The best and worst chocolate according to the study data, including the content of palm

The best and worst chocolate according to the study data, including the content of palm 14404_1
The best and worst chocolate according to the research data, including with the content of the palm of gold Anastasia

In Russia, over the past few years, there has been a decrease in the demand for chocolate, but despite this, it remains among the most beloved deals among Russians. Since milk chocolate enjoys the greatest demand, he fell primarily inspections and grounds for compliance with all stated indicators on the packages and standards for its production according to GOST.

The study involved dairy chocolate of various brands. In total, 39 trading chocolate brands of various manufacturers' countries were studied. More than 50% of goods are produced by the Russian side, the rest in other countries historically famous for the production of chocolate, such as Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland.

According to the results of the study, a rating of dairy chocolate was drawn up with ranking on a scale from 1 to 5, depending on the quality of the goods studied

The worst rating of dairy chocolate

The worst rating of 1 out of 5 stars was received by milk chocolate brands "Alten Burg", "Festive postcard", "Fiori", "Sunmilk", with zero or about this, the lactic fat indicator in the composition of milk, with the content of cocoa milk substitutes, which is usually replaced Palm or palmoman oil, the volume of supply of these oils to Russia grows by an unprecedented pace.

Middle Milk Chocolate Rating

In this category with awarded rating of 3 or 4 out of 5 stars, milk chocolate brands "Victory taste", "Bear in the north", "Felicita", "Villars", "Sweet Island", "Swees", "Okay", "Dvorville", "Milka", "Alpen Gold", "Globus, Belgian", in some of them there are such disadvantages as a mismatch of the mass fraction of milk fat and the degree of grinding GOST. Basically in this list of chocolate there is no substitutes of cocoa mass, except for two brands "Victory taste", "Bear in the north".

Best Milk Chocolate Rating

The best rating of 5 out of 5 stars was awarded chocolate brands "Spartak", "Russian Chocolate", "Russia Generous Soul", "Air", "Alenka", "A. Korkunov", "Schogetten Alpine Milk Chocolate", "Ritter Sport" Alpine Milk »," Ritter Sport Goldschatz "," Plan B "," Nestle "," Movenpick "," Merci "," Lindt Excellence Extra Creamy "," Karlfazer "," Fine Life "," Dove "," Bonvida " , "Yashkino", "Victory taste", "Aksinya", "Sobranie". In this category of milk chocolate, there are no substitutes for the oil, it fully complies with GOST and the specified characteristics on the package.

The positive point of this study and its results was that a large percentage of the chocolate studied is still in the category with the highest rating.

Studies were carried out by the official operator of the quality of russia. With complete information and research results, it is possible to read on the official website of RSC quality.

Earlier reported on the best and worst red wine, about unsafe kefir, cheese, tomatoes, baby mashed potatoes, sausages.

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