Articles #627

Golka MKK "Ryazan-Airborne" Danil Shaloyko: "For the season and I have, and the team goes one - the NMHL Cup"

Golka MKK "Ryazan-Airborne" Danil Shaloyko: "For the season and I have, and the team goes one - the NMHL Cup"
The last month of 2020 became for Golkaper "Ryazan-Airborne" Danil Shaloyko "rich" on the nomination: he was recognized as the best goalkeeper of...

Clean the coastal zone, get garbage from water. The Losshitz River will be landscaping this year

Clean the coastal zone, get garbage from water. The Losshitz River will be landscaping this year
The city river Loszitz will continue to clear this year, reports Minsk-News agency. "The Minsk City Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental...

What happened on the crypton, while everyone slept - a review of March 15

What happened on the crypton, while everyone slept - a review of March 15
Hackers hacked a hot roll platform wallet, Etheruuuy developers are looking for a compromise with miners, and Bitcoin is trying to fix it above $ 60,000...

What tree called the mother of the Russian people?

What tree called the mother of the Russian people?
S. Yu. Zhukovsky, Lipovaya Alley, 1931 Photo: artchive.ruIf a modern person ask what a tree is a national symbol of Russia, he will certainly speak...

Former head of the Fed expects bovine growth of bitcoins to continue

Former head of the Fed expects bovine growth of bitcoins to continue
In an interview with CNBC, the former head of the US Federal Reserve, the Governor Kevin Warsh confirms the growth of Bitcoin and predicts the continuation...

Movie's chapels: 5 excellent films about brilliant rogues

Movie's chapels: 5 excellent films about brilliant rogues
Swimming chains: 5 excellent movies about brilliant zhulikov Dmitry EskinAgility of hands and a lot of fraud. Time Out offers a list of 5 best movie...

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above

7 designer techniques so that the ceilings in the living room seemed above
Each resident of typical "panel" knows what to have a low ceiling in his apartment. The minimum height in the residential room is 2.4 meters. But this...

Cars with Jan Coomans: Macan Highlands Experience

Cars with Jan Coomans: Macan Highlands Experience
There Are Times, Such As During A Global Pandemic, That Russia's Size Certainly Comes in Handy. Test Drives in Distant Countries Are out of the Question...

Celebrities that masterfully hid a pregnancy

Celebrities that masterfully hid a pregnancy
Public identities in Russia and in the world are accustomed to being under the sight of the TV game around the clock and year-round. But when it comes...

What you need for the development and training of memory in children of preschool age: games, gymnastics, exercises

What you need for the development and training of memory in children of preschool age: games, gymnastics, exercises
According to various studies, the human brain has such a feature due to which it perfectly adapts to the environment. In other words, it is neuroplasticity....

GAI: Diagnostic station returns to the familiar schedule, the excitement slept

GAI: Diagnostic station returns to the familiar schedule, the excitement slept
From the very first days of the new, 2021, the year at diagnostic stations across Belarus was observed an excitement. Inspection hurried to make those...

"We have not come out of the past crisis": Expert MSU Natalia Zubarevich showed the economy of the Oryol region in a pandemic to her

"We have not come out of the past crisis": Expert MSU Natalia Zubarevich showed the economy of the Oryol region in a pandemic to her
On the air of the "First Regional TV channel", Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State...

Housing Saamov from Economy to Laksher

Housing Saamov from Economy to Laksher
The traditional dwelling of the Saami can safely put in the top of ecology, minimalistness, and economy. To build an authentic Saham house, which is called...

Hackers published secret data on the European vaccine from COVID-19

Hackers published secret data on the European vaccine from COVID-19
The European Medicinal Agency reported on January 13, that information about Vaccines against COVID-19 was stolen by hackers in December 2020. The...