15+ people who have one telephone conversation remembered for life


The phone call is always a little lottery, because the error in the single digit can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. And often such situations turn into so comical that it is difficult to sile about them. Users post their stories to the network, and there they cannot slip away from our attention.

Today, we have read many posts about curious phone calls in ADME.ru and even took into arms of several phrases.

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  • I somehow wrapped bank fraudsters once. - Good afternoon, I call you from the contact center, do you confirm the translation of 11,000 rubles from your card? "I confirm with pleasure," I answer confidently, because I have 62 rubles on the map. "You, so you soyak, didn't learn in childhood that it was not good to lie?! © Serkab / Pikabu
  • In the days of stationary phones somehow called a woman and extremely aggressive tone demanded that Roger be called to the phone. I replied that there is no Roger here and she apparently was mistaken. She irritably dictated me a number for which she thought she called. He was distinguished from my whole 3 digits! I voiced it, and she issued in response: "So why do you take the phone at all?" © Brett Schmidt / Quora
  • Call on your phone husband. Next: W - Calling, M - Husband. W: - Hello, we are such a company, help us become better, go through a short survey! M: - You and so guys at least where! (Hung up). Until now. © Velkahoteka / Pikabu

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  • There was such a story in childhood. With a friend talking on the phone. She at home, I am at my own. "And let's give a room with closed eyes and talk to those who remove the phone," she says. Come on. They decided that she first calls, then he reports me how everything went, then I. The girlfriend reported: he fell on a cute woman, chatted about favorite jam. My turn. I climb and, aiming a finger, winding the disk. Raisses the tube a woman and says: "Hello, and I just talked with your girlfriend. Her favorite cherry jam, what is yours? " © Salivan / Adme
  • Our phone number differed somehow slightly from the number of the city prosecutor's office. Well, constantly people called and asked: "Hello, is it a prosecutor's office?" Father answered: "Thank God, no," and hung up. But the chief prosecutor of the city was another my parents and sometimes visited. Somehow the phone rang, asked if the prosecutor's office was, and the father answered on the machine: "No, but the main prosecutor is here." © Blue Raspberry / Adme
  • Call: - Hello! - Hello. - And what kind of voice is sad, offended so far? - ... Yes. - Come on, do not be offended, I love you. After 5-7 minutes of the conversation, my grandmother was invited to a date at 5 o'clock in the evening with some young man who made a mistake number and took Gambuli's voice for the offended voice of his girl. Granny did not go for a date, my grandfather did not allow. © Zause / ADME

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  • She worked in an investment and construction holding, abbreviated operation. Complex, busy day. Call - Want to clarify details. Colleague dictates: "Exercise: Igor, Sergey ..." Silence silence: everyone is waiting for the last letter. And then she gives out such that they laughed at that end of the wire: "Hamster!" © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • I remember when I first came out "Who wants to become a millionaire?" And the guy won, the whole country was sitting at the TV screens. We also watched this show when the phone rang. Dad takes the phone and says: "You saw, yes? Fiction!" Then some time he spoke to the caller. And then it turned out that neither father nor the dude at that end of the wire know each other. But even when they understood it, they chatted with each other yet. © Marlowe12 / Reddit
  • I work in technical support, the call: "Come take away the master, otherwise he connected everything here and went to sleep on the sofa!" © "overheard" / IDEER

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© Ruslan Galiullin / Shutterstock

  • When my parents call my 15-year-old tribal, he takes a phone with words: "Hello, this is a technical support service. Tried to turn off and turn on again? " And you know what? Once this was the answer that helped solve the problem on which he called. © Perepip / Reddit
  • Call somehow from an unknown number. They introduced themselves as the "Center of Languages", offered to learn English. Usually I refuse, but then the name hooked: translated into Russian "Ice Pig." They did not ask them, and after told about this colleagues. I dropped the whole department ... I need to! The center is called "Ai Speaker", and not "Ice Pig". (Ice Pig - "Ice Pig", I Speak - "I say". - Note. Adme.ru) © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • On the 2nd course we went to practice on excavations. One classmate was late and had to come a few days later. Asked to reset the number of the hostel, where I stopped. He calls there and says: - Hello, do you have sleeping sites? - Yes, full of full! - Sorry, and neighbors quiet? I just arrived at work. - Oh, you do not worry, they are very quiet. They are not visible at all, not heard. - That's great! Do you have internet? - But with this snag, underground problems with communication. And throw the tube. The colleague calls me displeased, they say that for nonsense in your hostel there. I check the number and understand that I dropped him by mistake the number of our head, who headed catacombs with burials. © Jeannne / Adme

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  • There was a call now: - Hello, Elena. I am from Rostelecom. - But I am not Elena. - I am Elena. Curtain. © Flexxxonthe / Twitter
  • One day, an unfamiliar number called me 3 or 4 times and the same thing was heard from the tube: "I'm here." I answered, they say, made a mistake of the number. In the end, after the next time I answered so that the calls stopped right there: "Hello, the police say with you. How can I help?" © BBBHMM / Reddit
  • I was 15 years old, there is some kind of woman who calls a cell and, not embarrassed in expressions, proves that her husband changes her with me. On the assurance that I study in the 8th grade and I live in another city, it rests even more. As a result, I could not stand it and sent her away. And the calls stopped. © Love Gerasimova / Facebook
  • This morning, the phone bursts: someone called, waited 2 beeps and dropped the phone. The most stupid that I could not call back, as the room was hidden. And now, finally, having time to answer the call, the first thing I heard was: "And why didn't you immediately call back, there is a number!" © "Chamber No. 6" / VK
  • Once I rang my phone and an unfamiliar room was highlighted. - Yes? - Valera, Listen ... - This is not Valera, you made a mistake number. - So what? I did not expect such a turn. © MBIAV / Pikabu

Did you happen in a similar situation? We will be happy to hear this story.

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