Pandemic went to the benefit of agriculture in the Russian Federation: how Russia coped with the food crisis


Pandemic went to the benefit of agriculture in the Russian Federation: how Russia coped with the food crisis 12694_1

UN specialists constantly raise the issue of food security on a global scale. If, for a number of countries, this problem is not significant for certain states the lack of food is one of the main topics.

Also attention is worthy and standardization of healthy nutrition. Coronavirus pandemic significantly aggravated the problem in view of which the food crisis in many countries has become more than real. World food prices have reached the maximum over the past seven years, reports

Pandemic and Food Crisis

Before the appearance of a coronavirus, which does not retreat to this day, experts recorded the deterioration of basic indicators of starving all over the world the number of which exceeded 821 million people. The main reason for the food crisis is the slowdown in economic growth or its complete stop.

Dmitry Orlov is the head of the Agency for Economic and Political Communications, noted that in Russia the situation with food looks very optimistic. The Ministry of Agriculture managed to bring production to a stable growth trajectory. Even in the crisis, due to a pandemic, agriculture demonstrates excellent results as practically does not depend on external factors.

Stimulating investment in food production

In 2020, agriculture faced two problems - coronavirus pandemic and bad weather. The authorities responded quickly on both factors in view of which their influence was minimized. As a result, no large rural enterprise stopped working. The signs of the food crisis were absent in stores where the shop windows were always full of products.

"The agro-industrial complex in Russia demonstrates growth since 2005. Dairy products Butter meat and other strategically important goods are made in due quantities. The growth of indicators is due to the implementation of government projects. In addition, the authorities support investing in agriculture by subsidizing loans, "said Daria Snobko, which is the Deputy Head of the Department of Strategic Development of Economic Forecasts of Gazprombank.

In 2020, the authorities tried not to simply not limit the work of agricultural companies against the pandemic background, but also to stimulate it. Even the absence of a proper amount of precipitation did not affect the grain yield. In total, about 133 million tons of Rye Rice Rice buckwheat and barley were obtained. A record was recorded in the fees and berries in the amount of 3 6 million tons.

Problems with agriculture in the west

In many European countries, the efficiency of harvesting depends on the workers who came from other countries. In particular, the assembly take migrants from Russia of Russia and other states. Due to the actual "lack of hands", the same Poland faced risk to lose up to 40% harvest.

Fast adaptation to realities on a pandemic background and crisis

In Russia, the increase is fixed not only in the agro-industrial complex but also in other industries of agriculture. In particular, the processing industry showed an increase in the indicators by about 3 5%. In fact, the Russian Federation has chances to become one of the largest importers of agricultural products in the world.

Daria Nonclotko noted that countries that faced problems related to food began to increase procurement that significantly affected the export of Russian products. Meat in large volumes began to buy even China which in 2018 reduced the livestock of livestock due to the African plague.

Manufacturers cannot fulfill the requirements of Rosselkhoznadzor

Managing Partner of Agro and Food Communications Ilya Bereznyuk noted that in recent years, Russian agriculture has developed so that "deserves applause." In the Russian Federation began to navigate almost the whole world market. If in 2005 self-sufficiency in meat in Russia amounted to about 60%, then last year increased to 97%.

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