Breathing problems: how can I fix it and what's the plastic surgeon here


It is believed that the plastic of the nose is made, only to change appearance. But most often people resort to this operation to solve problems with nasal breathing, and at the same time corrected aesthetics. In detail about the truly necessary rhinoplasty tells the plastic surgeon, the chief physician of the Art Plastic clinic, doctor of medical sciences Tigran Aleksanyan.

Breathing problems: how can I fix it and what's the plastic surgeon here 17664_1

How often does Renoplasty solve medical, and not aesthetic problems?

The difficulty of nasal breathing is a very frequent problem. I operate three noses a day and I can say that from one hundred patients only one has no problems with breathing.

Where do problems with nasal breathing come from?

Most often, the impairment of the respiratory function of the nose is caused by post-traumatic deformations of the nasal partition in childhood, during sports. There are no people who did not fall into traumatic situations: they did not fall from the swing in childhood, did not crawl into the glass door, did not get a fist on the nose in a fight. The damage obtained in adulthood usually give consequences immediately. Among my patients there are many professional athletes, especially boxers and fighters that finish their career and restore the nose after injuries. But kids injuries can manifest much later, for example, in adolescence, when the skeleton is actively growing, or in the process of aging, when the deformations of bone structures begin. The curvature of one millimeter turns into three millimeters, and immediately becomes hard to breathe.

Can breathe problems appear after rhinoplasty?

Yes, it is probably. When we make the aesthetic plastic of the nose, for example, we reduce the hubber, we narrow the back, adjust the nostril or tip, with the change in anatomy, even the minimum curvature of the nasal partition can be felt. Rhinoplasty is the most complex plastic surgery, after it patients most often appeal for repeated or correctional intervention.

What method is better to make rhinoplasty when problems with breathing?

There are two main rhinoplasty techniques - closed and open. There is no unambiguous opinion that one or another is definitely better than the other. The difference lies only in where cuts are made - outside, in the Columnlee of the nose, or inside, on the mucous membrane. Inside the nose, the work occurs absolutely the same. In my opinion, closed rhinoplasty is a safer technique. We do not cut off the skin, do not break the vascular and nerve bundles that blood supply and innervate the nose. But each surgeon chooses the optimal technique for himself and is improving in it. Therefore, it will be more correct to say that it is better that the technique that the doctor chosen by you owns perfectly.

Why with rhinoplasty so many problems?

The zone of the nose has a very complex structure. We only see the outer nose, it consists of leather, subcutaneous fatty fiber, muscles, mucous, cartilage and bone tissue. But there is a whole complex of internal departments: the separation sinuses, directly associated with the nose of the mouth. The complex of these factors affects how the nose pyramid is formed after surgery. And not always even a very experienced surgeon can predict the result of one hundred percent. In addition, natural aging can influence the nose, because with age, the bone structure is degraded, and curvature can occur.

Photo: sam lion / pexels
Photo: sam lion / pexels

How to choose a surgeon for rhinoplasty with breathing problems?

Contact a plastic surgeon with experience in otolaryngology. Such doctors know well the structure of not only soft tissues, the so-called external nose, but also an anatomy of the whole head. In the US, surgeons are not allowed to carry out rhinoplasty without successful courses called HEAD & Neck Surgery. It is literally translated as head surgery and neck, in our understanding it is just otolaryngology. I started my medical activity as a otolaryngologist and only then switched to plastic surgery. Therefore, most of the operations to improve the appearance of the nose, I begin with septoplasty - surgical correction of the nasal partition, to avoid possible deformations after plastics. Aesthetic surgeons without specific knowledge in this area will not be able to fully work and with outdoor, and with an inner nose.

Photo: T / PEXELS

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