In the Nizhny Novgorod region comes a new stage of privatization

In the Nizhny Novgorod region comes a new stage of privatization 2410_1

On July 3, in 1991, the Supreme Council of Russia, then another RSFSR, adopted the first regulatory act: the law "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises". For those who do not know, we recall that in April 1992, the first auction for the sale of trade enterprises, domestic service and catering, which came the authors of the Privatization Program Egor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais were held in Nizhny Novgorod.

Privatization, conducted in the early 1990s, still remains one of the most controversial stories in the modern history of Russia. It was originally assumed that the population would be able to use funds accumulated in the savings box office to participate in privatization. After all, the accumulation of citizens was in 1990 a third of the USSR GDP. However, previously conducted price liberalization launched a galloping inflation process (168% in 1991, 2608% in 1992), which reduced the purchasing power of citizens accumulations to 2%. Thus, citizens could not use their accumulations in the privatization process. It is clear that it was someone very profitable.

Since the accounts of citizens were depreciated, the Czech model was taken as the basis of Russian privatization - a check (voucher). Instead of opening accounts, the population decided to distribute vouchers. But not for free, but for 25 rubles. Small money, but fully characterize the authors of privatization. Most of the population did not have the slightest idea of ​​privatization checks (vouchers), did not understand what should be done with them. An explanation of Mr. Chubais that two cars "Volga" will be available on one voucher (the most prestigious car for the population of that period), did not explain anything. Two "Volga", but it is unknown when, and here and now offer live money. And many began to sell them to buyers for two bottles of vodka. According to statistics, about 25 million Russians have invested their vouchers to check investment funds (most of which have not paid any dividends so anyone), about 40 million - in shares of various enterprises (most of which quickly disappeared from the market), a third of the owners of vouchers sold them .

Only owners of large packages of vouchers bought from the population could participate in check and collateral auctions. The real market value of a stake package that could be obtained in exchange for one voucher, hesitated over a wide range. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 1994, one voucher could be exchanged for 2000 shares RAO Gazprom (their market value in 2008 was about 700 thousand rubles). In total, by February 1994, more than 9 thousand auctions were held, on which 52 million vouchers were used. According to reports, 46.8 thousand state-owned enterprises were privatized in 1991-1992, in 1993 their number increased to 88.6 thousand, in 1994 - up to 112.6 thousand. Among them, 92% of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises were privatized, 95% of chemical and petrochemical. In 1994, 99% of products were produced in privatized ferrous metallurgy enterprises. In 1996, it was officially announced the full privatization of the light industry, and by 1997 the privatization of civil engineering enterprises, a refinery and timber processing complex, building materials and food industries was completed - including the production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

The lack of budget funds forced the Government to hold so-called mortgage auctions. Large business structures offered to lend the government secured by the largest enterprises. According to the terms of the contract, if the state could not pay the received loan, the enterprise became the property of the lender. Thus, the authorities conducted a large-scale assignment of assets for money. As a result, for $ 1.1 billion, major financial structures have established control over enterprises, later by the YUKOS, Norilsk Nickel, Sibneft and some other largest companies. So the famous oligarchic structures of the 90s appeared, which were actually owners of Russia. The historical assessment of the results of privatization in Russia is still ahead. And we live further. The privatization process has no end and continues at present.

Now, according to different estimates, the share of the public sector in the Russian economy ranges from 50% to 70%. Many economists consider it excessive and insist on new denationalization. In their opinion, in Russia the proportion of state-owned companies should be somewhere 15%.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the former showcase transition to the market in the early 1990s, all the most liquid and high-yield has long been privatized. To date, there is mainly privatization of real estate in municipal property. The forecast plan for the privatization of state property for 2021 and 2022, coordinated by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region on the economy and industry, includes only four (!) Object. According to the Deputy Minister of Land and Property Relations of the region Andrei Schegrov, the revenues of the regional budget from the sale of property in 2021 are projected at 6 million rubles, in 2022 - at the level of 2 million rubles. Maybe therefore, such attention of the press attracted the news about the desire of the regional government, on the one hand to buy a share of the shares of the cable car at the city administration of Nizhny Novgorod, and on the other hand, then sell all 100% of the cable car shares.

The best figures over the past five years on the implementation of the budget task for non-tax receipts, the Ministry of Property and Land Relations provided in 2019. For 2019, the Nizhny Novgorod Region budget was enrolled in the budget of 931.5 million rubles.

Approximately the same situation in the regional center. At the meeting of the City Duma, on February 17, data were announced that the revenue plan for the privatization of property in 2020 was executed by 89%. The 69 facilities on sale failed to implement, and they are included in the plan 2021-2022. It was specifically noted that the bet on privatization should not be done. It is necessary to look for other ways to implement the property to free up the budget from the need to contain these objects on their balance sheet. Thus, according to the press service of the Duma of Nizhny Novgorod, in the framework of the privatization in the authorized capital of JSC "Socelenergo" will include 62 objects - 3 buildings and 59 engineering structures. This will allow the "heat energy" to repair, upgrade and the content of utility networks.

Also, deputies of the Gordeum approved the proposal to convey the Beregreparation facilities on the left bank of the Oka to the property of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Thus, in terms of privatization of the region and the regional center, there are mainly small-scale facilities, the content of which is burdensome for the budget. We must now learn how to sell slowly so that it is, on the one hand, meant the arrival of a civilized investor, ready, develop enterprises, and not just to dig profits from it. The city and the area are developing. It will inevitably attract investors who are ready to privatize regional and municipal property. Great features for privatization are laid as necessary to maintain the historical appearance of the city, its tourist attractiveness.

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