Twitter vs. Trump: Is there too much power from social networks?


Twitter vs. Trump: Is there too much power from social networks? 21621_1
Calling Donald Trump at the rally of his supporters to go to the Capitol (in the photo) and the storming of the congress building became the basis for blocking its accounts in social networks

Donald Trump's chances Return to the White House in 2024. Was not only from events in Washington, where the impeachment procedure should begin, but also from the silicon valley, where technological companies adopted unprecedented measures to drown out the President's PR-Machine.

The Trump has no more accounts on Twitter and Facebook. Both companies closed him access to their platforms after the riots arranged by the supporters of Trump in the Capitol last week. First, Facebook blocked the presidential account for an indefinite period. Then Twitter, where the Trump is 88 million subscribers, said that he will block the Trump forever and will not allow him to make tweets even from other accounts, including the White House account. Finally, the restrictions entered YouTube, Tiktok, Pinterest and Snap.

In addition, technological companies owning the main platforms to communicate on the Internet began to close access to the forums and applications supporting Trump, due to their role in organizing the riots on January 6. Google and Apple were excluded from their stores of the Parler Social Society, which many of the most zealous right supporters of Trump are used. Then Amazon said that he would suspend the provision of web hosting services for Parler (actually turning it off from the network if Parler would not find another provider). Parler was submitted to Amazon to court.

These actions have further strengthened fierce disputes about where the line between the right of technology companies restricting the activities of those users who violate their policy policies and ensure the rights to freedom of speech and self-expression.

The opponents of Trump welcomed his excommunication from the Internet platforms, which many consider long-standing. But the others are concerned that in the hands of several private companies, a huge political power was concentrated. "We understand the desire to forever block the account [Trump]," said Kate Rouen, the Senior Advisor to Legal Affairs of the American Union of Civil Freedies. "But everyone should be worried about the situation where companies like Facebook and Twitter have unlimited power and remove people from platforms that have become indispensable to express views of billion people, especially when political realities facilitate such decisions."

The social network is not the first year under fire critics - they say, restrictive measures against Trump needed to be taken for a long time. Many left believes that he used the Internet platform to inflate the flame of violence, strengthen the theories of the conspiracy and sow disinformation, including unreasonably arguing that the Democrats "stole" with his election victory. But it took the assault capitol last week the crowd of supporters of Trump - and the approval of their actions by the president - to give all social networks to block the Trump.

"Like any social network, these services have their own conditions for the provision of services that must specifically prevent such things as calls for violence and hatred," says Matt Rirlitz from the Sleeping Giants Sleeping Giants. - So far, they rarely complied with these rules. "

Former Top Manager Twitter said that, according to the company, it was "incredibly patient" in relation to the tramp. But last week she felt obliged to block the president's account due to the concerns of the resumption of violence due to the inauguration of Joe Bayden on January 20. "[Twitter] clearly explained the causes of its actions. There is a feeling that there is even more trouble in front. And if the company does not do anything, it will be criticized for non-interference, "he said.

Trump and his closest supporters were angry with social networks: the White House stated that Twitter employees "coordinated their actions with democrats and radical left" to make the president silenced. Others believe that I had to introduce the prohibitions for a long time. "Platforms of social networks are late for four years. They allowed lies Trump, the theories of conspiracy and hatred to let deep roots. [His] heritage will remain with us for many years, "says Robert Reich, Professor of the State Policy of the University of California in Berkeley and Minister of Labor at Bill Clinton.

Third believe that technological companies simply act in their own interests, seeking to prevent criticism from the Democrats, which are now controlled by both chambers of Congress, and possible regulatory measures from the new administration of Byjden. Earlier, Biden called for the abolition of the provision of the US law defending social network providers from lawsuits due to the content placed on their platforms. His administration will also consider antimonopoly affairs against Google and Facebook, while members of the Congress continue to insist on tightening federal privacy laws in social networks. The Republican Senator Marco Rubio said Fox News on Sunday: "This is very cynical ... the reason why people do it is that the democrats are about to come to power and providers see it [accounting accounts] as a way to get up on their side And avoid restrictions or laws that they will harm. "

In any case, the events of the last week are forced the administration of Byyden without tightening the tightening of supervision for major technological corporations. At the same time, the Trump clearly narrowed the space to communicate with their supporters and the world. He reported on the possibility of creating his own platform, but this attempt may also encounter restrictions, in particular, from Web hosting service providers.

Much depends on whether Facebook will make the ban on the president's account constant. "If Facebook cancels the ban and Trump will return, then Facebook will be his new Twitter, its main means of communication," says Angelo Cairo, executive director of the non-profit organization Media Matters. However, the current situation will undermine the political position of Trump, because it limits its opportunities to become the main europe of the opposition, belongs to Cello.

Translated Victor Davydov

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