What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 1

What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 1 9867_1
What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 1 Photo: Depositphotos

Stas sometimes envied Valerik. Not because the house has always had soft buns or warm pies with all sorts of fillings. And at all, not because he had a few varieties of strawberries in the garden, which could be there as much as you want. And because the neighboring Valerik, by the standards of Stas, was a very good grandmother.

In fact, they became the neighbors only for the time of the summer holidays, coming each to "his" grandmother and grandfather. But Stas is so used to carrying out the greatest part of the time not at home, namely, Valerka, that he has long been considered "his". On him, even shepherd dogs did not pay attention to his nickname when he gently passed by her booth. Then, having risen along the warm sun with wooden steps, Stas wovered half-stop gray sandals and went to the house in some socks, where he was invariably treated with something delicious.

If Alevtina Sergeyevna is so called Valera's grandmother - she was at home, she was sure to smile at him at a meeting and, stacking Stas on the hair of a soft warm palm, carefully asked how he was doing, how he slept at night and whether he did not want tea with raspberry jam and Buns with raisins.

If the grandmother was not, Valerik, as a rule, "hosted" at home alone, because his grandfather has always disappeared into the forest, then fishing. When Stas appeared in the house, they were already accepted to host it together, and then Returning Alevtina Sergeyevna watched such a taramos, which was comparable only with raids of the Golden Horde or the Battle of Alexander Nevsky on the Lake Church. At the same time, having wanted "in the knights" and putting into the course of the midst and the noise that replaced them with two iron "swords", Stas with Valerik, most often, did not even notice her arrival, but stayed only when Alevtina Sergeyevna called both drinks Mug of rustic milk.

Sometimes, however, it happened that milk in the jar was not a cow, but goat. Then Valerik immediately turned away and ran into the room or the second floor, stating that he would not drink it for anything. Stasi like a goat milk liked. It was whiter than the usual, cow, and, as it seemed to him a little sweet. He did not understand how amazing, and most importantly - a tasty, milk could not like. And he often got the second mug instead of Valerik, who shouted from somewhere on top, that this milk is "no real."

Then Alexina Sergeyevna, smiling gently, wiped the Milk "mustache" with a soft napkin and invited the guys in the garden, saying at the same time: "Would you like, kids, berries. Look, currants seemed to have seen for you. "

And so far, Stas and Valerik refer directly from the bushes a large sweet currant, and at the same time other berries, which ripen in the sun "as if for them two", Alevtina Sergeyevna quickly quickly put in order that the boys scattered during their fighting games. At the same time, I never scolded Valera, but she applied to Stas as if she was sometimes surprised at his native grandson, and even once he quietly asked Valerik:

- You have a grandmother in general, or never scolding?

- U-y, - shoved his head Valerik, because he could not reveal the mouth, which was located at least two grinding berries. And then, swallowing them, explained: "She doesn't swear because he doesn't know how."

"It's lucky to you," Stas answered this with a sigh, because he had a slightly strict grandmother a little differently.

No, his grandmother had a very good, she also loved Stasik, as she called him. And even allowed to look at the TV "Militants", against which Mom always objected. And to go to bed, Stas could at least at least at eleven hours, at least twelve, not the fact that in the city where he did lessons - and immediately march in the bed!

But by the standards of the same grandmother, who came to the summer, the grandson had to work at least an hour per day to work in a garden, where, like everyone else, dill, parsley, cucumbers and other herbs and vegetables were grew. At the same time, the grandmother often said that "on the market all this costs money, and in the garden everything can be thorough completely free."

In order to get all this, the grandmother forced Stas to do some necessary (though, Stas thought it was not necessary, but terribly tedious) things. Most often he got a ridge of a garden from weeds, and he oh, as this occupation did not love!

First, the legs were very quickly shown from an uncomfortable position. Secondly, it sometimes pulled out of the ground or a bustard of lettuce, or dill, or worse - small, did not have time to gain juice and forces, carrots. If the grandmother noticed such a disorder or, as she said "negligent attitude to business," he was taken to scold Stas, surprised at the same time, as he was still not learned to distinguish weeds from noble plants.

In all guilt, according to Grandma, there was a "urban life, from which young people were only minus." Once a rapid old woman evenly stunned the stale grandson of nettle, after which Stas, bouncing from surprise, then a long place for a long time, which "bit" an evil plant.

Father Stas who arrived at the weekend talked about unfair, in his opinion, respect to her grandmother. But the father laughed, sang his son on a bright vihram and said that nettle is actually very useful. And the fact that Stas got a small dose of "medication from nettle" - there was nothing terrible in this.

- And also, - added Dad, - if it is used for medicinal purposes, you can successfully get rid of the initial stage of the radiculitis, as well as pain in the knees and other joints.

Half words, such as the "initial stage of the radiculitis" and some others, are also very difficult for perception, Stas, of course, did not understand. And after the Father told his son about the fact that from this very nettle comes out very good soup, asked:

- So how is it, if it is a whole language in a lot?

"Nothing I am in a lot," the father looked around, surprised by the doubts of Stas, that in boiling water nettle loses his burning properties.

Stas shook his head disapprovingly, so to the end and not believing that the boiled nettle is not biting at all, and even - if you listen to dad - and very useful.

Seeing the window that the grandmother approaches the house, he immediately began to pull his father and ask him to go to the river to swim on the river, because he knew: if the grandmother and dad will start dinner together, they will definitely lead some long and uninteresting conversation in which Stas usually Participation did not accept.

The father promised to go to the river, but closer to the evening. At the same time, he yawned so much and glanced at the old bed standing at the wall with the wall with the shell mesh, that Stas, not really believed that in the evening they would really go swimming and dive, came from nothing to do to Valerik.

He sat in a room with a spoon near the mouth and a look, chained to the TV. On the screen, Lyhaya Connence rushed to the enemy with such a mad pressure that there was no doubt: the enemy will smallets and extend from the territory, in which the armed redarmeys were galloped.

Alevtina Sergeyevna offered to dine and Stas, but he, instead of trying hot homemade borsch, refused and unexpectedly asked:

- Is it true that with nettle can cook soup?

- True, - laughed in response Alevtina Sergeyevna, - Yes, which soup is superb it comes out! Miracle is simple, not soup! She assured Stas, straightening a kosnka gone on the back of the head.

- Why then pull off from the earth, if this useful soup is it? - Sincerely puzzled, asked Stas.

"So soup cooks from May nettle, and at the courtyard - you look," Laskovo continued to explain the grandmother Valera, "the end of June." This nettle for soup is not suitable, my dear.

"But it is suitable for me to punish her and then I walked all day for all day," Stas thought. But aloud, he did not have time to say anything, because Alevtina Sergeyevna had already poured him a cup of wonderful herbal tea, putting a large bun on a saucer.

Against such a treats, Stas could not resist, because the manufacture of pies, buns and buns, Valerik's grandmother was an unspecified authority. Therefore, he immediately sat at the table satisfied, arguing that the poor bathing completely replaced the sweet bun and tea in which various herbs were added.

The smell from tea proceeded so amazing that it seemed that this was not tea at all. But what it is - here to choose the right word Stas could not, because neither knowledge, nor fantasy he just lacked.

To be continued…

Author - Magdalina Gross

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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