Causes of refusal of higher education are named

Causes of refusal of higher education are named 5277_1
Causes of refusal of higher education are named

A group of German researchers called the reasons why people most often refuse to learn from college or university. Scientists analyzed the data on almost 18 thousand students. During all work, respondents passed surveys twice a year. Questionnaires contained information about student performance, the year of graduation and whether they threw the university or college until the end of the diploma and for what reasons.

By the end of 2016, a control group included more than ten thousand students who left the university during training, and about two thousand who continued to study. Details of work Scientists have been published in the European Journal of Education magazine.

In total, they studied 24 reasons for leaving the university. The results showed that the most common factors of refusal of higher education are the lack of interest in the specialty and unjustified expectations regarding the curriculum. Also, a role is often played too high load and problems with academic performance.

The research team found that care motifs vary depending on the floor, specialty and duration of training. So, the girls threw the university more often due to problems with the organization of the process and too high load.

In addition, about a quarter of students of mathematical, natural science and engineering specialties called financial problems the most important motive. For representatives of other areas, it turned out to be a less significant occasion. Also, about 15% of representatives of humanitarian directions noted that they threw their studies, because they considered their specialties unprofitable.

Low performance and too high loads were important sooner for senior courses. Approximately about a third of the undergraduates left their studies due to unandless exams, and among the first-year students, this figure was less than 20%. However, for them, family and financial problems became a more significant factor: 21% of those who left after the first year did this for family reasons, and 28% due to difficulties with money.

Finally, scientists noted that the refusal of higher education was always taken by several reasons. The team is confident that the results will help universities deeper to understand the reasons for the departure of students and on the basis of accepting countermeasures. "New knowledge on this topic will help universities to implement early warning systems and better support students who are more likely to throw their studies at an early stage," the authors of the study summed up.

Source: Naked Science

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