Rationing of the content of glycidyl esters in vegetable oil will affect not only palm trees

Rationing of the content of glycidyl esters in vegetable oil will affect not only palm trees 9792_1

At the site of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, public hearings were held on the topic "" Problems of regulation of the use of palm oil in the food industry. "

During the event, the Executive Officer of the Mouth-Wine Union of Russia Mikhail Maltsev.

He noted that the problem of regulating the use of palm oil in food products is absent, but this issue is very sensitive to the public.

"A very wide negative media campaign has been created, creating a aggressive-negative image of palm oil in consumers. Obviously, all this are elements of unfair competition in the interests of European manufacturers, "Mikhail Maltsev said.

The head of the sectoral union recalled that the rationing of the content of glycidyl esters formed in vegetable oils exists only in European countries.

In Russia, the question of the entry of glycidyl esters to the list of potential carcinogens has also been discussed on various platforms of executive and legislative authorities.

"We are two hands" for "human health and working to eliminate even a potential threat to consumers. The Oblast Union of Russia is a basic organization for the technical committee 238 "Oil plant and their products of their processing". Last year we transferred three interstate standards on the methods for determining glycidyl esters. The fourth standard is now being developed in Europe, the fifth - in America. Unfortunately, there is no single standard in the world that could be arbitration, "Mikhail Maltsev concluded.

Currently, the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union hosts domestic harmonization of the draft CHANGE No. 2 into the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Technical Regulations for Melting Products" (Tr Ts 024/2011) in which the indicator of the indicator "Glycidyl esters of fatty acids is established, in terms of Glycidol, and also refined the individual provisions of the regulations necessary to implement the rationing of glycidyl esters. The established rationing was supported by the EAEU oil and fat community and harmonized with European legislation in terms of establishing a standard for vegetable oils and fats depending on the direction of their use.

"We will quickly pass the stages of coordination of this standard, and we do everything necessary to accelerate the process. Let in Russia the rationing of the content of glycidyl esters for all types of vegetable oils will be introduced, since it largely concerns domestic vegetable oils, and not just palm, and let the domestic business prepares for new rules. But it is worth paying attention to that the European Union was preparing for the introduction of rationing of 11 years and completely converted all its industry, "said the head of the oil and fat union.

(Source: Official site of the Oil and Water Union of Russia).

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