Japan lowered a new generation head frigate


Today, on the shipyard Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Nagasaki, the new generation frigate for the Marine Self-Defense Forces of Japan (JMSDF), known as Mogami or Type 30FFM. He got the name JS Mogami. Two shipyards responsible for the construction of the first two frigates of this type, is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Nagasaki and Mitsui E & S in Okayam.

It is worth saying that in the 2020th Mitsui E & S launched another ship of this type - Kumano. Nevertheless, it is precisely the frigate now that is considered the head, that is, the first in a series or class of ships, each of which is built by a common project.

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JS Mogami / © Navalnews

The frigate was named after the river Mogs, located in the Yamagata Prefecture. Together with Kuma and Fuji, she enters the top three rivers with the fastest flow in Japan. After the descent on the water, the stage of the completion of the ship will begin, he can enter the fleet in 2022. At the same time, the sea defense for Japan's self-defense will receive Kumano.

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Kumano / © Wikipedia

The 30FFM ship is a minimal frigate of the next generation, designed for the naval forces of the self-defense of Japan. It is expected that a total of 22 frigates will be purchased for JMSDF, eight ships may be included in the first batch. Now, in addition to the ships mentioned above, Japan is building a few more frigates of the new generation.

One of the main features of the ship can be called unimprovability and achieving the highest level of automation, due to which it became possible a sharp decline in the number of crew. According to data, which are represented in open sources, the total displacement of the new frigate is 5,500 tons. The length of the ship is 130 meters with a width of 16 meters. The crew includes 90 people. The ship can develop the speed of more than 30 knots.

Growing competition pushes the countries of the Asia-Pacific region to strengthen the naval component of their armed forces. Perhaps the most striking evidence of this can be considered the Japanese and South Korean program for the construction of aircraft carriers who have become a kind of response to the strengthening of China in this direction.

Recall, recently, Seoul took an official decision on the transformation of the LPH-II Aviance Ship project to a full-fledged light aircraft carrier. It is assumed that he will be able to carry several dozen American fighters of the fifth generation F-35B shortened takeoff and vertical landing.

Source: Naked Science

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