Recovery methods after COVID-19 called experts

Recovery methods after COVID-19 called experts 18639_1

The total number of patients with coronavirus grows every day. However, those who won the disease should not relax - the deceit of the disease is that after it the body requires a serious recovery. The doctor of the Higher Category was told about the methods of rehabilitation, the therapist JSC "Medicine" Olga Berezhko.

In an interview with the Portal "World 24", the expert drew the attention that people who had sake people often complain about shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, weakness, poor sleep quality, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, a general decline in the quality of life.

Often, patients have more serious consequences: respiratory failure, lung fibrosis, violation of the drainage function of the lungs, broncho-abstructive syndrome, cardiomyopathy, etc.

In addition, according to the latest data, the virus affects not only light, but also vessels, it can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. And those who had to survive artificial ventilation of the lungs or for a long time to be in a lying position, essentially you have to learn to go and breathe.

"Medical rehabilitation is needed to all patients after they had sobed, regardless of the presence and severity of violations of functions," Mir 24 "by Olga Berezhko quotes. - But elderly patients and those who have faced the disease of the middle and heavy form will be especially in it. As a rehabilitation therapy, the patient may assign high-energy physiotherapy, vibrotherapy, chest massage, oxygenobarotherapy, magnetotherapy, enhanced outdoor counterpox.

According to the expert, the most effective methods of recovery are respiratory gymnastics and light exercise. There are different types of respiratory gymnastics, among which experts particularly distinguish their breath on the method of Buteyko, as well as breathing with rhythmic turns of the head, breathing through the nose with a change of rhythm. A favorable effect in the process of rehabilitation also has physical activity, simple exercises or elementary walking.

The following comprehensive measures are recommended for recovery. First, the occupations of respiratory exercises recommended by rehabilitol specialists or under their control. Secondly, low-intensity aerobic load (walking or Scandinavian walking) at least 40 minutes a day three times a week over 8-12 weeks. Finally, it should be eaten at least four times a day, sleep at least eight hours a day, refrain from smoking and alcohol.

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