"Possess point mutation": scientists told about the dangerous features of the British strain of coronavirus



The international team of American and Chinese microbiological scientists conducted a study during which he studied the peculiarities of the spread of the British strain of coronavirus. It turned out that the tendency to the original mutation makes it possible to communicate with the human body 10 times better.

In the process of research, scientists representing the University of Colorado (USA), and their Chinese colleagues pre-prepared a large number of copies of the British strain proteins, trying to connect them with ASE receptors2, in parallel measuring their mutual clutch. Also, the results of the experiment were compared with the results of such measurements produced for another strain of coronavirus, which does not have a N501Y mutation characteristic of British. As it turned out, a factor of a small point change in the RBD protein structure, which is responsible for the SARS-COV-2 compound with a cell surface, significantly improved the ability of the pathogen to formulate communication with ASE receptors2. It is noted that on average, this indicator is ten times exceeded, which, according to experts, is generally similar to the difference between the Coronavirus of the new type and its predecessor, which is SARS-COV, which is exciting atypical pneumonia.

Commenting on the results of calculations, doctors stated that the revealed changes in the functioning of the RBD protein were due to the ability to mutate to the formation of a number of accompanying hydrogen bonds during its connection with ACE2. In addition, microbiologists have discovered several more changes affecting the mutual compound of molecules, but the role of these metamorphosis should still be assessed. But already, scientists have noted that the mentioned changes are capable of significantly reduce the effectiveness of the action provided by monoclonal antibodies to the microelements of the British strain. However, according to experts, the ability to oppose the virus against COVID-19 vaccines to counteract the virus is quite relevant, although not as much as with the previous versions of SARS-COV-2.

"British coronavirus strains have a point mutation N501Y, changing the structure of RBD protein, which is responsible for attaching the virus to ASA2 receptors on the cell surface. We found out that this small change was about ten times improved the ability of the virus to communicate with these proteins of human cells," resums Leading author of scientific work, Professor Philip Marrah. Studies are posted on the Biorxiv electronic library resource.

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