I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened?

I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_1
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_2
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_3
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_4
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_5
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_6
I bought Ford Scorpio for $ 150 and invested another $ 3000. What happened? 19179_7

Find in our country an old Ford in good condition - then still troublesome Delz. In most such cases, machines are given in the proper view of the efforts of enthusiast owners. It did not exception and the culprit of this material - Ford Scorpio 1988 release. Minskhanin Alexander, together with his brother, was engaged in the restoration of the car, and the result is really impressive. Now the car is sold on the "autobarer." We met with Alexander to find out all the details.

What is the car at all?

The SCORPIO model has been produced from 1985 to 1998. There are two generations (the first to which the hero of today's article refers was made from 1985 to 1994 in the cuzov sedan, Hatchback and station wagon, the second from 1994 to 1998 in the Sedan Body and Wagon). The car refers to a business segment (E-class). For the first generation, gasoline engines 1.8, 2.0, 2.4, 2.8, 2.9 liters and 2,5 liters diesel are available. There are versions with a 4-speed automatic gearbox (A4LD) and a 5-speed mechanical (MT-75 or Type 9). In 1992, restyling was held: the hood, front and rear headlamps, grille, dashboard changed. It is worth noting that the first generation is famous for the North American market for the first generation as Mercur Scorpio. This version has been produced from 1988 to 1989 and had a 6-cylinder engine of 2.9 liters under the hood and two boxes to choose from - 4-speed A4LD automatic and 5-speed "mechanics" type 9. Nevertheless, the model did not meet Expectations of the manufacturer in terms of sales, so soon the name Mercury Scorpio was changed to Ford Scorpio.


For the family Alexander, the purchase of Ford Scorpio has become almost tradition. "This is the third such car from us," says the owner. - Before that, Scorpio was at the father, then the car fell into an accident, and had to buy another copy as a "donor". Of the two Ford, we collected one, which ultimately rotted. As for the Scorpio, which I have now, I purchased it over nine years ago in the CHP district for $ 150. Neither the motor nor the whole suspension, nor living cabin is just a body. The previous owner bought a car for spare parts from some teenagers, they finished Ford to a non-working state. Depressing picture, of course. "


"Brother was originally engaged in the car," Alexander continues. "Then he gave it to me." At that time, the car looked like the usual stock ford scorpio - a 2 liter motor, without a body kit, I only put the discs of the 17th. Then I went to the army, and the car again passed into the possession of the brother. While I served, "died" the engine, and also began rotting the body. Returning, I decided that it was time to seriously engage in a car, to make it really for himself. I am young - naturally, it was interesting to take up something like that. "

Recovery began in 2015. Two "donors" was purchased - one in Minsk, another in the area of ​​Nari. All work, Alexander, if possible, tried to do himself. Welding, assembly of the motor - all on their own in the garage. Only for painting and collapsed people from the side. With the details, according to the owner, the problems did not arise, almost everything was found in Belarus. The body kit is original, RS. His owner in parts found in the Republic of Belarus: one person is the rear "skirt", another - the front "lip" (replica) and the spoiler, from the third - thresholds. The salon, originally velor, was taken from the "donor", and last summer will be transferred to ecocuse. Disks were found in Grodno. Two electrical incidence managed to purchase in Bobruisk, one more thing - in Minsk, but the buttons for these very seats were not found, carried from Russia. A rare headlight washer Alexander found in the capital. The rear headlamps were half the camp in the village near Minsk.

As an engine was supplied by V6 with a volume of 2.9 liters (power 150 liters. P., Torque - 231 N · m). The maximum speed that Alexander managed to reach is 208 km / h. The current mileage of the motor is about 110 thousand km (at the time of purchase, the aggregate mileage was about 100 thousand, another 10 thousand. Owner Scorpio departures after recovery). The box that the owner took separately, - the 5-speed "mechanics" of Type 9. "There is no unnoticed on SCORPIO roads," says Alexander. - It is very cool that my works did not pass in vain. People are surprised when they see how a 30-year-old car rides along with modern models. "

A young man is a member of the Club of Old Ford Machines. "We have in Belarus I have not yet seen Scorpio in such a state as I have. There are escort, sierra, capri - but not scorpio. If we talk about events, I somehow went to Sunday, and last year on the "sandbox" staged an exhibition of rare cars Vintageday. There I also lit up, "Alexander told.

Question price and reason

In general, recovery cost about $ 3 thousand and took two years. In the summer of 2018, the car for the first time after the restoration went on the road. "Of course, here the important role was played here that I did a lot myself, the owner shall be divided. - Otherwise it would be more expensive. This is an interesting experience, but in the foreseeable future I am not a grieving desire to repeat it, so far I have enough. Why did you decide to sell? Well, because the case is done. Yes, you can still modify something, you can continue to support Ford in good condition, but all this requires money. And since the car is not new, then the attachments should be regular. In addition to SCORPIO in the family there are other cars, followed by: BMW E34, Volkswagen Golf, Peugeot 308. If you don't get to sell, I will continue to invest, there will be a kind bank. "

According to Alexander, buying this scorpio for daily use is not the best undertaking. After a couple of years of permanent operation, the rotting will again know about himself, because this is the main trouble of old Ford models. "As the main car is not worth to take Scorpio," the owner of the car summarizes. - I even have winter rubber for him, as well as other disks. "

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