Prepare fertilizer for cucumbers on our recipe to get a rich harvest


    Good afternoon, my reader. Each novice vegetable breed dreams to collect a rich crop of delicious crispy cucumbers. It is difficult to get this result without proper culture care, which also includes feeding. Currently, many fertilizers are produced, the properties of drugs consist in accelerating the growing vegetation and stimulation of fruiting, but there is a problem - there are harmful chemicals. Therefore, experienced daches give preference to the feeders made independently. Such mixtures work no less efficiently.

    Prepare fertilizer for cucumbers on our recipe to get a rich harvest 4453_1
    Prepare a fertilizer for cucumbers in our recipe to get a rich harvest Maria Verbilkova

    Each vegetable breeder uses its way to get plentiful harvest, proven by many years of experience. Some of them can share recipes for successful cultivation of cucumbers and describe in detail how to prepare feeders. We will tell you about one of these most popular and efficient varieties of fertilizers.

    Preparation Instructions:

    1. Pour water (500 ml) into the container, leave in a warm place so that the temperature rose above +36 ° C.
    2. Add 5 g of ordinary bakery yeast and 0.5 teaspoons of sugar, mix until the bulk components are dissolved.
    3. As soon as the fermentation process begins, pour out another 5 liters of water, bring to uniformity.
    4. Make "Chelate Potassium", the drug is saturated with a plant with useful substances for the formation and ripening of fruits.
    5. Leave the mixture into the shade for several hours, and use immediately to preserve the activity of the drug.

    The best time for making fertilizers - evening, 1 hour after watering the cucumber landing. It will be necessary to mix the solution with warm water in terms of 1: 5 and only then proceed to processing. It is recommended to fill under each bush on average 500 ml of stimulator. With hot weather conditions, it will be necessary to first inspire the soil and spray wood ashes to slow down moisture evaporation, it will improve the delivery of nutrients to the roots. According to the author of the recipe, the amount of waters on the weaves increases 3 times, if feeding the cucumbers regularly, and the fruits themselves become much tastier and more.

    Prepare fertilizer for cucumbers on our recipe to get a rich harvest 4453_2
    Prepare a fertilizer for cucumbers in our recipe to get a rich harvest Maria Verbilkova

    Fertilizers with yeast there are many, shake another recipe. How to make an effective stimulator: make 100 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of warm water, add to 2 tablespoons of sugar and ash, mix. Leave for 2 hours, then such a mixture is good enough. Before irrigating the beds, it will be necessary to breed with another 10 liters of water. Another variant of a similar solution: it is for 5 liters of liquid to take 100 g of pressed yeast, stir and remove for 3 hours. Before feeding to dilute 1:20.

    Prepare fertilizer for cucumbers on our recipe to get a rich harvest 4453_3
    Prepare a fertilizer for cucumbers in our recipe to get a rich harvest Maria Verbilkova

    Instead of dry or extruded yeast, you can use bakery products for the preparation of fertilizers based on them (bread, crackers, breads). An example of an effective stimulator: take 0.5 kg of storm or moldy bread, pour 10 liters of water, make 500 g of fresh cut grass and pressed yeast when the bread is well splashing. Leave a mixture for 2 days. You can also lay a cracker in beds, then it will be necessary to just water the landing, the bread will give all the nutrient elements.

    Apply yeast stimulants for cucumbers are recommended 2 times. The first is somewhere a week after disembarking on the beds, which is already at the very beginning of growth will provide a plant with nutrient elements. The second watering is carried out before flowering, immediately after feeding with drugs containing phosphorus compounds. For each cucumber bush, it is enough to spend 500 ml of a solution prepared by the recipe you choose. This is for young cultures. If the plants are already adults, it is possible to increase the volume of watering up to 2 liters. When fulfilling all conditions, it will be possible to collect every season a large harvest of vegetables.

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