The first fast foods appeared in ancient Rome. What were they?


Thousands of years ago, Pompeii was considered one of the largest cities of ancient Rome. But in 79, AD, he, like many of the settlement sitting nearby, remained under the frozen ashes of the crowded volcano Vesuvius. At the moment, the territory of this city is an open-air museum, where archaeological excavations are still underway. In 2019, the researchers discovered the remains of the counter there, which was also similar to some kind of bar rack. Recently, the excavation on a small part of Pompeii was completed. It turned out that the counter is part of a full-fledged diner, in which the ancient Romans came to have a snack. An inside the institution remains the frozen figure of the owner and a man who clearly stuck from him. Let's talk about find more and consider photos from a historically important place.

The first fast foods appeared in ancient Rome. What were they? 15297_1
Ancient Roman Fast Food in the artist's representation

Eating in ancient Rome

The snack bars of ancient Rome were called thermopolies. The name is formed from two Greek words: "hot" (Thermos) and sale (Poleo). They were very popular institutions, as evidenced by the number of remains detected. In some pompiy, there were about 80 people. Many of them are already excavated, but the thermopolies found recently differs very different from the rest. The remains of animals, dishes, drawings and even the owner with one of the visitors were discovered inside it. Thanks to all this, scientists were able to recreate the picture of what happened in the diner during the eruption of Vesuvius.

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Countertop in the Snatcher of Ancient Rome

According to the director of the Archaeological Park, Massimo Osanna (Massimo Osanna), during the catastrophe, the owner of the attachment hastily tried to close it. They were an elderly man who could not escape from the building and died almost at the very beginning of the volcanic eruption. In addition to him, there was also a man who was going to open the lid of one of the pots. Researchers believe that they had a thief who did not have time to steal nothing, as it was shocked by a strong roar.

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Figure rooster on the counter

The surface of the attachment was decorated with drawings of the rooster, ducks, dogs and other animals. Also, it was depicted nonres - one of the ancient Greek goddesses in the form of mermaids. In the picture, it rides on the sea horse. Having studied the surroundings, scientists decided that the assortment of the diner was depicted on the counter, because in some parts of the building just lay the bones of different types of animals. Why artists portrayed nonreide is not clear. Apparently, just for the sake of beauty.

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Image of Neret

Also researchers were found clay pots, in which wine was usually kept. But at the bottom of some vessels lay crushed grains. Most likely, they were added to wine to change the taste or color. Therefore, snack bars existed even in ancient Rome, about 2,000 years ago. It was already known about this scientist, but the find described above helped learn more about thermopolies.

Read also: Why volcanic gases and ashes spread so quickly?

Excavations in Pompeiy

The eruption of the Vesuvius volcano is considered one of the most terrible catastrophes in the history of mankind. Under the hot lava left 2,000 to 15,000 people. Due to the frozen ashes, the facilities and the bodies of people are perfectly preserved to the present day. Today, the city of Pompeii is a museum, but it has closed zones. For example, in the fifth region (REGIO V), researchers managed to find a wooden casket with witchcraft items. Among them were mirrors, necklaces, amulets and even a figurine in the form of a person. For which these items could be used, you can read in this material.

The first fast foods appeared in ancient Rome. What were they? 15297_5
Found witching subjects

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And in the second half of 2019, I talked about how archaeologists managed to find a drawing with two bloody gladiators. From the school program and historical films you already probably know that in ancient times, the gladiatorial battles were commonplace. They fought with bare torso, and one of the warriors was armed with a sword, and the other was only a dagger. Read more about the found image you can read in this material.

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