Lenten menu in Moscow restaurants


The graduate nutritionist, food coach and the Restaurant Observer Ekaterina Maslov amounted to a list of Moscow restaurants with the most outstanding launch menu. There are so many places, and the post ahead is so long that we decided to break this list into several parts. Catch the first 10 places where it is worth going for interesting lean dishes.

"Merchants and oysters"

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"Merchants and oysters"

Let's start the review of the first menu, which was developed by Ekaterina Maslov herself for the restaurant "Purpet and Oysters". The tandem of the graduate nutritiologist and Food Coach with a young and talented chef Constantine Gushchi came out excellent - the menus developed by them is not only original, but also perfectly balanced on the combination of products and the content of nutrients in them. Traditional usual Russian dishes are turned into original and corresponding to culinary trends. Lean soups (420 rubles) are preparing here with Brussels cabbage and beans Edamam, potato panic is served with a beet sauce and a vegan black caviar (390 rubles), and dumplings - with a coconut half and mango (620 rubles). From the other interesting dishes from the Length menu - the Vegan Poggarte Cutlet Beyond Meat in Supliks from rye bread on Zakvask (720 rubles), Panasian buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and vegetable demigox (460 rubles), green keto salad with avocado and mushroom julienne (520 rubles ) And cabbage rolls with wild rice and vegetables in tomato sauce (480 rubles). For dessert, you can take lean brows with cherries and nuts (420 rubles) and carrotless gluten-free cupcake with sea buckthorn sorbet (450 rubles).

Address: Large Polyanka, 39, p. 1

Phone: +7 (926) 676-41-94

Site: www.kupci-ustrici.ru.

White Rabbit.

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White Rabbit.

This year, Vladimir Mukhin, with his team, developed a lean energy menu Sputnik. It is based on the Ayurvedic principles of the interaction of the elements of nature - water, earth, fire, air and ether with a person, while maintaining the tradition. The menu has such a close Russian taste like a vinaigrette from a green peas (760 rubles), cabbage rolls with fried nettles and curls (610 rubles), pancakes from potatoes and tofu (950 rubles), buckwheat pancakes with vegetable meat (1090 rubles). Actively involved in Sputnik berries - cloudberry, black currant, sea buckthorn, strawberries - these natural probiotics quickly drink by trace elements, clean and charge energy. The menu has a cloudberry and lemon (790 rubles), strawberry, dragonfruit, cashews and coconut milk (790 rubles), sea buckthorn, honey and cedar nuts (790 rubles). From mandatory to tasting dishes Also coconut fat "Cocotardo" with black bread (990 rubles), mushroom broth and dumplings with roast greens (650 rubles), gold risotto with saffron and yellow beets (750 rubles) and cashew keike with coconut condenum (650 rubles).

Address: Smolensk Square, 3

Phone: +7 (495) 510-51-01

Site: WhiterabBitmoscow.ru/ru.

Milano Café.

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Milano Café.

In the new Moscow restaurant of modern Italian cuisine from Restaurants by Crocus Group, the Chef Massimiliano Montiroli has developed a landline menu with Italian dishes. It was included as vegan hits from the main menu - Carpaccio from the artichoke (920 rubles) and the Vegano salad (440 rubles) and the new interesting positions. Among them, Bruschetta with juicy tomatoes and basilic (320 rubles), eggplants with tomatoes and chiabatta (550 rubles), satisfying soups - traditional Italian minestrone (350 rubles) and gentle pumpkin cream soup with almonds (350 rubles).

Very nice in Cafe Milano Lean Hot Dishes. The chef Massimiliano Montirere Spaghetti makes with truffle and vegetables (990 rubles), risotto - with artichokes (1,200 rubles), and pizza on a crunchy thin dough rushes with vegetables and then decorates arugula (600 rubles). For the sweet goals of 3 lean dessert - the classic of Italian cuisine panacotta (250 rubles) from coconut milk with sea buckthorn sauce, carrot cake (250 rubles) and the original dessert "Chocolate Avocado" (250 rubles) - useful dessert with bitter chocolate, without fat, eggs and gentle avocado instead of dough.

Address: New Arbat, 21

Phone: +7 (495) 727-19-77

Site: cafemilano.moscow.


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To the great post, the brand-chief of the restaurant "Matrushka" Vlad Piskunov prepared a separate menu, which includes more than three dozen dishes: from pies and pickles to coupes with mushrooms and lentils. A separate word deserves a comprehensive lean breakfast, which includes a vegetable coconut yogurt, a porridge with a pumpkin on almond milk and dumplings with cherry (640 rubles). For lunch and dinner, you should take a lean Olivier (580 rubles), Vinaigrette with Salty Ural mushrooms (590 rubles) and certainly soup - Valaam soup (550 rubles), borsch with beans and prunes (590 rubles) or mushroom chowder (790 rubles). The choice of hot lean dishes is very impressive. Here and carrot cutlets with baked vegetables sauce (690 rubles), and buckwheat porridges with roots (490 rubles) and several variations on the topic of dumplings - coudes with mushrooms (590 rubles) and dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms (490 rubles). And for lovers of something inoreigner, there are cabbage rolls with a half-mushroom, Topinambury and white mushrooms (670 rubles).

Address: Kutuzov Prospect, 2/1, p. 6

Phone: +7 (495) 025-25-65

Site: Matryoshka-rest.ru.

"My fish"

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"My fish"

In the network of fish restaurants Vladimir Perelman, without fish and seafood, they do not bored at all, offering a large selection of original dishes without animal products. For a snack, it is necessary to order Bruschetta with the vegan "cheese" from cashews and pickled carrots (360 rubles), rolls with Thai mango, ripe avocado and ginger sauce (860 rubles), Sevs with Cherry tomatoes with threaded avocado (650 rubles) or crisp Salad Romano with tomatoes and weems (560 rubles). On the first - the original Supisuaz soup with white mushrooms and a black truffle (590 rubles), and the celery steak with green buckwheat and vegetable housing (690 rubles). As for the sweet, then you can try the dessert "artichoke" (550 rubles) from Dinara Kasko (you may have seen it or even tried in "pearls" in the "depot") or lean tiramisu with cherry sauce (520 rubles).


1-Aya Tverskaya-Yamskaya 21

Color Br 2

Lion Tolstoy 18 B

Slavic pl., 2

Site: myfish.msk.ru.


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Chef Maxim Capshikov has repeatedly pleased the audience with dishes from the category of the head. This time he combined the fashion trends of vegetarianism and healthy nutrition in the post-menu. In the section of cold snacks, a salad with pear and watermelon radish (490 rubles) and a tofu salad and baked vegetables under garlic-ginger sauce with chips from Topinambur (590 rubles). Falafel (490 rubles) goes to the company of spinach, zucchini, salsa from tomatoes and chips from a bathat under the sauce "Lucco Dip" - dish appetizing and fairly satisfying. Lighter - zucchini with algae and mushrooms, supplemented with sunflower seeds and crispy carrot chips (410 rubles). The menu can also find a lean mushroom soup (550 rubles) and dessert - walnut balls under coconut mousse filled with dried fruits with almonds (390 rubles).

Address: Tver Boulevard, 26, p. 2

Phone: +7 (495) 651 81 70

Site: Rest-F.ru.

Wine & Crab.

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Wine & Crab.

Denis Khood Chef Denis Kruznia has developed an original lean menu, to whose dishes Sommelier picked up interesting options for non-alcoholic wines. From snacks - a freight in rice chips with a lean sour cream and greens (390 rubles), tart with roots, white mushrooms, cabbage and macadamia (550 rubles) and hummous from lentils with baked vegetables and artichokes (650 rubles). For greenery lovers, there is a large green salad with avocado (680 rubles) and vegetable with refueling from lean sour cream (490 rubles), and soup lovers waiting for coconut milk with mushrooms and nuts (390 rubles) and tomato with tartar from vegetables (390 rubles ). For hot to the choice of 4 interesting dishes, including Falafel with green vegetables (390 rubles) and baked vegetables with nutty sauce from a navel sour cream (390 rubles). On the sweet, it is clear to unambiguously take apple tarten with caramel and coconut ice cream (450 rubles).


Nikolskaya, 19-21 / 1

Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, 114, Barvikha LV

Site: http://www.winecrab.ru.


Lenten menu in Moscow restaurants 13005_8

In the atmospheric restaurant on the Forest Special Lena Menu - the brand-chief Rustam Tangirov does not like banal combinations, so each position without animal products turned out to be special. Among the salads are original with spinach, cranberries, pear and pecan nut (590 rubles) and with baked beet and tofu (520 rubles). Snacks are represented by gentle zucchini bureaucrats with sandy sour cream sauce (450 rubles), satisfying potato pancakes with rags (450 rubles) and Israeli nappy from baked eggplant Hatsilim, which is served with croutons from Borodino bread (480 rubles). And on the hottest in the Lena Menu Rustam Tangirov, cauliflower with a cream from almonds (550 rubles) and ravioli with mushrooms (590 rubles).

Address: ul. Forest, d. 20, korp. five

Phone: +7 (495) 730-11-77

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/rest.lesnoy/

"Cheese" in red October

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"Cheese" in red October

Until May 1, Anton Pinsky's restaurant and Arkady Novikov in Red October shifts the focus on the cheeses of its own production to the fruit-vegetable menu. The chef Pavel Grotsky came up with 15 dishes that fit perfectly into a lean diet. Among the interesting dishes of ¬- vinegret with red beans and sauerkraut (200 rubles), a salad with a half-hour and vegetables in sesame and olive refueling (400 rubles), Focaccia with a crispy head, baked eggplant and fresh tomato (550 rubles). For a hot chief, it would seem like a simple chowder from white mushrooms, but adds the original ingredient to it - buckwheat noodles (300 rubles), and in the familiar pumpkin cream soup - apples (250 rubles). Among the interesting hot positions - buckwheat with cabbage (350 rubles) and lean pasta - Penne with artichokes and zucchi in the sauce of Arabiat (500 rubles). On Sweet - Mousse with Chia and Pineapple (250 rubles) and a nasty cake with prunes and Kuragya (400 rubles).

Address: Bersenevsky Per., 2 p. One

Phone: +7 495 727 38 80

Site: Syrovarnya.msk.ru.


Lenten menu in Moscow restaurants 13005_10

Another Italian lean menu has developed a restaurant chef Butler Giuseppe Davi - the classic of Italian cuisine in the vegan design. The dishes are such original positions like a baked beet milfetee with a fennel, vegetable invaltini and tomato mayonnaise (680 rubles), a salad with Barlotti and Canini beans (1200 rubles), a baked pumpkin salad with white tempura mushrooms with a movie and a hazelnuclear dressing (1250 rubles). On the first - the whole 3 Italian soup from Barlotti's beans with fried spinach (560 rubles), puree soup, red and white onion with a black truffle (710 rubles) and tomato soup with an invaltini from a latice, stuffed with Rice Nero Venus (650 rubles). On the hot - pasta Metzi Pakcheri in Alio Solo Olio Peperonchino sauce - with broccoli and sauce from baked pepper and dried tomatoes (1,100 rubles) and gluten-free linguini from the shell with white mushrooms (1200 rubles).

Address: threeproof lane, 15

Phone: +7 (495) 150-45-86

Site: delivery.butler.rest

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