I want to be: Is it possible to program the brain at your request


So what is the secret? This sova.today told the master of work with unconscious Natalia Makarenko.

Syncation can all?

The power of thought is really the greatest strength in the world. All you have now, first appeared in your head. If you simplify the scheme is divided, then in order to buy bread, you first need to think about the fact that there is no bread at home and it is worth buying it.

And now make it like a tracker, to any field of life. All your accomplishments first originated in the form of an idea, then became a desire, then the intention, and even then embodied in actions.

The power of thought is the greatest strength in the world!

However, there is a catch. All your true desires, and still fears, anxiety, restrictions, doubts are not at all conscious. And in him, the fact of the subconscious, which manages your life of interest on 80, if not more.

By the way, many people ask what the difference between the subconscious and unconscious. Not with anything. The subconscious is an obsolete term, it turned out of the turnover of Freud. He, his student and antagonist Jung, and then all other researchers of this phenomenon moved to a more respectful name - the unconscious. Because they recognized that it can do and costs unconscious at all.

I want to be: Is it possible to program the brain at your request 16127_1
What is the unconscious

This is an unconscious, which means that the psyche region is not controlled by consciousness, in which the reactions and processes that manage our lives occur. There are all information about you (even what, as you think, you can not remember on objective reasons, for example, the first month of life), all your reactions, behavioral patterns, role models, automates, emotional reactions. All these are automaton programs that have once formed and are now included in themselves in any similar situation.

You probably felt it on yourself. Here you are sitting in the company of friends, everyone laughs, drink wine and joke. And suddenly, the reaction went to some word, and now it seems to you that everyone laughs over you, everyone strives to hurt you or offend you. This is a program-automatism, you did not choose to be offended, she did everything for you.

The unconscious programs are configured to provide you with happiness and well-being!

Imagine only the person accumulates 2,700 automatons, which are included in different situations. Some of them are useful and eco-friendly: for example, the ability to walk or drive a car do not interfere with anything. Others create problems. The same insult, fear, insecurity, laziness, procrastination. And all this horde and manages your life. Sounds creepy.

But there are good news. First, all these programs are configured to provide you with happiness and well-being. Only some understand it is very turned. Secondly, any program can be removed in the literal sense to recode so that it understands everything, as it should, and began to serve your conscious goals.


And what should I do with all this? What is so many theory? And to the fact that all this is the key to achieving any goal.

But for this you need to understand and recognize two things. First: everything that happens in my life, I myself (well, okay, not yourself, the most automatons do in the unconsciousness). This case has a wonderful quote Eric Bern: "What is happening, then the goal." That is, all your troubles, difficulties that have broken plans, obstacles are the result of your own unconscious. Yes, you are literally the strength of thought, which you do not even realize, form your reality.

The power of thought you form your reality.

Second: if all of my true motives and blocks lie in the unconscious, you should learn to negotiate with him. For this there are simple tools that each can master.

The main thing you need to know is: the unconscious is talking in the language of characters and thinking. Imaginary pictures. That the most visualization is very effective if you do it correctly. But it is only a small part of the tools, with which it is possible in the literal sense of the word to program yourself for a total success.

Pexels / alexandr podvalny
Pexels / alexandr podvalny and try?

In order not to be unfounded, we suggest you to do right now, without moving away from the screen, one simple exercise and evaluate the effect.

  • Remember something that scares you, disturbing or makes worrying. Feel where your negative state is in the body. For example, you are afraid of something, and you are in the chest, turns the belly, the knees are shaking.
  • If there really was something (Ekalo, shrived, twisted), what color, size, the consistency would it be? Black ball in the stomach? Sklizky "Lizun" in the chest? Stone, concrete block, gray cloud? How would you describe what is inside now?
  • Imagine that you have magic hands and you can take out this. Consider what you got, and then imagine that next to you there is a "magic" garbage basket, in which everything dissolves forever. Throw your find there.

Ask yourself: "What would I like instead?" And catch the first idea. For example: Love, calm, joy ... Imagine that the desired state will now appear in your hands in the form of a light shiny ball. Placing it where your fear or anxiety lived. Feature your condition.

Tell me what happened, in the comments. We are interested!

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