Pseudochum (Newcastle's disease) in ostrich - reasons, symptoms, treatment


Newcastle or pseudocheum disease is one of the most serious diseases of ostriches. It has a viral nature and can affect any poultry. In order not to lose the livestock, competent prevention is needed, and if necessary, timely and adequate treatment.

What is Newcastle's disease?

The disease was first fixed and described at the beginning of the 20th century. The event occurred in the city of the same name of Ireland, from which the name of the disease went. For more than 100 years, this bird disease remains one of the most dangerous for ostriches.

Pseudochum (Newcastle's disease) in ostrich - reasons, symptoms, treatment 4722_1

Periodic outbreaks of Newcastle's disease are noted almost on all continents. They were recorded, in particular, on the ostrich farms in Africa, America, Asia. The disease is dangerous for all types of birds.


The causative agent of Newcastle's disease is PMV-1 paramixirus, characterized by high contagiousness (contagious). The virus is rapidly spreading among birds, as it has a short incubation period - from 3 to 5 days.

In PMV-1, the incomplete number of strains that are combined in 4 large groups:

  • Mesogenic. Breath and CNS affect. Different with low percentage of mortality.
  • Neurotropic bicycle. Ajust the respiratory and nervous system. Call high paddle.
  • Lentogenic. The disease is accompanied by a minor deterioration of the work of the respiratory organs.
  • Viscootropic cyboyns. Cause acute course of the disease and are characterized by high infinity. Lead to hemorrhage into internal organs.

PMV-1 is very harmful and can stay alive outside the birds for a long time. It is preserved in their habitats, continuing to infect the livestock. The life of the virus in the summer - 6-8 days, in the cold season - up to 5 months. External stimuli affect life expectancy.

How many PMV-1 live depending on the conditions:

  • under the right sunlight - 2nd days;
  • Under the scattered rays of the Sun - about 15 days;
  • When heated more than 70 ° C - about 2 minutes;
  • in frozen state - about a year;
  • With heat treatment of meat - up to 1 hour;
  • When drying the infected organs and their storage at + 17 ... + 18 ° C - about 2 years;
  • The burial of infectious individuals in the ground is about 20 days.
Sources of infection

The main sources of ostrich infection are their sick fears. Dangerous as sick birds, and in the incubation period.

Infection also comes from:

  • wild birds;
  • insects;
  • rodents;
  • pets;
  • man.

In ostrich, the virus applies not as fast as other bird species. The reason is a slower allocation to the external environment.

The more close contact between patients and healthy birds, the more intense is infected. The virus is literally transferred by air, for example, with wind or ventilation systems.

Risk group

Compared with other poultry, ostriches are quite resistant to Newcastle virus. They are not as susceptible to him, like, for example, chickens, and not so quickly rewrings from each other.

Among the ostriches themselves, the risk group includes faster bars and youngsters to 9 months, weakened and age-related birds. In healthy and strong individuals, the symptoms of the disease are usually not fully manifested.

Mechanism of infection

The pathogen is capable of penetrating the bird's body with all possible ways - it can be inhaled, to swallow with food or water, get through scratch. If the disease fell into the herd, it is impossible to protect the disease from it by the population by conventional quarantine methods.

Birds are infected with the following paths:

  • air-drip;
  • through blood;
  • through water and infected feed;
  • from standing secrets, excrement;
  • from eggs;
  • Through the litter, fluff and feathers.
Pseudochum (Newcastle's disease) in ostrich - reasons, symptoms, treatment 4722_2

The virus, penetrating the bird's body, begins to strengthen themselves accelerated, and then with blood spread throughout the body and falls into the internal organs.

When the virus has multiplied and settled in the body, clinical symptoms appear in infectious ostrichs, and they themselves become sources of infection that distinguishes pathogen into an external environment.

Is the disease for a person dangerous?

Paramiksovirus does not carry a fatal threat to people, but they can become infected. The risk group includes workers contacting patients with birds.

A man infects, breathing in air with a virus or losing the eyes with dirty hands. The first signs of the disease are manifested in 3-7 days after infection.

The following symptoms appear at the person's infected pseudochum:

  • nasal mucosa swells;
  • The temperature is slightly rising;
  • rolling weakness;
  • They are inflated and blushed;
  • from the nose and eye there is a mucus with an admixture of pus;
  • There is diarrhea, including with bloody inclusions;
  • worsen appetite.

In order not to infect from ostriches or other birds with Paramiksovirus:

  • Leaving the poultry house, carefully wash his hands with soap and process them with disinfectant solutions;
  • Meat and eggs are subject to high-quality heat treatment;
  • Conducting aerosol vaccination and disinfection in the farm premises, wear the respirator.

Contact your doctor at the very first signs of pseudocheum infection. People with weakened immunity are preferably hospitalized, since the disease can provoke complications.

Typically, symptomatics is limited to standard respiratory manifestations or conjunctivitis, but there are more serious consequences occasionally. For example, children have cases of brain damage. With any development of events, the treatment of the disease is symptomatic.


The intensity of clinical manifestations depends on the age of ostriches, the strain, the resistance of the body, the conditions of detention and other factors. Pathology are observed by the following organism systems:
  • respiratory;
  • nervous;
  • digestive.

The following symptoms may occur in sick birds:

  • weakness;
  • coordination disorder;
  • Throwing heads;
  • diarrhea;
  • selection of mucus from the nose and beak;
  • Increased temperature;
  • hard breath;
  • convulsions;
  • paralysis.

The easiest way to suspect the pseudochum on the changed color of feces. They become greenish, often with an admixture of blood. Diarrhea - unusual for ostrich symptoms. Its appearance is a serious signal that makes the paramixirus in birds in birds.

With the opening of the corpses of the ostrichs that have fallen from pseudochums, you can observe the presence of inflammation in the respiratory and gastrointestinal bodies.

Forms of the disease

The course of Newcastle's disease takes different forms that differ from each other with symptoms, their severity and outcome:

  • Lightning. There are practically no symptoms. Birds are dying suddenly. Only after opening the owners of the farm learn that the ostriches died from paramixes.
  • Acute. The disease flows with pronounced symptoms. The symptoms capture the respiratory and gastrointestinal organs, there are obvious signs of the lesion of the CNS. Death comes a few days after infection. With this form of the disease, you can lose the entire population.
  • Tajection. It is observed when the organism is defeated by a mesogenic strain virus. Sick birds behave somewhat excitedly, egg shell becomes more thin. May die about 30% of the livestock. With this form of bird disease, they usually die in a week. Often, the subacute course cause Asian viruses.
  • Chronic. Provoked with mezogenic strains and is observed in birds with good immunity. If you start the treatment in time, you can save most of the individuals. The pad is not more than 15%.

Newcastle's disease is associated with seasonality. Usually its outbreaks happen in summer and autumn. In large farms, the presence of infection can be constant due to the high resistance of the virus in winter and the presence of birds that are its latent carriers.


Diagnosis consists in differentiation of the disease from the ailments similar in symptoms. If we build only on external signs, the pseudochem can be confused with:

  • classic chum;
  • abdominal typhoid;
  • bronchitis;
  • influenza;
  • laryngotrachet;
  • Pastekelosis;
  • Poisoning by pesticides.
Pseudochum (Newcastle's disease) in ostrich - reasons, symptoms, treatment 4722_3

The diagnosis is made after laboratory research or after opening an ostrich corpse. Typical signs of PMV-1 from the dead bird:

  • The esophagus and the intestines are covered with hemorrhages;
  • In the liver, kidneys, myocardium and muscle tissue, dystrophic changes are observed;
  • necrotic phenomena;
  • Email ethics;
  • Blood stagnation in veins.

Biomaterials are sent to the study - slices of liver, brain, trachea, lungs. In birds having a weak immunity, they take the blood test to check, there is antibodies in it or not.

Laboratory diagnostics implies the determination of the pathogen on embryos, identifying the symptoms of the disease during the incubation period, the treatment of hemagglutination. The probability of the disease is determined by the middle time of the death of embryos.

Modern diagnostic methods offer immunochromatographic express tests. Duration of carrying out - from 5 to 10 minutes. The staked material - plasma or blood serum, the secret of the eyes, washes from the trachea and cloac.

Treatment of ostrichs

Despite the countertime of observations of the pseudocheum, scientists have not yet developed its productive therapy. Treating patients not only is not effective, but also is dangerous for the entire livestock, given the ability of the virus to spread through the air.

If the farmer decides to save the bird, the patient with pseudocheum, it is either planted into a separate room, not communicating with the ventilation with the place where the main livestock is located. They are treated with antibiotics prescribed by the veterinarian.

Sick, but not sent to slaughter of birds, are usually treated with the following drugs:

  • vitamins of the group in, for example, cerebrolysin and cerebrolization;
  • vitamin C;
  • Fosprenyl;
  • Immunition;
  • Antibiotics against pathogenic microflora.

Antibacterial products are selected taking into account the presence of pathogens and agent sensitivity to a specific drug. During the restoration of birds, instead of antibiotics, the EMPROBIO probiotic is prescribed - to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The recovered bird is forever acquires immunity to all the strains of the PMV-1 virus. The second time it is not infected.

Treat sick birds in acute form is inappropriate. In practice, farmers prefer to kill patients with individuals to reduce the risk of infection of the entire livestock. Climbing infected birds according to veterinary and sanitary standards. Then necessarily disinfect inventory and place of slaughter.


Prevention is the main method of combating Newcastle's disease. It lies in the generalitarian methods and timely vaccination.


The most effective method of combating almost incurable Newcastle virus - vaccinations. One example of vaccines used by farmers - Virosalm. The drug creates quite strong immunity against pseudocheuma and salmonellosis.

We instill young ostriches according to a specific mode:

  • At the age of 20 days, the first dose of the vaccine is introduced. The drug is put in a syringe into the chest muscle.
  • Every 10 months spend re-vaccination (revaccination). Vaccinate birds throughout life.

After the presumptive analysis is confirmed officially, an ostrich farm or other bird's economy is closed, declaring quarantine. During quarantine, it is forbidden:

  • import-export of birds;
  • Sales of poultry products - meat, eggs, fluff and feathers;
  • The farm does not allow foreign people.

When 1 month passes after the last case of illness and disinfection, quarantine is removed. If the disease is clogged with all the livestock, it can be removed earlier - 5 days after sampling.

Sanitary events

One of the main pillars of the prevention of any infectious diseases is observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and rules. In combination with vaccination, Sanitation allows you to protect the livestock from many diseases, including the pseudocum.

Sanitary measures suggest regular:

  • disinfection (disinfection);
  • deratization (the destruction of rodents);
  • Disinsection (struggle with arthropods).

When disinfecting the premises, it is taken into account that paramixirus dies at high temperatures, which means that hot water can be used to disinfect. Also kill the virus helps 1% lizola, phenol and chlorine solutions and a 2% formalin solution.

In order to minimize the infection of birds, limit the street from contacts with the street, impede the communication of individuals with each other. If the bird content implies close contact with the natural environment (it is exactly how ostrises live on farms), vaccination comes to the fore.

The content of ostrichs

From how favorable living conditions, the health and productivity of the entire livestock depends, and therefore the profitability of the farm. How to contain ostriches:

  • Room - warm and dry;
  • There should be no rodents and parasites that can harm birds, including the dissemination of infection;
  • Optimal air temperature - from + 18 ° C to + 22 ° C;
  • Regular ventilation so that the air is fresh and clean, and favorable conditions for breeding pathogens (bacteria, mold, fungi, viruses) are not created;
  • Paul - wooden, sandy or earthen (global), it is forbidden to do it from brick, concrete or asphalt, as they are too cold for the legs of ostriches;
  • From the head of the ostrich to the ceiling should be at least 1 m, the total height is 3 m;
  • The size of the windows is 80 × 80 cm, on the floor level - 1 m;
  • There should be a separate indoor room, isolated from rodents;
  • on the floor - the straw litter;
  • Feeders are located at a distance of 0.5 m from the ground, and fill them with 2/3;
  • Water in drinkings is updated daily;
  • The room is heated with electricity or in another way;
  • Walls are frowning;
  • There should be a place for walking, covered with sand or gravel, protected from winds;
  • The rate of walking for one individual - 5-10 square meters. m.
Pseudochum (Newcastle's disease) in ostrich - reasons, symptoms, treatment 4722_4

For ostriches to grow normally and do not hurt, they should receive full nutrition, balanced and diverse. The state of health and immunity of birds, resistance to diseases and viruses depends on the quality of feed.

Rules for feeding ostrichs:

  • When there are no green feeds, and hay of unimportant quality, birds feed sprouted wheat, meat or meat-like flour.
  • Bird feeding frequency from 1 year - twice a day, adhering to the regime. Strays are fed 3-4 times a day.
  • The transition from the summer diet to winter and on the contrary is carried out smoothly and lasts about 10 days.
  • The diet of the productive period is more nutritious than in an unproductive stage of life.
  • Food should be eaten during the day, it is impossible to stay and spoiled. In the pens, the feeders are located under a canopy, otherwise it will rain and the feed will contact.
  • For food, you can use a feed for poultry.
  • Saw ostrichs with clean fresh water. It is changed every morning.
  • It is impossible to give the bird polluted leaves and grass. They first wash and dry.

Ostrich give food hard and liquid, vegetable and animals. The diet is drawn up taking into account the season, the place of content (street or shed), age and bird health.

Newcastle's disease is a serious illness that can lead to significant losses and loss of livestock. Pseudochum is practically not treated. The only ways to combat this disease are prevention and compliance with the rules for feeding and the maintenance of the bird.

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