Our people in the bakery on a taxi do not go!

Our people in the bakery on a taxi do not go! 6351_1

The good half of the first week of February Balakovo shake is large for our time. Rarious: a series of mass strikers of taxi drivers. Movement on a taxi - for a long time is no longer a luxury, if only because Eht is a service at all inexpensive. In the fact and quenching ...

To begin with - a brief chronicle of events. On the first day of February, an organized group of drivers Yandex.Taxi, instead of accessing the line at the rush hour, gathered at the parking lot of the Magnit hypermarket in 21 microdistrict. Carefully built cars in 2 rows, closing the state number with paper and rags so that the aggregator (for taxi drivers - the employer) could not calculate and block the participants. The design of the rebellion is simple: the fewer drivers on the line, the more time waiting time for customers and, accordingly, the price of the trip. Their share was to notice both the aggregator and customers, thereby the strikers "killed" two hares in one shot. At rush hour, about 300 people comes out on the line and the absence of 50 drivers seriously affects the overall picture. Having stood for several hours outside the program, drivers drove. Strike - Basta? In fact, it turned out: "Hasta La Vista, Baby" ("Goodbye, Baby" - a winged phrase from k / f "Terminator-2" - Ed.) ..

The next morning, February 2, a little smaller number of taxi drivers continued to strike and went the first reaction. We arrived unhappy about the negotiations ... There are no representatives of the Almighty and Far "Yandex", but the local authority in the person of the main business (Igor Fays) and Public Relations (Olga Sablina). Officials tried to persuade the strikers to sit for triple negotiations. Protests, even such "sectoral", local authorities at any time. Drivers stood on their own: strike - our most effective way. In something they were right: passengers noticed almost a two-time increase in prices at rush hour.

The most massive action was held at the same evening. Under the ugly February rain, about 60 drivers who took parking on the square were gathered, comparable with a half football field. Dissatisfied with the working conditions of the driver again attracted attention (and again Yandex). From the very beginning of the stock, the parking lot began to fill the police of all ranks - there were more dozen. The guards of the order tried to immediately apply the organization of an illegal rally, by identifying the organizers of the event (the pogs without this as without air!).

- There are no organizers here, we just drink coffee, do not shout slogans. Now in general, they will talk about cars, "said one of the taxi drivers, confusing the polismen.

There were no significant complaints about the police in the police, and there is nothing to prevent drivers. A series of shares has no political subtext. The strike was repeated the next day. The determination of drivers admired many, and about the action they wrote the largest tabloids of the region. So the same unhappy drivers of yashki, as "affectionately" called Yandex Taxi drivers? This story is with a big tail.

Another 10 years ago, there were dozens of taxoparks with various names: the pioneer of the as-Lada, later - a cruise, turbine, metro and many others. Competing firms were provided to the Balakovtsi of the excretion of various levels of comfort and cost. But, using indifference (and maybe a patronage) of the state, the diamond hand of the market in the form of Yandex.Taxi dare, like crumbs from the table, minor competitors first in large cities, and then in the province. Yandex for a long time provided the passengers of unreal low prices, and the drivers generously paid clearance from their pocket. Taxis ceased to be luxury, the trip to the best bus was cheaper. This approach of the IMG won popular popularity, and in the thirst for continuous orders, the absolute majority of drivers passed on it. Tells the driver of Yashka Andrei:

- Balakovtsy began to carry children in kindergartens and clinics, ride in shops and to work. We no longer have a deficit of applications than "sick" small taxi firms. To understand the scope of change, imagine. My familiar to the wedding relatives presented a new car so that he could tax and contain the family in prosperity. And colleagues that took the "under Yandex" car loans, do not consider!.

Small provincial competitors sprinkled their head ashes and cursed a monopolist. When Yandex realized that he seized the market, "Mousetrap" slammed.

The aggregator abandoned the supplements to drivers, gradually spinning nuts. To earn the usual amount, taxi drivers have to go more and more at the ram. The last straw was the January change in working conditions and an increase in the obligatory number of applications for obtaining guaranteed surcharge from the aggregator. When completing 45 applications, the driver pays for about 1000 rubles, before such trips had to be made 40.

- To fulfill 45 applications, you need to carry out the steering wheel 14-16 hours a day. This is a huge processing. Then people complain that Yashashki falls in the accident. No wonder if by the end of the shift literally rolling down. We are not a millionaire, many of us rent cars 1000 rubles a day. And still need to refuel, periodically wash the car, spare parts, consumables, depreciation, "- indigumes one of the battle taxi drivers.

We tried to contact Yandex.Taxi from the very beginning of the strike. But the vertical of the company is built so that there is no real boss over hundreds of taxi drivers in Balakov. To our amazement, on the third day of strikes, the editorial post "Suti" came from the external press service of the aggregator signed by Anna Koveshnikova, in which Yandex denies all the accusations and hints that the perception riot in Balakovo does not affect the well-being of the transport giant:

"No rules for work for 14 hours for the sake of 40-45 trips to Yandex Go does not exist. The average cost of trips for citizens remains the same as last year. Tariffs and working conditions of drivers in the city did not change significantly.

Now the service works in normal mode, the number of trips ordered using Yandex GO is growing. The number of drivers on the line increases: today they are more than on the same day last weeks. "

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