Penalty for non-payment of the fine: what will happen?


Car lubers know that fines need to be paid within 60 days. Another 10 days is given to appeal against the violation, and thus, we have 70 days at payment. Do not forget that during the first 20 days you can pay a penalty at a 50% discount.

Penalty for non-payment of the fine: what will happen? 7262_1

Violate traffic rules - bad. But to save unpaid fines - even worse. Let's wonder that from the point of view of the law is waiting for those who do not want to pay for "letters of happiness" in time? The word lawyer of the company "MosavtoTurist" specializing in the sphere of the roadprave.


The period of payment of the fine begins to count up regardless of whether the driver has received a copy of a protocol on a violation or a letter requesting a payment of the traffic police fine recorded by an automatic chamber. Laying in the post office (usually it is 30 days), the registered letter goes back, and the finance period begins.

If the penalty is not paid within the above time, it is punished under Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation: "Non-payment of an administrative fine on time ... entails the imposition of an administrative fine in two-time amounts of an unpaid administrative fine, but at least one thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen day, or mandatory work for up to fifty hours. " At the same time, the case of an unpaid finity passes the bailiffs. The "double size" of the impulsed fine means that in addition to the unpaid, another one on the same amount is added - for evading the payment of the first. Well, the administrative arrest and mandatory work can be appointed in court.

Penalty for non-payment of the fine: what will happen? 7262_2

And what will happen if you still do not pay a fine?

Bailiffs may collect debt from the debtor's accounts on the basis of a court decision, block its bank cards and bills before paying a fine. However, if we are talking about one small fine, the case is usually limited to the forced recovery of the desired amount. But if the debtor evades the payment by continuing to ride the car and receive new fines, the effects of impact can be more serious: FSSP can apply a ban on registration actions with the debtor's car, and if the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, then bailiffs can accept The decision on temporary restriction on the departure of the debtor from the Russian Federation and the temporary restriction on the use of the debtor with a special right (that is, a ban on managing any technique).

The text was prepared with the assistance of Mosavotorist.

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