Like a 15-year-old saboteler German trains dusked

Like a 15-year-old saboteler German trains dusked 9677_1

The German officer wrote in the diary: "We can neither go or drive up to the railway. Nodal stations of Kovel and smoothly paralyzed from August ... It is terrible to look at the area: the remains of the destroyed trains everywhere ... ".

Volodya Treaschair went to the partisans at 13th. By the age of 15, he perfectly knew the subversive business and destroyed ten enemy trains. Remember the front path of one of the youngest fighters of the "Rail War".

After the defeat in the Stalingrad battle in 1943, the Nazi group was preparing for Revenge. During the period of the Kursk battle of the Kovel railway station (Western Ukraine), the Germans sent dozens of echelons with ammunition, flammable, appliances and vibrant power. To deprive the enemy of reinforcements and the ability to cause a destructive blow, a large-scale operation "Cowel node" was deployed by the partisans. As a result, the railway station turned out to be completely paralyzed.

From July 7, 1943 to April 1944, a partisan connection under the command of Alexei Fedorov, operating in the Kovel Forests, destroyed 549 enemy echelons. Ten of them on the account of 15-year-old Volodya Treaschaeff.

When the war began, Volodya was the thirteenth year. The boy grew up in the Bryansk region, where the guerrilla squad began to act in the first months of the war. Volodya Mother Elena Kondratyevna for helping Avengers executed, and the orphan went into the forest.

"I was full of revenge for my mother, when I came to the partisans," Vladimir Treaschaev recalled in one of the interviews. In the 42nd in Bryanshchina, after heavy battles, Alexey Fedorov's partisan joint arrives, and the boy falls into the squad of Nicholas Shchors. Later, in the 43rd, the detachment received an order to move to Western Ukraine, where the Operation "Kovel Knot" was preparing.

To maintain a rail war in each partisan detachment, groups of demolitions were formed. Volodya also got into one of these groups. It was not without difficulty - to cook the saboteurs from quite another boys did not want. They took with the condition that all exams in a subruptive case will be passed on "excellent."

The sabotage of the young Avenger

By April 1944, there were ten captured echelons on Volodya Volodya Treaschaeff.

I remember everyone, he recalled after the war. - The first result was - 175 killed and wounded. That is, 175 people no longer hit the front. During one of the sabotage in the eyes of Volodya, the colleague was killed: the partisans blew up, did not have time to install a mine. The Nazi repair train arrived at the place of the explosion soon, and the dumbfounded Volodya rushed to report on what had happened.

It was necessary to leave away from the railway, because the Germans will start to french the forest in search of the perpetrators.

But how to go when the task is not fulfilled? Upon restored road, the enemy composition will go, the enemy composition will go - to allow this Volodya could not. He managed to persuade the commander to return to the "piece of iron" and finish the operation. A few hours later, the repair train left, a German echelon with military loads went with the nearest station. There was little time, and Volodya rushed from the shelter to put mine on only the restored portion of the road. When he finished, a Hitler train appeared due to turn.

The boy broke his head flew to her when the multiple composition took off to the air.

After the war

For the contribution to the general victory, Vladimir Treaschaeva was awarded orders and medals, including the "partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 1st degree.

He connected his peaceful life with the sea. He graduated from the Kherson Nautical School and the Odessa Maritime Institute of Engineers. He worked as the head of the Foreign Fleet Agency Department, and in the 60s commanded to Algeria, France and Belgium.

In one of the interviews to the question, as he managed to pass the war and survive, the front-line responded: "All these years I survived, apparently because the deceased Mother, saying goodbye to life, thought about children. And I was a big defense. "

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