"To demolish cannot be used": in chistopol, they want to demolish the hut, built on the place of the house of Fedin - video


Instead of the vintage house, Fedin is a completely new building. A new look, new dimensions, but former problems: the building is at that particular, where the cultural heritage object was destroyed in May 19th - a house where the writer Konstantin Fedin lived in the evacuation.

"And it is interesting that the Fedin himself in his memoirs mentions how he lived here," said the Deputy Director of the Chistopol State Historical and Architecture and Literary Museum-Reserve Denis Kondrashin.

After 2 years in the place of the house of Fedin about the writer, alas, nothing says. Instead, a single-storey log house with an attic appeared here, in which, judging by the candy windows, no one lives.

Although externally, he is already ready to settle. There are gas, light, the territory is fenced with a fence. Only the house is already going to demolish. This decision issued a chopoline court.

"According to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the construction of a residential building is notified. That is, a person with intention to build a house is obliged to contact the Board, this was not done, "said Robert Zaripov, head of the legal department of the executive committee.

"There was almost a branch of the garbage," said Tatyana Musin's home.

Tatiana Musina has already paid a fine of 15 thousand rubles for the demolition of a historic building and is not going to be a new home to put the tractor under the wheels.

"I, of course, offered, let's hang a memorial plaque, but with the indication that here in the years of war there was a house, because he had nothing to do with a passport of the house, which I had a committee," said Tatiana Musina.

There are many questions. Did the owner know about the special status of mansion? Whether the supervisory authorities knew about it, if they allowed to demolish the object and to build a house for 2 years, which nothing to do with the monument has. Although Tatyana Musina back in 2019 promised us to restore the object.

Since the house is already demolished, does this mean that the recovery agreement was not fixed documented? And this is what the State Committee told us today.

There are no civil law treaties between this person and the Committee.

In defense, the owners of the house say neighbors: they believe that a woman is not punished, but to encourage. The old house she got in a deplorable state, in it lived homeless.

"Here one died. Then the owner of the latter also died in this house. There you will not see, in boots even went scary. Such he was dirty, "said Nikolai Valtov, a local resident.

"There is no old house, this house is beautiful and good," said Local resident Vladimir Slepov.

It is clear that the inhabitants want to see the well-groomed territory, and not what the Fedin's mansion has become for the previous owners. So it should have been, but with the preservation of historical appearance. Who and why not watched? Why is the story infinitely rebuilt? While the questions remain unanswered.

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