Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9


Food myths pursue absolutely everyone on a daily basis. The benefits of bone milk, a mandatory amount of water per day and the danger of oily food for the heart - all this installations that are in the heads of most people.

Connected phrases from all sides repeat relatives, familiar and even nutritionists.

In this article, we refute the myths of food that many have heard from childhood and sacred them believed.

Fried food leads to cardiac attacks

Scientists have not yet been able to find a direct link between the amount of fried food consumed and heart disease.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_1

But it is not worth too dedicating, because no one cancels problems with weight and other unpleasant consequences of Frey potatoes in a pair with greasy ribs from the nearest fast food.

Milk to strengthen bones

A huge amount of milk was drunk under the pretext of the fact that it strengthens the bone. Similar myths about food most often hear children from their parents and relatives.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_2

But the scientists came to completely different conclusions. Lactose and galactose contained in milk and galactose are harmful to the body. For example, they accelerate aging processes and lead to sexual cancer. The second item can also be caused by the high content of hormones in the product.

Natural means useful

Food myths create manufacturers themselves, for example, calling the whole in a row "Organic".

Of course, the products are straight from a humane and conscious farm much better than an inexpensive mass market. But here are the stickers "natural" glued lately just on all, because it increases sales.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_3

Of course, it is necessary to give preference to better products and read into the composition. But blindly believing loud promises on the packaging still not worth ...

READ ALSO: Food with a "bad reputation" that are actually useful

Mandatory amount of water

1.5-2.5 liters of water every day is also one of numerous delusions. First, a person and so gets moisture from various products, and secondly - everything is individually.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_4

Do not believe in such myths about food. Better focus on your own well-being. The amount of drinking water depends on the place of residence, physical exertion and physiological indicators.

Danger of wooden boards

Many do not use wooden cutting boards, because they consider their seating from various dangerous microorganisms.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_5

But the researchers found that the porous surface of the tree although it is an ideal environment for organisms, but does not transmit them on nowhere. There are no microorganisms on the products and in the digestive system of microorganisms, because they are on the contrary, they go deeper into the wood and die there.

Unlike plastic boards, on the surface of which there are actually many of the dangerous, which can easily get into the food man.

Switching gum not digested

A terrible story for children, which scientists denied. Viewing various myths about food, researchers proved chewing gum digest.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_6

Just lasting about a week and can provoke constipation. But no fatal consequences for the body will not provoke a random ingestion.

Read also: What is useful avocado: 8 scientific facts

Chocolate harmful

The best news for many people - chocolate is not harmful and even useful! Cocoa oil can reduce blood pressure.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_7

The truth concerns this primarily high-quality dark chocolate. In addition to the recovery of the cardiovascular system, it also helps to suppress the feeling of hunger and dump weight.

However, experts note that sweetness and dairy chocolate are quite suitable for good work of the heart.

And carbohydrates are also harmful

Carbohydrates as fire is afraid by those who follow their weight. No baking, pasta or cookies!

But this approach is not quite correct, because carbohydrates are necessary to create glucose. It is on this substance that the human body works.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_8

Therefore, it is still worth consuming carbohydrates, despite the common myths about the food and its dangerous consequences. It's just not worth adding a pair of bread slices to absolutely every meal.

Energy from special drinks

Despite the fact that special drinks for especially active people promise to give a lot of energy, they do nothing like this.

In their composition, large quantities contain caffeine, sugar and amino acid Taurine. This combination allows us to obtain a short-term mobilization of the body forces, after which there is a noticeable decline in activity.

Myths about food, which we believe completely in vain: Top-9 1812_9

The result of regular use of such beverages can be insomnia and obesity.

See also: Korean Cuisine: 5 secrets of cooking asian dishes

And what rules in nutrition are you and why? Tell us about it in the comments!

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