"There must be a master." Kirovskan will ask whether the drochlow needs in the city


In the Public Chamber of the Kirov region discussed two initiatives on the elimination of dvoevsty. The first implies the return of direct elections, the second is the election of the competition. When discussing social activists, deputies and officials came together in one - it is necessary to find out the opinion of the population on this issue.

We will remind, deputies of claims voted against the bill on the direct election of the mayor of Kirov, who had to get rid of dwellesties in the city. At the same time, in the OGSC made one bill on the unification of the posts of mayor and the City manager in Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk. The authors propose to elect a single leader of the city by competition. However, this project has not yet been submitted to the deputies.

At the extended meeting of the Commission of the National Security Commission on public monitoring, examination, ethics and regulations, both initiatives were considered. One of the authors of the draft law on the elimination of dwellesty in Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk, the deputy of SCMS, Yury Balberdin, was performed. According to him, the system of dvoevsty does not contribute to effective work in municipalities, and in the areas of the region it is eliminated. The division on the head of the city and the chapter of the administration remains only in Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk.

- Residents of cities do not know who the chapter who is responsible for everything. Our project is called to liquidate the system to eliminate. In the city there should be a master, we must understand who is responsible for all the cases that occur in the municipality - explained Yuri Babilyberdin.

Direct elections or competition

The second question is how to choose a manager. According to Balberdin, an existing competitive procedure is effective. Candidates are selected, must comply with certain requirements, and members of the Commission can deal in detail with the business qualities of the applicants, their previous employment, noted the deputy. In the elections, according to him, not completely honest technologies are used, and PR is not always truthfully and accurately reflects the position of the candidate. In addition, the organization of direct elections in Kirov will cost 40 million rubles.

At the same time, Balyberdin noticed that the ideal system does not exist, but the competition makes it possible to exclude a "random person" to the post of head of the city.

The deputy of the Kirov Gordeuma Albert Bikalyuk, who advocated the return of direct elections, said that during Vasily Kiselev, the "enchanted dilution of municipal ownership" went. Since the people's chosen mayor was unmanaged and did not come to contact the Duma, it was decided to hold a competition for this position, Bikalyuk explained.

Now the deputy proposes to return the elections, as there is no competition when conducting a competition and there is a breakdown towards the regional authorities, although local governments must be independent. If earlier the Competition Commission included seven deputies and three people appointed by the governor, now the ratio of 50 to 50.

"Today, from the idea, when we assumed to choose a professional, the idea turned out when we choose a man loyal," Albert Bikalyuk said. - No one [from the heads of administration] has not worked for more than 3.5 years, and even less. And with the arrival of each executive, the team changes. I do not want to nor well, nor talk about the previous City managers, nor about the present, but the staffs that were with Shulgin, were brought without the experience of municipal work. Osipov is only now in understanding the budget process. So far, you must admit, there was a small failure. It is not easy: come from the side and delve into this system.

"There must be a master." Kirovskan will ask whether the drochlow needs in the city

The deputy of the Kirov Gordeuma Sergey Rudkovsky noted that a working group was created on this issue. The experience of other cities of the Volga Federal District has already been studied: there are no direct elections.

The member of the Commission Sergei Ulitin noted that the Federal Law "On General Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation" allows the introduction of additional requirements of the Commission to the candidate. He clarified the authors of the initiative, it is consciously not included such proposals or the bill not worked out. Yuri Babilyberdin explained that the second reading could be amended.

Trust in residents

Albert Bikalyuk added that the people choose the president, the governor, deputies, but the heads at the local level are prescribed.

- In this case, we show some kind of disrespect. You can choose the boss higher, the head of the average can, you can deputies, and the boss at the local level to which you should go daily on issues, we will appoint you. Here you are not able to choose, there is a mistake. Why do we not trust the inhabitants? - wondered by the deputy.

Babyberdin noticed that it was connected with a low appearance. Albert Bikalyuk disagreed with this. According to him, the candidate must be interested in voters so that they come to the elections.

The head of Kirovo-Chepetsk Elena Savina expressed another point of view: she is against the association of posts and direct elections.

- We launch the procedure for electing the head of the administration, and in three months I scorn with a big spoon all the amount of work that falls on two chapters. This is not a lot of cargo. This is the first. The second is the separation of strategic and tactical management. Third aspect - control. External control, which can be carried out by the head of the city in a team with deputies, plays the quality of both the implementation of projects and all the indicators that need to be performed - Elena Savina explained.

The Chairman of the commission Marina Kopyina proposed to organize a round table to bring to the discussion of commutors or hold meetings with the population. She was supported by Elena Savina. According to her, it is important to hear the opinion of the people. Sergey Ulitin advised additionally to spend the survey of residents at the site of the NGC. All those present agreed with these suggestions.

Photo: Kirov Administration, Kirov Gordum

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