What is Solomon Temple in Jerusalem?

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V. V. Vereshchagin, Solomon Wall (fragment), 1885 Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

The temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which is located on the temple grief, was the center of the religious life of the ancient Jews. According to the Bible, he was erected in 950 BC during the reign of King Solomon. King David planned the construction of a grand religious structure and instructed it to his son Solomon.

This time is considered a period of the highest manifestation of the national unity of the entire people of Jews. Thus, as the symbol of uniting the Israeli kingdom, the central temple was erected. The building was built about seven years, and the celebration on the occasion of the opening of the shrine lasted 14 days. Jews have made a pilgrimage from around the world on large holidays.

First, along with the main Jewish temple, there were also local shrines, called Batimim. However, later the king of Judea Ezekiai and the king Josei made an attempt to destroy the local sanctuary of the country and eliminate all the pagan cultures, making the only temple in Jerusalem to eliminate all pagan cultures.

As a result of their monotheistic reforms, the worship of the Lord was allowed only in the temple of Solomon, and outside of this structure the cultural activities of the Jewish people were prohibited.

In the 720-730s before our era, after the destruction by the Assyrians of the temples of Jews in Befile and Dana, the position of the Solomon Temple also increased. He became the central sanctuary of all Israeli knees. The king of Iosiya eliminated even Altari in the cult centers of northern knees, therefore, the Samaritans made a pilgrimage to the central temple of Solomon. As a result of this reform, the glory of this church was so huge that it had the disadvantages - many rulers believed that under the cover of Solomon's temple, everything was permitted.

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Idealized reconstruction of the temple, built at Queen Solomon in Jerusalem Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

However, it is also interesting that the only Solomon temple for all the Jews was not the only one: Israeli scientists discovered in the town of Tel Mozca, which is almost four miles from Jerusalem, the remains of another ancient temple. According to the ceramics found in the foundation of the structure, its construction was dated to the 9th century to our era.

It seemed as an archaeologist strange and unusual, because according to the biblical history of the temple, in Jerusalem there was a single temple of the ancient state of the Jew, the Temple of Solomon, and the rest of the sancti were prohibited.

The sensational find in Tel-MOCA puts doubt on the opinion of the Solomon's unique for all the Jews. Excavations also show that the temple was authorized, and this means that the religious structures such as him could be located throughout the country. Thus, the religious practices of those times were much wider than they thought before.

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The monumental temple complex was discovered in 2012 by the archaeologists of the Israeli administration of antiquities. It dates back to the end of X - the beginning of the 9th centuries BC. Photo: Pikabu.ru.

The value of the Solomon Temple is difficult to overestimate. Isaac Newton considered this sanctuary by the prototype of all world temples, according to which the Egyptian temples were built, and Greek. According to the scientist, the temple of Solomon is the carrier of all world secrets, and the drawing of the universe. In addition, it was provided by the temple and undoubted influence on the ideas of Freemasonry. He is a symbol of this fraternity of "free bricklayers."

Author - Vera Ivanchikova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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