Nizhny Novgorod physicians are concerned about increasing the number of patients with overweight

Nizhny Novgorod physicians are concerned about increasing the number of patients with overweight 6751_1

Of all the past dispensarization in 2020, Nizhny Novgorod, almost every fifth, an excessive body weight was recorded. This was reported in the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention.

As noted by the chief doctor of the Center Natalia Savitskaya, in recent years the number of patients with overweight has a tendency to increase. Thus, according to the results of cliserization in 2016, in the region of 600,013, the surveyed excess body was recorded in 95,652 people, that is, 15.9%. In 2020, this indicator was already about 19%.

"Of course, the pandemic and the quarantine measures associated with it made their" contribution "to an increase in the number of people with overweight, but the stabilization of the situation with COVID-19 is now allowing to return to active life, physical stress and rational nutrition," Natalia Savitskaya said.

The reasons that cause obesity, a lot. The main ones are a sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, stressful situations and bad habits. An effective way to combat excess weight is the change in its own worldview and the usual, passive lifestyle.

"For weight relief, it is not enough to just sit on the diet and start running in the morning, it is necessary to approach this problem comprehensively. As part of the national project "Demography" and the regional project "Strengthening public health", our center systematically implements events aimed at motivating Nizhny Novgorod to a healthy lifestyle. In the departments and offices of medical prevention on the basis of Nizhny Novgorod Medorganizations, "Schools of Health" are held for people with overpressive body, where they can receive a consultation of a specialist on proper, balanced nutrition and the regime of physical exertion, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, "added the chief doctor of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Public health and medical prevention center.

Obesity refers to one of the 5 major mortality risk factors and promotes the development of 230 complications, among which are such serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, obstructive apnea syndrome in a dream, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease , non-alcoholic liver disease and certain types of cancer. In addition, obesity negatively affects the life expectancy.

To combat obesity, doctors advise:

- With the help of an endocrinologist or a nutritionist to draw up a correct diet of their power;

- Start actively play sports (running, fitness, bike, rowing, swimming, etc.);

- to begin under the supervision of the attending physician, the reception of medical drugs, if the cause of obesity is caused by hereditary or physiological reasons;

- attend special psychological training for people who suffer from obesity;

- Make yourself a goal - to become a beautiful and successful person - and to achieve it, despite the difficulties that arise.


At the initiative of the World Federation to combat obesity (WOF), since 2020, a single world day of combating obesity is chosen - March 4, which is designed to change the ideas about obesity, stop the growth of this dangerous disease, to promote a healthy lifestyle. According to the World Health Organization, there are 650 million adults over 18 years old and more than 120 million children suffering from obesity.

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