Show or Low?

Show or Low? 19689_1

Ksenia Pozdnyakova

On December 31, at the same time, in the two metropolitan theaters played an immortal story about how the outstanding linguist and a specialist in phonetics, Henry Higgins, managed to contradict the Nettle Flower Miss Eliz Dulittl in a real lady for half a year. Think some coincidence will say many. I agree, if it were not for one "but". In the Mayakovsky Theater in the formulation of Leonid Haifez "Pygmalion" goes in accordance with the design of Bernard Shaw, which, as is known, denied even a hint of a possible romantic finale of the relations of professor and its Galatei. And in the theater Oleg Tabakov, thanks to Alla Sigalova, Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Low, who turned "Pygmalion" in one of the world's world's world Love Story. Choosing between the two interpretations, and rather between the two endings, we constantly encounter a dilemma: "So we still want to be right or happy?". Good question to start a new year. Let's try to figure out.

To be honest, it always seemed to me that originally Bernard Shaw was going to talk only about phonetics and how important it is correctly and beautiful to express in his native language. To do this, he needed a professor, with the first minutes he stimulates that a person is given to the divine gift of a directed speech, and English is the language of Shakespeare, Milton and in the end of the Bible. I think to Elise, he, exactly, like Higgins treated exclusively as a laboratory mouse, on the example of which it is convenient to show different tricks. About how the fate of the heroine after the experiment will be formed, he also did not really worry. The show, judging by the remarks, was interested in metamorphosis, personal growth, overcoming social inequality, and, of course, the choice and opportunities that a person gets along with education, knowledge and skills. Everything else is so, the side dish is better understood. Who knew that from the madness suddenly, someone's leak would begin to come, which will suddenly acquire and the color and sound, and, more terrible, flesh and passion. And with this you will need to solve something. A love story with the "MajaNalnal" happy ending "was not exactly in the plans of the show. But by creating Higgins, the image of a charming hamma, which is also a velvety voice with many modulations, and then after giving Elise an attractive appearance, the playwright drew a pit. And if you consider that the most spectacular artists are embodied on the stage of the professor, the viewer began to wait for a happy finale. To prove to the public that it absolutely optionally assumes wedding bells, and that one thing admire a strong person and a talented person, and another thing to live under his fifth or with him under the same roof - the task is not easy. Even today, when people are talking about the fear of abyuz from all sides, about the fact that the neurotic connections - when it is bad, and the apologies are boring - it's no love, but about the fact that the feelings should be necessarily mutual, otherwise they do not It makes no sense, and about the fact that in no case cannot be sacrificed to themselves, "happy" stories are stubbornly enjoyed great popularity. I want people a miracle, even kill.

Show or Low? 19689_2
Pygmalion, Vl. Maykovsky Theater, Director Leonid Haifets

But in Mayakovka, after the show risked to show that happiness is good, and the truth is better, and in life, no matter how cool, there are their laws. Having created a conditional London on stage, where the red color is dominated (a cool game with the hobby of the socialist idea and the slogan "who was nobody, he will become all") and invented by Vladimir Arefiev a wonder-phonograph, having commissioned the main role of ironic, slightly removing Igor Kostoloshevsky in line with A sharp, barn, though no less attractive Anatoly Lobytsky, Heifets managed to bring down the excessive romantically Fleur. The shown gambling scientist with Wimfol Street will never be able to truly carry a living person, and even more so it will not allow to get closer to his own heart, because any feeling will interfere with it cold, solid, strikingly adjusted as a phonograph, mind. In this performance, as anywhere, the kinship of Higgins with another English intellectual and the launched bachelor is Mr. Sherlock Holmes. This will sustain extention perhaps the retired military and the elderly housekeeper that on Baker Street, which is on Wimfol Street. As for Elise, Higgins is ready to teach it to speak correctly, but not to listen to what she will say. And the one he brought up, silent will definitely won't. So they can only be friends. But it is very consistent with the show, who, judging by his novel with actress Stalla Patrick Cambell (they were held all their lives in the correspondence, but could not stand each other's society for more than a week), sacred believed that if you do not want the relationship to end , do not start them. And whether such a state of affairs is considered with happiness or not, everyone decides for himself.

Show or Low? 19689_3
"My beautiful Lady", Oleg Tabakov Theater, director Alla Sigalova

If you put the classic "pygmalion", it is difficult to force a modern person to believe in "my beautiful lady" and the final of Lerner and Low almost impossible. No matter how much fairy tale wanted people, no matter how eager for love, everyone sees that Professor Higgins is not a romantic hero, but the ending, which agrees Eliza forgotten all the insults and claims, changed anger to mercy, left plans for their own store or convenient Marriage and repeatedly returned to Wuimpol Street to continue to listen to all sorts of reproaches and whims, attracted by ears. Yes, and not modern it is somehow. In our world, a woman prefers an equal relationship. We do not want to choose between happiness and right. It is inseparable for us. Immediately recall a rather chauvinist joke: "Why is a real man never marrying a real woman? This man does not offer twice, and the real woman never agrees from the first time. " The more interesting to look at the play of the Tabakov Theater. Lightweight, the air world, created by George Alexi-Meshishvili, combined with beautiful music and costumes from Valentina Yudashkin from the first minutes to adjust on a romantic way. It seems that everything is possible in this almost fabulous atmosphere. If love, then certainly mutual and happy, and dreams come true hardly by making a magic stick. Even, drawn by the Alla Cigal Love Triangle, where in one corner - Professor Higgins (Sergey Ugryumov), and in the other - Colonel Pickering (Vitaly Egorov), looks for something of granted. How not to give in to feelings in such a situation? What are the convinced bachelors? And when you see how much a professor is invented in order to teach Eliz to speak (at the show, by the way, about it literally a couple of words, so all finds - the merit of the director), you want, you don't want to believe Alle Mikhailovna, who said in One of the interviews: "Only a talented person can create a miracle, in love with what he creates. You fall in love with whom I gave all your strength, all your knowledge and all your faith. " When time, talent, emotions are spent on you, it is difficult to stay indifferent. And if you take for Axoma, that any knowledge is a community, then the heroes simply do not have a chance not to get carried away with each other. Of course, the question of the durability of such feelings remains, but one thing is obvious - until they last, it will be fine. Actually, like the spectacle itself.

By the way, to decide who is closer to you - show or low - worth seeing both performances. But whatever you choose, be sure you will be right, and after viewing, if not happy, then at least satisfied.

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