Single father stayed with 7 children: how the life of Mikhail, who left his wife


A single mother or a large mother - unfortunately, quite frequent and familiar phenomenon. The reason for this frequent divorce, after which, as a rule, the child remains to live with Mom. And if the native dad remembers the child at least once every six months, and that is good.

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Whether it was in Soviet times, when to be a single mother was considered a big shame. All because in the country there was a cult of family, and the divorces even in the most successful reasons were condemned by society.

A considerable role was played by the opinion that told the child in those days - the child needs a father. In connection with these prejudices, women were trying to keep marriage either after a divorce to marry again.

Now everything is much simpler - no condemnation! In addition, the number of single mothers from year to year is growing rapidly.

History Mikhaila

If we talk about a single father, then in our country is real exotic, especially if it is large. Just them became 36-year-old Mikhail completely suddenly 5 years ago.

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As a rule, men-widowers are in such a situation, but Mikhail has a completely different case. In his family there was a classic and pretty banal situation - a wife after 13 years old marriage loved another person and left the family.

But as she left - her nonypical behavior does not fit the woman who has children. She left all the kids to her former husband who was seven!

Mikhail was familiar with his wife Ksenia since student times. They played a wedding when she was 22, and he was 23.

Spouses did not plan to become a large family. Immediately after the birth of the firstborn Ksenia was going to go to work. However, everything was different: after the birth of the first child, a second one appeared in a year, after another 2 years, the third and so on. Already by 35 years, Ksenia was a mother of 7 children.

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She did not work, so all financial obligations were assigned to her husband's shoulders. Large family lived modestly, but did not help. And then suddenly in his 35 years, Ksenia nominated Mikhail Ultimatum that he wanted to divorce. The fact is that she met a long-time friend who knew since school bench. Moreover, she has already managed to have a secret novel behind her back.

Ksenia wished to start a new life absolutely without any concerns and hassle, leaving all the children on his father.

It did not mean that the mother threw her children forever. Just from the accumulated fatigue in everyday life, I wanted to live free life, while periodically visiting children, but not living with them together.

As a result, Mikhail became a single father, and more familiar. He admitted that at first it was very difficult, but not in the material plan. After all, it has been accustomed to save him and children. It was more difficult in morally, and not so much how many children.

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If the oldest children, who, at the time of the divorce, were 1, 12 and 10 years old, did not need to explain, because they themselves understood everything, it was very difficult to explain. After all, how the baby give to understand that mom no longer lives with him, but only periodically comes to visit him.

Despite the strong experiences for children, with time, life has improved. Now Mikhail is already 41 years old. He argues that over the past 5 years managed to forgive his wife, although at the beginning was incredibly angry with her.

The only thing that worries him is that he still has no second half. As soon as women find out that he has 7 children, instantly obscure communication. Unlike Mikhail, Ksenia settled perfectly - married the most acquaintance and gave birth to him 2 children. Being at the age of 40, she is 9 children's mother.

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Surprisingly, all the children from the first marriage also forgave windy mom, they communicate perfectly with her, although they live with dad.

Michael, in turn, does not interfere with the communication of Ksenia with children, after all, it is still their mother, despite the fact that he left the family for creating a new one.

Previously, we told another story about why Grandma considers the child to be his own. History of a young mother. Another story is interesting. "Sleep a child or not" - the story of the mother, whom everyone condemned, and she could not differently. But the story of a woman who left the family and left the daughter with a dad with an incurable diagnosis, definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

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