Can a vegetarian diet harm the child


It is believed that restrictions in various food products are considerable risk factors. To date, there is not a single product in which all nutrients would be, so it is necessary to human organism. In this regard, experts recommend that the diet of children be diverse, and it has necessarily consistent with minimal fatty meat. In addition, it is believed that if Vegan or

Rightly planned, they are perfectly suitable for both Mama on GW and young children. Only here such a point of view, many pediatricians do not share.

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Drawing up a children's diet, which would be fully developed, and all nutritional restrictions were correctly spelled out - this is a very difficult job, since the need for nutrients depends on age.

Therefore, today I would like to deal with this question and find out what problems can be among the parents, whose child adheres to vegetarianism.

Diet for children under three years

About vegetarianism and how, in this case, it is necessary to eat, it became known in the early 90s of the XX century. After that, the scientist community began to study this issue in detail. In the late 80s, scientists from Britain have been monitored by children under the age of 3 years who adhere to the corresponding diet develop. Many kids grew healthy, but their height and weight were significantly less than that of peers. The whole plant diet was very carefully planned, but still, the children could not get vitamins B2 and B12 in the right amount.

For kids whose age is more than half a year, the production of iron should be from enriched products.

The source of protein for vegetarians are:

  • peas;
  • nougat;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • milk or soy yogurt;
  • beans;
  • Lentil.
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What factors need to be taken into account if you are planning meals for the Child-Vegan:

  • An essential shortage of nutrient components necessary for the body. Various vegetarian diets are designed for an adult, and do not suit the kids. Basically, all vegans try to eat only low-fat products, substantially filling stomach. Thus, you can feel a feeling of satiety and at the same time do not overeat. But a small child has a stomach with a maximum of 300 ml! Due to low-calorie products, kids are far less than calories that are put at their age. To avoid such situations, it is necessary that the child has three main meals and at least 2 snacks. It is important to remember that children under 2 years old should eat fatty foods, and they cannot be limited in fats. There are no hopes for degreasing options, since it is not at all what a children's growing organism needs.
  • Children do not like most products. Almost all vegetarian diets are based on diversity. If the child prefers exclusively apples and cabbage, but flatly refuses there is beans and other products where there is a plant protein, then in its body there will be an insufficient amount of the so-called building material necessary for the normal and healthy development of the whole organism. If a child feeds on a balanced under careful control of parents, is systematically observed from specialists, then any serious consequences are minimized. Of course, the nutrition of children is varied, and in most cases they feel fine.
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Parents must give a report to their actions, to understand how to raise a vegetarian child, to regularly give him vitamins and comply with all the recommendations. In compliance with all the necessary conditions for serious consequences, there will be no such lifestyle. In any case, it is necessary to control everything and approach to vegetarian need to be as conscious as possible.

Vegetarian diet for schoolchildren and adolescents

At the end of the XX century, scientists appreciated the state of health of 82 adolescents who adhered to vegetarianism. Experts on the basis of research came to the conclusion that all children are developing perfectly. Only some schoolchildren were slightly thin and less strong, compared to peers. But, based on the results obtained, it is impossible to unambiguously assert that the Wahan child will be sure to thin and weak.

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Adheres to a vegetarian diet can children absolutely any age, if their weight is not lower than 15 percent. In case this index in a child below, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the security of this diet.

It turns out that a vegetarian diet for the guys of school age has its pros and cons. But many researchers adhere to the opinions that the younger than the child and strict diet, the risk that in the body will not be the right amount of vitamins, significantly increases. But this does not mean that the vegan diet does not need to be controlled. No, all teens-vegan food intakes need to be carefully planning to develop a developing young organism to get all the necessary nutrients.

What you need to know parents

If you want a child to eat only vegetable food, then its diet must be thought out in detail. It should always be remembered that the teenager needs to take a certain amount of food so that the body has a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals required for normal growth and development.

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  • Fat amino acids. Despite the fact that in a vegetarian diet a large number of fatty amino acids, the body should also receive Omega-3. A sufficient amount of Omega-3 is in linen oil, walnuts, soy.
  • Protein. Do not forget that small children should grow, and in vegetable food there is a very scarce amount of protein. It is necessary to constantly combine various products, so that the child is fully secured by the necessary amino acids. Add dairy products and soy to the diet, and the problem will be solved.
  • Iron. Remember that Teens-Vegans are subject to iron-edge. In order to prevent serious consequences, all iron from plant products should be well usedd. For this it is necessary that the child takes the products, which contains ascorbic acid.
  • Calcium. Obtaining calcium occurs if the child eats dairy products. If milk is excluded from the diet, then it is necessary to use various drinks or flakes that are enriched with nutrients.
  • Vitamin D. For children under 1, the recommended value of vitamin D is 15 μg. In the diet, it is necessary to include fatty fish, milk.
Vitamin B12 in a vegan diet is completely absent. This vitamin is contained only in animal products.

And getting it vegetarians can only from soy milk, as well as from a special vitamin supplement.

Is it necessary for children who hold vegetarianism, take tests for vitamins

Many parents try to keep blood vitamins under control, passing the appropriate analyzes. However, it is not necessary to carry out such procedures.

For the examination of children, it is necessary to send only in cases where the medical staff doubts that a sufficient amount of vitamins are present in the child's body. Therefore, you do not need to take regularly analyzes without appointing a doctor.


There are no contraindications and obstacles to vegetarian vegetarianism. In addition, there are studies that demonstrate that the benefits of such diets can be. Those who competently observes a balanced vegetable diet practically does not suffer obese, they do not have ischemic heart disease, there is no hypertension and diabetes.

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