Prevention and treatment of apple and pears


    Good afternoon, my reader. Very many plants (more than 150 species) can hurt a pair. Especially she "raging" on apple trees and pears.

    Prevention and treatment of apple and pears 11361_1
    Prevention and treatment of apple tree and pears Mary Verbilkova

    Diseases of apples. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Our reference! The apple tree is not amazing pear trees, and pears can not get a pair of apple trees. This is due to the fact that it is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms on different types of plants.

    Winter pathogens are carried out in fallen with infected plants foliage. Live in light and dry soil of neutral acidity. Actively begin to capture territories in spring and summer. Especially promotes the rapid infection with a pair of increased humidity (more than 70 percent).

    To see that the plant is affected by this disease, perhaps only in the late stage, when the fruits and leaves of trees are covered with olive-brown spots. In some cases, the tree infection and can lose the foliage and fruits at all.

    The passage also promotes plants to be damaged by other serious infectious diseases that can destroy trees.

    The text of the apple trees calls the Venturia Inaqualis sample fungus. Wambs in sheet or fruit opaque. Spores begin to spread with the growth of young shoots. Fresh leaflets are affected faster at the ends of the branches. First, their lower side is covered with an olive colors, which gradually darkens and is converted into stains.

    Prevention and treatment of apple and pears 11361_2
    Prevention and treatment of apple tree and pears Mary Verbilkova

    Diseases of apples. (Photo used by standard license ©

    By increasing, the stain is drowned and cracks, which allows you to penetrate the injections of the plants of pathogens of other diseases. Everything that is formed on the tree is a flowerwalk, ovary, leaves, shoots, fruits - over time is amazed with a pair, starts to dry and fall. Apples become unattractive, covered with dense hard stains, which can fill the entire surface of the apple. As a result, the apple tree loses most of the crop.

    If the pass is not treated, the bark will begin to crack, fall flowers, and do not ripe the fruits. The tree will grow slowly, and may also lose frost resistance.

    Passage treatment is carried out using at least three trees treatments by fungicides:

    1. 3% burgundy liquid - at the beginning of spring during the dissolution of the kidneys;
    2. 1% burgundy liquid or copper chlorokis - immediately after the end of flowering;
    3. After 14-21 days after the second processing ("Sort", "Khorus", "Hom", "Keeper", etc. are used.

    People's methods of treatment can also be applied: treated with the foliage and branches of the apple tree with a single-point infusion of garlic (200-300 g of garlic + 2 liters of hot water), which is filled with and diluted in 8 liters of cold water before use. In this solution, another 30 g of grazing household soap is added.

    The prophylactic measures against the paste include the following actions:

    • disembarking of this disease of the sorts of apples (abundant, authentic, sueslepskoe sustainable, cleanliness, imports, eddy free, Antonovka, Prima, Priscilla, Topaz, Gypsy, Strafling Lice, Chinese Arcade);
    • Placing an apple tree at a distance of each other;
    • systematic sanitary trimming;
    • elimination of possible foci of infection (OPEAD from leaves, fruits, buds, branches);
    • The use of fertilizers of a new generation containing silicon (Soflan PK, Optisil) will increase the immunity of plants.

    The causative agent of pears is another fungus - Venturia Pirina. Winter he spends on young shoots. And to hit the plants, as in the case of an apple tree, begins early in spring when the kidneys swell and bloom. Symptoms of the disease are first manifested in the form of greenish-brown spots with a bloom on the bottom of the sheet. Later, the defeat goes into flowers and fruits. And as well as with the scaffolding of the apple tree, the disease leads to sad consequences: loss of foliage, fading the strings, unbearable and minor pears, inflating the bark.

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    Prevention and treatment of apple tree and pears Mary Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Disputes of both types of paste are transferred to rain, wind, insects and birds for nearby trees, where they winter. And in the spring, they begin to the next turn of infection.

    Prevention plays an important role in preventing Parsh Parsh:

    • Growing a brush-resistant varieties of pears: Muratovskaya, Augustus Rosa, Nika, Rusanovskaya, Muscovite, January, Chizhovskaya, Redobokaya, Memory Yakovlev, Space;
    • Regular thinning of the crown of trees to improve its ventilation;
    • Purification of the Earth under the trees from fallen fruits and foliage, the foliage must be burned;
    • Pumping of the coil circles of trees, especially before in winter;
    • Applying a new generation fertilizer with silicon.

    With attentive attitude to plants and compulsory preventive measures, the likelihood of a pair of pars can be minimized. As the fastest trees are infected faster than all, plants need to be in time to feed and process from pests.

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