Formula E: be or not to be a race in Rome?


Formula E: be or not to be a race in Rome? 23222_1

The epidemiological situation in Italy develops in such a way that the implementation of the formula E in Rome raises more and more questions, while the race on the highway laid through the streets of the Italian capital was planned on April 10.

However, since the scale of the pandemic does not become less, it was originally clear that difficulties with the organization of urban races in the first half of 2021 will in any case will be more than enough.

But from Monday, in the nine regions of the country, including in Lazio, in the territory of which Rome is located, a hard locked point is introduced, and now much depends on whether there will be restrictive measures in the city area where the track is located, in the next three weeks is softened Order of the authorities.

After all last year's problems, the formula E was in a serious financial situation, and the organizers of the electric championship in order to carry out the races. In the 2020th series, there was significant losses, and they cannot afford to allow this.

But in the case of Rome to an economic aspect, political, as the mayor of Virginia Raji is a fan of Formula E and would still like to hold the race, especially this is its last year as head of the city, and elections are expected in autumn. But if the race takes place, the organizers and participants of the championship can accus that the commercial interests for them were more important than security reasons, because in Italy, the Pandemic has already claimed the lives of 103 thousand people.

However, most likely, promoters will try to present the race so that it is perceived as one of the tools that will help somehow tremble and entertain the inhabitants of the "Eternal City" susceptible to depressive sentiment due to the effects of a pandemic.

"We closely cooperate with the city authorities so that the race makes optimism, has become an entertainment to the public, and it is important to emphasize that the Formula E race is held in the central city areas, and one of the advantages of our series appears in this," said Alberto Longo, executive director Formula E. - During this period, for many, it is very difficult in economic terms, we cooperate with 54 local suppliers - there would be nothing like that if the races would have passed on stationary autodromes.

We look at what is happening wider and believe that we help the cities to return to normal life, we are trying to return to normal efforts to carry out the races of formula E given an even more significant effect than it was before. "

This point of view shares most of the electric series races, believing that the holding of urban competitions in a pandemic is fully justified, since such events carry people joy and return hope, despite all external circumstances.

As for the upcoming Formula E race in Rome, the opinions on its score will inevitably share: if it is to carry out no matter what, it will cause a wave of discontent of one part of society; If you refuse it, it will be outraged by another part.

Source: Formula 1 on

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