine increased to 24-25 tons, which compensated, from the point of view of mobility, the new engine from Deutz. It is known that the weak place of BTR-4MV1 was the chassis, which remained unchanged, and the car itself was built only in a single copy. If we talk about the unification of the entire park of Ukrainian BTR, then this process rests on the production capabilities of the Kharkiv Bureau on Mechanical Engineering and its contractors. In particular, the estimated need for the BTR-70/8 BTR-70/80 replacement for replacement is now rated at one thousand cars.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

At the HCBM this year they promised to do 77 cars for the year, however, as the Ukrainian media write, it is very optimistic. And even if per year from the shops of the HCBM will leave 100 BTR-4, then for the minimum mass saturation, the Armed Forces will need 5 years. Thus, the Armed Forces will receive BTR-4 at about the same time, as the Russian army will receive its "boomerang". With such a situation, as indicated in the material, it will take 10 years to fully re-equip the Ukrainian army. No matter how regrettable, but the Russian BTR is made with modern trends, and the BTR-4 has been planned in the 2000s, Ukrainian specialists say with regret.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

The concept of a new Russian BTR is more in accordance with modern requirements, providing better protection of fighters both on the "open" battlefield, and in case of hitting a fugas or ambush. At the end of the media write that, of course, this situation is perfectly understood in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. There is information that the State Program for the Development of the VSU already laid the development of a new BTR, more precisely, the universal wheel platform, which received the conditional name of BTR-5. It is in this car that all modern trends in the development of wheel armored vehicles, real combat experience and technological capabilities of the Ukrainian OPK should be reflected.

Ukraine recognized the backwardness of BTR-4 VSU from Russian

But while it is developing it, and this is in the realities of 5-10 years, the need for the Ukrainian aircraft in wheeled armored cars will satisfy precisely outdated BTR-4. According to journalists, the Ukrainian OCK remains one option - with all the forces to upgrade BTR-4 to the level of conditional BTR-4 M1 + by enhancing the suspension, changes in the frontal part to the more rational, as well as the installation of modern aiming stations and panoramic sights. That is, the output is to implement the full potential of modernization of the available platform. Unfortunately, even such a decision only partially corresponds to today's and future threats from the Russian Federation and rapid changes in the requirements for armored personnel carriers on the battlefield, Ukrainian specialists summarize.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced their intentions to complete the Classist Classist Class "Vladimir Great".

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