Russia vs. EU: Roads that we choose


Russia vs. EU: Roads that we choose 20969_1
Sergey Lavrov

The loud statement of Sergei Lavrov, that Russia can break relations with the European Union, perceived as news, although he already said about it. Now the discussion aggravated due to an unsuccessful visit to Moscow of the head of European diplomacy Jesrep Borrel. The agenda of his visits clearly demonstrated the difference of how Moscow and Brussels perceive the relationship with each other now. European institutions in the face of the former Spanish minister consider the main discussion with the Russian leaders of the state of affairs in the Russian Federation - the state of rights and freedoms. From the Russian side, this is not just not understanding, as before, but also extremely sharp rejection.

The conflict has several levels - global; regional; Purely applied.

United States

It is associated with the fact that the global system changes dramatically. Globalization as a move towards generally accepted universal rules turned to reversed, sovereignty and protectionism in broad sense are becoming the main trend. All governments feel vulnerable because they cannot be completely confident in the ability to effectively monitor the processes in their own territory. Hence the increased sensitivity to everything that contains an external impact on internal processes. In Russia, it was always present, although in a somewhat less pronounced form, in the United States and Europe - a new phenomenon, but rapidly growing.

Against this background, an open claim of the European Union that he has the right to evaluate the internal political processes in Russia and require changes in their nature, looks like perfect anachronism. Especially since, stating its right, the EU cannot provide its implementation in practice, simply lacks effective impact levers. Repeat - the neutralization of such levers is today the priority of all world governments.


Until a certain point, European integration was considered the dominant political form in Europe and in neighboring territories. Relations between Russia and the EU from the mid-1990s. We proceeded exactly from this - the coming Europe will have the center of Brussels, and the rest should look for ways to adapt to this, their niches in the extensive community. From here and the idea that not even a part of the European Union (and not planning to strive to go there) countries should be guided in political practice to be guided by the norms of the European Union and report on this compliance. Economic and other bonds were conclusing a certain set of rules. These rules at the same time served as a tool for managing processes from the one who formulates them, that is, Brussels.

Such a model is completed for several reasons. The project of the "Big Europe" arrangement in accordance with the submission of the EU was removed from the agenda, the European Union is too busy with its own problems and salvation of integration itself. The international palette has not changed in favor of Europe, but in Eurasia, in general, a new stage of fundamental shifts. Russia finally moved away from attempts to integrate European beginnings, and even the fight against the EU for the overall periphery is perceived anyway. Without the same passion, more utilitarian. The West as a whole returns to an attempt to consolidate inside itself - that is, defensive logic prevails over the offensive. Russia is not going to integrate with anyone, even with its own projects is now a question.

What are the foundations so that with this state of affairs seriously perceive someone's instructions on themes concerning internal processes. Especially since the political transit in Russia, if it has not yet begun, it will be undoubtedly to be. And it would be strange if even a hint of attempts to influence from outside were perceived differently as a sabotage.

Purely applied

What is the "gap"? Minister of Lavrov emphasizes that we are talking about European institutions, not Europe as a collection of individual countries. All political dialogues with the EU ceased in 2014. Economic cooperation, which is not affected by sanctions and continues, goes between Russia and various states of the European Union. Theoretically, it is possible, of course, imagine the script when these ties are crumbling, but this is already a catastrophe of a military millenary, which will hit all the participants. Most likely (and this corresponds to general trends in the European Union) member countries will be as possible to build their economic relations with Moscow. Of course, if the atmosphere between Russia and the European Working Institutions, it would be a help and could open new doors. But according to the reasons described above, it is not necessary to expect.

Whatever refer to the history of relations between Russia and the European Union in 1990-2000, and then, acting in a certain paradigm, tried to expand the possibilities, this paradigm ended. To keep at its attributes now and continue simply unpromising.

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