Evening Novostroy.ru: prices for "secondary" are slowing down, the completion of the preferential mortgage can "subcont" construction, a new park will be built in Moscow


Experts stated that in one of the Moscow districts, prices for secondary housing stagnate for more than six months. Also, the head of the Central Bank voiced that the preferential mortgage in Moscow will be completed. Read about it and other news in Digest from March 11.

"Security" in the center. Dynamics of the cost of finished apartments began to slow down from January. However, experts say, in one district of the capital, the price lull is observed for more than six months. According to analysts of the Inkom-Real Estate agency, the slower price for the "secondary" is increasing in the Central District of the capital. Since June 2020, the average cost has grown by only 2.4%. But, according to experts, the offer in the district is now in short supply, for the year the number of sold lots "washed" by a third. If the proposal is not replenished, then according to the results of the 2021th, the average price increase in the district will be 8-10%.

End of "benefits". The head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina stated that the preferential mortgage would be prolonged only in 24 regions of the country. Moscow and Petersburg at their number were not included, since there the program provoked the rise in prices for a third per year. According to experts, all this will turn into a decrease in activity on the primary housing market and the transition of customers to the "Secondary" market.

"We are watching it now. Moreover, in some locations, the price level on the primary and secondary markets is almost compared. Many developers bring their projects to sales at prices higher than last year, at the start of sales cost more by 35-45%, "Elena Chegodaeva says, head of the real estate agency analysts" Bon Ton ".

More cheated. The number of deceived shareholders can grow by another 10-15 thousand people before the final transition to Eskrow's account, which will occur allegedly two years later, said the General Director of the Protection Runs of Konstantin Timofeev. While in the country, only 50-52% of real estate objects are sold under the new rules with the protection of citizens' funds. According to the Fund estimates, the number of deceived shareholders is about 120 thousand today.

Novomoskovsk presents. In the "Communard" in New Moscow around the Malosian Pond, the park will appear, reported in Moskomarchitectures. The park will create an educational cluster. According to the project of the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, training, sports, recreational zones will be located in the park and cluster. We will remind, next to the future park will be the campus of the Institute of Misiis, the Fist Commander of the Russian State Library, residential buildings and administrative buildings.

Will not hold. The Fund for Protection of Rights Solvers of Moscow region decided not to prevent six problematic LCD in the region. Instead of apartments, the shareholders will receive cash compensation. We are talking about LCD "Korolev", LCD "On the street Cherry", LCD "Goljanovo Park", LCD "Cozy" (Dresna), LCD "Firsanovka Park" and one house in the LCD "East Beach". Total says about 11 homes, compensation will be paid to 850 shareholders. We will explain that the decision to issue compensation is taken if the completion of the house is considered inappropriate: construction did not start at all or the building over the years of doodle is recognized unfactive to continue work.

Evening Novostroy.ru: prices for
Preferential mortgage will be prolonged only in 24 regions of the country

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