The State Duma criticized the offer of "Aeroflot" to make a paid registration for flights

The State Duma criticized the offer of

In Pandemic times, the company is looking for more and more sophisticated ways to earn.

According to Izvestia, Aeroflot sent a proposal to the Ministry of Transport to introduce a paid registration service at airports. The initiative has already been considered in Rosaviatsiya - there they noted that it carries socio-negative risks, but they refused to comment. The Ministry of Transport said that there were no decisions on this issue.

It is assumed that the passengers should now have the right to choose: either pay for registration at the airport, or go through the online procedure is free. (How to avoid unnecessary spending those who have such a possibility, it is not clear.) At the same time, the cost of tickets should decrease - just the value of the costs that airlines are incurred now by providing registration services.

In the State Duma, learning about such a proposal, they stated that in the case of the introduction of such a system, we would have to overpay for services. "I evaluate negatively. I understand that if a certain economic entity comes with such an initiative, which is aimed primarily for making money, this kind of initiative in any case will be reflected in the pockets of those who use their services. I want them to be a profitable company, but I do not want all this to go from the pockets of citizens. I am sure that it will be that way, "Alexander Starovatov Alexander Starovytov said the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction of the Radio Station in an interview.

What is interesting, in the airline itself already went to the opponent, stating that the proposed system is relevant for loupes, but not for complete-speaking companies.

Recently, Aeroflot is increasingly criticized, and there really is for what. The company speaks with strange initiatives: it wants to cut luggage for passengers, then sell tickets without a flight guarantee. In the news, the crippled animals still fall: for the last time, in mid-February, the founder of Baza Nikita Mogutin complained that after the flight his corgi began to lame, and the carrying was broken. Apologies from the company and promises to investigate here, of course, is not enough, especially if this happens regularly.


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